Group 7-day waking average?

5.3 today, knit and natter and baking is the plan for toda.

@Kaylz - sorry to hear mum has been in hospital, pleased to hear she is home now. Really hoping that your house gets fixed on Monday as you have been saying about water coming every time it rains for months now. Hope everything else is good for you & Bruce.
5.5 for me on another wet and gloomy Berkshire morning, although most of the rain seems to have cleared away now. My wife says it was hammering down when she went to the bathroom just after daybreak.

We're heading for nearby Bracknell later to browse the shops, looking for ideas for Xmas. It was a toss-up between there and Camberley. Latter is tempting because it's mostly under cover but M&S and Next are out of town alongside Tesco, whereas in Bracknell they're yards apart.

Couldn't help but smile when I went to LIDL yesterday. Saw a smartly-dressed lady leave the store with a full trolley, with everything packed in Waitrose bags. Can't have the neighbours thinking I shop at LIDL..??

If anyone has TNT Sports you can watch our eldest's futsal team, Maidenhead Utd, live on TNT Sports3 tomorrow at 1 o'clock. TNT Sports covers the FA National Futsal Series Tier 1 matches. He wears the #31 shirt.

Hope the weather doesn't spoil anyone's plans for the day.
6.9 this morning. Gastroparesis has been bad for the last few weeks - so nauseous and only managing to eat a small lunch (e.g. two crackers) and a small dinner now - nothing else. Not much else I can do apart from moving onto pureed food - yuck!!! I'm still smiling 🙂
Morning everyone

A higher than normal 8.0 for me today, to much chocolate before bed last night I guess.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Good morning! 4'6 today. I guess result of sleeping longer and having a low carb dinner (konjac noodles with tofu, frozen peas and Asian seasonings). It didn't even show in the graph!

Back to the conversation about our mother's meals, now that I live on my own I understand the mental load of deciding what to eat every single day. We used to laugh when we were in the middle of a meal and mum was asking what we want to eat in the next one. Must be tiring doing the planning on top of shopping and cooking for 4 people. She still ask for meal ideas before I travel there, these days I try to be more helpful...

I had a very good time in London with my relatives. It was a "Big Monuments" type of tourism instead of my usual "Wandering Around" type of tourism. I'm glad I got to see places I hadn't yet (Tower of London, the interiors of Westminster Abbey...), and even better for the company. We did most of what I had planned and also went to Greenwich, which was a last moment idea and in our opinion, worth it! 🙂
Morning all - grey and misty today. Fog horn going off earlier.

5.5 when I woke.

Lunch with my friend in town yesterday was dire. We went to a cafe over a health food shop that we haven't been to for a long time as it has been closed. It's now reopened just on Fridays and Saturdays. The vegetarian/vegan food was always delicious. It's changed! Disastrously so. Menus are on chalk boards and you order at the counter. We both decided on pea, mint and watercress soup with bread at £8. No, they had no fruit teas, just green, English breakfast or rooibos. The assistant wouldn't let me see the carb count on a bottle of Elderflower from the chiller. Well then, we'd both like sparkling water. No bottled water - the tap is over there, help yourselves. The soup was utterly dire, it hadn't been blended at all and was the consistency of porridge with pea skins that got in your teeth (as though they'd mashed it with a potato masher rather than blended it). The rustic bread was er.... so rustic that you could do serious dental damage. The girl on the coffee machine constantly banged the coffee grounds out so hard and loud we could barely hear each other speak. Ugh... we should have sent the food back, but we struggled through it and went somewhere else for coffee. I'd bolussed for 40g carb for the soup and bread - god knows what was in it as when I scanned my Libre in the other coffee shop I was 20.6!! Tested with the meter in the upper 18s! Did a correction and thankfully was back in the 6s by dinner time. Not going there again!

We're off to meet friends in town this afternoon and then back home for stir fried Szechuan prawns, veggies and Chinese egg noodles.

@Kaylz, good to see you back. Keeping everything crossed that they will finally fix your roof on Monday. Hope your Mum recovers quickly.

Hugs to @eggyg and @AJLang hope you both feel better soon.

@Elenka_HM the food you describe sounds lovely. We had lots of rustic "stew type" things in Granada in the old town. Mostly little bowls brought free when you ordered a drink. Glad you enjoyed your visit to London.

Have a good day all.
Morning all - grey and misty today. Fog horn going off earlier.

5.5 when I woke.

