Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks Carol, I’m currently sitting with a bag of frozen peas on my back. I’m in agony and absolutely fed up. I haven’t got time for a bad back., :(
Hope you’re well. Xx
@eggyg Have you tried a TENS machine? You can buy them in Boots and they’re very useful for back pain as well as labour pain. Hope it eases off soon xxx
Thanks for all your good wishes re my back. @rebrascora my first thought at the beginning of the week was bowel related as was just a dull but annoying ache. Then on Thursday evening it hit me like a ton of bricks, couldn’t straighten up, pain in hip into thigh was excruciating, thought it was sciatica. Friday morning in the other leg, still went for a walk to the park. Hobbled all the way, usually if it’s sciatica it’s only in one leg and I can walk through it. Not this time. That’s when I wondered if it was my sacrum again, already had it realigned twice. I had a freak accident four years ago and damaged my pelvis, ( left side) soft tissue damage, I had the biggest haematona known to man! The osteopath reckons that’s the culprit. My left side is much higher than my right, he did acupuncture the first visit to loosen it, then a week later he realigned it and gave me a good pummelling. It’s been mostly ok since then. I hope I can get in tomorrow to at least start some treatment as we’re off on a walking holiday on the 1st December.
@Pattidevans i have something similar but it’s a wine bottle cooler! In the freezer as we speak.
@zippyjojo I have got a TENS machine, I find it difficult to just get the right “pace”, it’s a weird sensation! But I’ll dust it off and give it another go. Believe me over the years I’ve tried just about everything. I even ventured into a Chinese health shop once and bought some pine oil. It didn’t make any difference but I did smell very Christmassy! :rofl:
PS I’ve had a nice hot shower, iced my back and now have a good old hot water bottle on my sore bits.
@eggyg cant beat a hot water bottle. We went out for a big old walk earlier with our friends and dogs. I decided to walk around a particularly wet bit and went a*se over t*T in the bog and water only 10 minutes into a two hour walk weird with my numb abdomen when something like that happens but feeling it a bit now. New high scorer on my Libre - watermelon 😱IMG_7157.jpeg
@eggyg cant beat a hot water bottle. We went out for a big old walk earlier with our friends and dogs. I decided to walk around a particularly wet bit and went a*se over t*T in the bog and water only 10 minutes into a two hour walk weird with my numb abdomen when something like that happens but feeling it a bit now. New high scorer on my Libre - watermelon 😱View attachment 28257
I fall a lot when I’m out and nearly always in water and/or mud. (Apparently, I’m a liability! ) And usually when we’re about half way so have as far to walk again! Squelch, squelch, squelch! :rofl:
My stomach is just starting to get all the feeling back after almost 16 years! Just the bit round the belly button is still dead. At least if you inject in your tummy you won’t feel anything! Win win!
Good morning everyone 7.7 today. Resting today so I'm ready to go to London for what will hopefully be a routine Moorfields retinal appointment after an urgent optician referral. Need to get the appointment out of the way to then celebrate M's birthday. I have a habit of having medical appointments on his birthday.

Good luck with that. .I had an ophthalmology appointment just over three weeks ago that became quite muddled (visual acuity via pinholes 20 minutes after drops). Anyway I was told they would have me back in a week. In the way of these things it is this coming week after 4 weeks and a day!
Not really slept probably but I was kind of half asleep at times and seemed to be dreaming werid. anyway I'm 7 now.🙂
Good morning - 6.5

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 5.8.

Still in pain. Did improve as yesterday went on, but I wouldn’t have been up to climbing Skiddaw ( other fells are available) or even go disco dancing! Was just a bit more mobile. Took paracetamol and ibuprofen before bed. Took a while to get comfy but did eventually sleep to 4.30, got up for the loo, I couldn’t feel a thing. I’m cured, I thought. Slept on and off until 5.45, decided to get up at 5.55. As I walked down the stairs the aching started, right hip first, by 6.10 I was in agony. I’d got my bread out of the freezer for brekkie, did my two injections and opened the curtains in the living room. I then put the kettle on to make a hot water bottle and got the frozen peas out, now almost crying with the pain. Two paracetamols taken, I can’t take ibuprofen on an empty stomach will take two with my breakfast. Currently sitting down icing my lower back and pain has subsided. It’s obviously the pressure of walking about that’s aggravating it. Can you all cross your fingers and toes for me please that I can get into see the osteopath today. I’ve six guests coming for dinner on Saturday, I need to cook and clean. TBF Mr Eggy can clean. Next week I’m out three times for lunch/ dinner and have to get packed for our holiday on the Friday. And of course there’s the small matter of Christmas. Grrr! I’m the most impatient patient ever.

Have a Happy Monday all.
Good morning Monday 6.1 today
7 Yesterday & didn’t test on Saturday morning

a good friend popped round and changed the LNB on satellite dish yesterday
and my sister visited as she was driving past yesterday.

for me today a busy day of medical appointments, with work sandwiched in-between, I’m having stitches (in my back) removed this morning, then eye appointment at (DMO clinic @ hospita)
late this afternoon, that appointment was rescheduled from last Monday.

Have great day all 😎
Good morning. A totally undeserved 6.8. I was extra abstemious yesterday and, despite weather, managed to fit in some digging so was expecting a nice low 5 - no justice.

Chimney sweep coming today so shall be plying the Hoover around the place. Need to attack the laundry. Also need to clean fridge-freezer as have eaten it empty. Tomorrow will be a bit busy - hospital followed by major food shop followed, if forecast is right, by a bit more digging - only 1.7m to go on the return wall footings. I couldn't dig them out until I knew how big the area of spread soil needed to be. Happily it has worked out as planned (i.e. hoped for).

Wishing everyone a tolerable Monday.
@eggyg Fingers crossed. If he can’t squeeze you in then I can come up and see if I can twist you into a pretzel shape.

Not that it’ll help but the added pain it’ll cause might be a distraction!
8.4 this morning.
Seems my morning numbers are trending up a bit. I’m sure it’ll trend down again soon.
During the day they seem to be fine but there’s been some odd overnight numbers. Probably to do with sleep issues rather than food. Especially as there’s no way the odd mince pie has launched a sneak attack at random times of the evening…
Morning all. 6.2.

@eggyg so sorry to read you are still in pain. I'm keeping everything crossed you get an appointment today. Take care. Big, gentle ((HUGS)).
Good morning everyone

BG 5.7

Just spent the last hour (at 6am) mending a hand microphone power supply for the church. Not a tough job. A bit fiddy. Made nigh on impossible with my eye sight now. Sigh. BUT got it done!!! I used to be able to solder the finest wires easily. Sigh.

Today, fit and test the power supply, some keyboard practice, rest ?

Have a great day today whatever you are doing