Group 7-day waking average?


4.6 this morning, managed to fit everything in i wanted to do yesterday, craft fair wasn’t as big as advertised, so we were there looked round, hubby bought something, I ordered some wax melts as I wanted to smell them before ordering And home again in an hour. Need to redo the top of my apple and blackberry pie, the Christmas trees came out an awful colour when baked (that didn’t happen when they colour pastry on the bake off) anyway I have enough pastry to just do a new top in my lunch break. I sat down to watch the Strictly results show, then cooked dinner, did vacuuming and dusting while dinner was cooking, put the Grand Prix on at 9pm having avoided finding out anything about the race all day, mind you I was too busy to look at news or Facebook. Today is Bakeclub so need to sort out my salmon and vegetables to take for me to eat.

@eggyg - so sorry to hear how bad your back pain is, hope you can get an appointment today,
Good mmorning from Boris and me. After a solid six odd hours woke to a HS! 🙂 Boris says the house needs some dusty corners so he can work on his web skills but don't forget Section M of the Building Regulations regarding Disability Access.

Was very, very down yesterday afternoon as I had a daytime bout of phantom pain after being woken by it most nights last week. Added to the fact I can't go out for a walk and the state of the pavements (more like tracks) is so bad I can't go round the block I was, and still am, seriously pee'd off! :(

Continuous cloud cover outside varying from white to dark grey!

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Morning all - 11.1 this morning. Today is insulin day and I know I'll be nervous this evening. @eggyg sending so many healing thoughts up the road to you. I really hope you get seen today and that you feel much more comfortable xxx
Well done @MikeyBikey on the HS. It was a 6.2 for me this morning after a very disturbed sleep. 🙄

5.6 on a rather wet and miserable Berkshire morning, although it's beginning to brighten up. Not been sleeping well of late and have been waking up with a neck ache, so on Friday I got myself a new pillow. Result - have slept well for 3 nights in a row and no neck ache. Sometimes the simplest of changes.

Had a worthwhile Xmas shopping trip to nearby Camberley yesterday but have to go back there this morning. My wife bought herself a jumper and when we were leaving the store the alarm went off. We stopped and looked across at the security guard but he just shrugged and gave us a rather dismissive wave through, then when we got home we found the jumper had a damn security tag on it. We'd used a self-checkout and hadn't noticed. Taking it back to the store later to get it removed. Some security.

Our eldest's futsal team lost their match yesterday and to be honest it was the worst I'd seen them play. They got promoted to Tier 1 after winning their division last season and are finding the step up challenging, despite starting the season well with 3 wins and a draw. Back down to earth now. Six players out injured isn't helping.

@MikeyBikey congratulations on your HS today. @eggyg hope you get yourself sorted. Sounds awful.

Have a good start to the week, everyone.
And I’m in! 12pm. Not my usual person but I’m just glad I can see someone. Much relief, but I’ll have to drive myself as Zara is here, it’s not our Monday but I asked other grandparents if they’d swap and do our Friday this week. Typical. It’s only 10 minutes away so I think I’ll manage. I’ll let you know craic later.
@MikeyBikey congratulations on your HS. I’ve plenty of cobwebs for Boris.
@zippyjojo good luck. How many units have they advised?
7.9 when I first woke up. Jabbed 4 units Fiasp plus the new 26u of Levemir and went back to sleep and woke up the next time on 4.4 with the Libre alarm going off. 1 JB and a cup of coffee and I am now 7.2 and heading up. I guess I should have made it 28u of Levemir. 🙄 I have used up the 2 packets of Beecham's I got on Friday already so now onto plain paracetamol and they don't work nearly as effectively, but don't want to go into the village shop when I am like this. Might ask Ian if he can get some for me.

@MikeyBikey So pleased you got some good sleep and great result with the House Special. Congrats!

@eggyg So pleased you have an appointment. Hope you manage to get there safely and they can straighten you out.

@zippyjojo Good luck with the insulin. You will soon get into the swing of it and it will become second nature.
Morning all - high cloud with small patches of blue and little breeze. It's been vile all night though!

6.2 when I woke. Had a nasty spike up to 12 after the Szechuan prawns & noodles. Didn't bolus ahead enough.

I've made roasted red pepper and tomato soup for lunch. Got 2 friends coming for supper tonight. Smoked salmon, venison stew, twice baked potatoes, sprouts and runner beans. Making apple and blackberry pudding for dessert, which is a low carb sponge using ground almonds. One guest is lactose-intolerant so have got some lactose free ice cream to go on it for her. The rest of us can have ordinary ice-cream, cream or creme fraiche.

Congratulations to @MikeyBikey on your HS. Hope it's the start of good things! Keep your chin up mate!

Hugs @eggyg I sincerely hope the osteo can sort things out for you. Specially with such a busy week ahead for you.

@Grannylorraine good luck with your pastry. Bake club sounds like fun. I used to belong to a cookery club that met once a month and that was fun, but the "leader" was a bit bossy and people drifted away.

Have a good day all!
Morning all

After a decent night's sleep, I woke this morning to a 6.1 and sunshine for a change.

Have a good day all and stay safe...
Hi everyone! 5'6 today.

Today I'm finally working on Project Overbed, that I've been putting off for ages. For a bit of context, when I moved to this room there was a bunk bed plus a single bed. I took the mattress off the top of the bunk bed and used that space for storage. Over time I've been dumping more and more stuff there until it became a hot mess.

So Project Overbed consist on checking what is up there, getting rid of what I don't want anymore and tidy up the rest so is easier to find and doesn't make me feel bad to look there :D

So far I've emptied that space, cleaned it and put aside what is for recycling or donating. Now I'm at the state where the mess is scattered all over the room and have to figure out how to put things back on top of the bed!

I will also need to buy a couple folders for the papers and cards I do want to keep. I found some diabetes related stuff, including a lot of questions I had at diagnosis, and some reminders of a time where my mind was in a darker place. That piece of paper with a number the GP gave me "in case you feel suicidal"... Grateful I never had to call and all got better with time.
And I’m in! 12pm. Not my usual person but I’m just glad I can see someone. Much relief, but I’ll have to drive myself as Zara is here, it’s not our Monday but I asked other grandparents if they’d swap and do our Friday this week. Typical. It’s only 10 minutes away so I think I’ll manage. I’ll let you know craic later.
@MikeyBikey congratulations on your HS. I’ve plenty of cobwebs for Boris.
@zippyjojo good luck. How many units have they advised?
Hope your session went well. I was actually about to post on here because I have a question. I'm starting on 10 units of Lantus which I will be taking (do you say taking or using or giving myself?) at 10pm. If my bedtime BG is <8 mol I've to eat a slow acting carb snack (I can't imagine that ever happening as we eat quite late (8-9pm). It then says that if I'm planning a physical activity after 4pm to reduce the Lantus by 30-40%. When I had my appointment and the consultant explained that it sounded as if I would do that if I HAD done physical activity after 4pm but on reading this is looks like if I'm planning it so presumably that means for the next day, and I never really know what I'm going to be doing the next day. The Nurse & Doctor at my surgery also seemed to think it should be relating to what I might be doing the next day - HELP!
Hope your session went well. I was actually about to post on here because I have a question. I'm starting on 10 units of Lantus which I will be taking (do you say taking or using or giving myself?) at 10pm. If my bedtime BG is <8 mol I've to eat a slow acting carb snack (I can't imagine that ever happening as we eat quite late (8-9pm). It then says that if I'm planning a physical activity after 4pm to reduce the Lantus by 30-40%. When I had my appointment and the consultant explained that it sounded as if I would do that if I HAD done physical activity after 4pm but on reading this is looks like if I'm planning it so presumably that means for the next day, and I never really know what I'm going to be doing the next day. The Nurse & Doctor at my surgery also seemed to think it should be relating to what I might be doing the next day - HELP!
My understanding of the situation is that if you exercise that day, particularly after 4pm, then reduce your evening dose that night because your muscles will suck the glucose out of your blood whilst you sleep to replenish their stores. You can easily top up with carbs whilst you are exercising if you have too much basal on board, but if you are asleep when you drop low, that means waking up to eat JBs in the middle of the night which isn't ideal. Exercise will affect your levels for up to 48 hours afterwards, so if you exercise consecutive days you may need to reduce the basal dose a bit more the second night, but really it is all trial and improvement and finding out how your particular body responds. It is always best to err on the side of caution.
Keep hypo treatments and testing kit by the bed as well as other places easily to hand in the house. I keep some in the bathroom because a hot shower or bath after exercise can drop your levels quite fast and you really don't want to be wandering around dripping water everywhere and feeling wobbly whilst you find some hypo treatment and definitely not negotiating the stairs when hypo. Also important to have something in all your coat pockets and bags, particularly your walking or gardening gear.
My understanding of the situation is that if you exercise that day, particularly after 4pm, then reduce your evening dose that night because your muscles will suck the glucose out of your blood whilst you sleep to replenish their stores. You can easily top up with carbs whilst you are exercising if you have too much basal on board, but if you are asleep when you drop low, that means waking up to eat JBs in the middle of the night which isn't ideal. Exercise will affect your levels for up to 48 hours afterwards, so if you exercise consecutive days you may need to reduce the basal dose a bit more the second night, but really it is all trial and improvement and finding out how your particular body responds. It is always best to err on the side of caution.
Keep hypo treatments and testing kit by the bed as well as other places easily to hand in the house. I keep some in the bathroom because a hot shower or bath after exercise can drop your levels quite fast and you really don't want to be wandering around dripping water everywhere and feeling wobbly whilst you find some hypo treatment and definitely not negotiating the stairs when hypo. Also important to have something in all your coat pockets and bags, particularly your walking or gardening gear.
Thanks so much Barbara. And when you say hypo treatment, do you literally mean jelly babies? I've got some glucogel which came via my prescription (I bet it's foul is it?).
Thanks so much Barbara. And when you say hypo treatment, do you literally mean jelly babies? I've got some glucogel which came via my prescription (I bet it's foul is it?).
I mostly use jelly babies because I like the fact that they are about 5g carbs each so I can vary how many I take according to what my levels are doing. I have Glucogel on my repeat prescription but have never ordered it so can't tell you what it tastes like. I do have some Lift glucose tablets which come in a tube and I have also used Dextrose tablets, but I just have a really good working relationship with my little jelly hypo heros and I know how many I need in any given situation.... very rarely the full 3 that would be the recommended 15g carbs, usually just 1 or 2, but you should start with 15g until you learn what works best for you. Oddly, I am never tempted to eat my little hypo heros when I don't need them, whereas I have tried other sweets and I can't be disciplined with them. I imagine that is the benefit if glucogel that you are not likely to use it other than in an emergency, especially if it tastes naff!

Decided that I would do a lateral flow test this afternoon (must be feeling better because I couldn't be bothered before especially as my test kit is just out of date, so thought it might be a wasted effort) and to be honest I fully expected it to be negative, but I got 2 clear pink lines within a minute of starting the test and 2 very dark red lines after 15 mins, so looks like it really is the lurgy! Explains why I have felt so rough! Just surprised that I got it when I hardly mix with people, but then, even if it was just a cold, I clearly got that from someone just the same.