Lunch with my friend in town yesterday was dire. We went to a cafe over a health food shop that we haven't been to for a long time as it has been closed. It's now reopened just on Fridays and Saturdays. The vegetarian/vegan food was always delicious. It's changed! Disastrously so. Menus are on chalk boards and you order at the counter. We both decided on pea, mint and watercress soup with bread at £8. No, they had no fruit teas, just green, English breakfast or rooibos. The assistant wouldn't let me see the carb count on a bottle of Elderflower from the chiller. Well then, we'd both like sparkling water. No bottled water - the tap is over there, help yourselves. The soup was utterly dire, it hadn't been blended at all and was the consistency of porridge with pea skins that got in your teeth (as though they'd mashed it with a potato masher rather than blended it). The rustic bread was er.... so rustic that you could do serious dental damage. The girl on the coffee machine constantly banged the coffee grounds out so hard and loud we could barely hear each other speak. Ugh... we should have sent the food back, but we struggled through it and went somewhere else for coffee. I'd bolussed for 40g carb for the soup and bread - god knows what was in it as when I scanned my Libre in the other coffee shop I was 20.6!! Tested with the meter in the upper 18s! Did a correction and thankfully was back in the 6s by dinner time. Not going there again!

We're off to meet friends in town this afternoon and then back home for stir fried Szechuan prawns, veggies and Chinese egg noodles.

@Kaylz, good to see you back. Keeping everything crossed that they will finally fix your roof on Monday. Hope your Mum recovers quickly.

Hugs to @eggyg and @AJLang hope you both feel better soon.

@Elenka_HM the food you describe sounds lovely. We had lots of rustic "stew type" things in Granada in the old town. Mostly little bowls brought free when you ordered a drink. Glad you enjoyed your visit to London.

Have a good day all.
Thank you @Pattidevans
Bit late to say Good Morning - 11.2 today which I was actually quite surprised about as had our supper party last night and I did have a small bit of apple crumble. I did a nice roasted mix of BNS, sweet potato, beetroot & feta so maybe that was lower because I possibly didn't have much of the BNS & SP chunks. I'm meant to be out gardening but it's raining so I keep being distracted by things. I've spent the last ½ an hour trying to get ridiculously sticky glue left by a label of the leather (faux leather) sheath of my Hori Hori knife - ended up abandoning the idea and instead stuck a patch of repair fabric over the entire thing - much better now as I'm not sticking to it. Rescued a poor little bird that flew into our kitchen window earlier - it sat where I put it for ages but I've just noticed it's gone so hopefully flown away rather than being picked up by a bigger bird 😳. My insulin arrived as eventually promised yesterday so I'll be using that for the first time on Monday evening and just hope I remember what to do - I've been shown twice now but it's hard when you don't immediately put it into practice. Have a good day everyone x
Good morning it was 5.7 when I now saying 7.6. I woke up in middle of night with my high alerm going off at 16.9 and having been there had to delay first alert on I could probably do with turning off at night. I think it was a mixture of have quite a few jellybeans in the evening and still slightly less levimer then before because of the hypo the other night(even though that was a one off I was remembering what they said in danfee) a 2 unit correction bought it down to the 5s though and ended up some more jelly beans). On and had gone low in day. I think my warning signs could be better some times I'm going to try and mettion that at my next appointment.

Weekly time In range is 81% is saying 4% very high though. And the last 3 days it says 7% percent very high but as it's only 3 days that doesn't tell you much so probably not worth taking that much notice of. Probably don't really need the 3 day reports

Anyway have a good day 🙂
7.4 been (kept) awake by noisy neighbours almost all night. They finally shut up an hour ago.
Thing was it wasn’t loud loud but was just loud enough to be really annoying. One of the joys of living in London I guess.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1
Everything else ok

I had a dreadful embarrassing dream/nightmare about an old girlfried from 40 years ago!!! I never really got over her, after all she was my first true love!!! Scary what the brain does sometimes.

Watched a Lara Croft film last night. Not one with Angela Jolie but a new one (to me) with Alicia Vikander. I really enjoyed it. No idea why but it seemed to be better. Less effects? More story?

I was looking at my computer this morning and couldn't understand why nothing was in focus. Scary. Eyes playing up? No, a lens had fallen out!!! Why did that worry me because the probability would be that my wife (when she found out) would immediately believe that intruders had been in the house and had stolen it. Rabbit hole opened...The rest of the day would most likely be unpleasant, upsetting and difficult. That's paranoia for you. Thankfully I found the lens so I just need to mend the glasses.

Today church, rest, sorting out chords for my wife.

@ColinUK Try wax ear plugs. I have had to wear some every night since I got married as my wife snores like a trouper!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all - at least I think it's the morning even though it's still pitch black outside (and windy & rainy). 11.6 this morning. I found yesterday from having my Libre 2 that gardening is very good at bringing my BG down (I'm doing quite manual stuff at the moment) and that malt loaf is very good at shooting it back up again. I've only got 5 days left with this which is a shame, particularly as I've had to wait for my insulin. Hopefully the nurse will give me a second and then I will probably be tempted to self fund even though it's so expensive but the free trial is an obvious trap to lure you in. We've got two families coming over today for a wild walk and then a bring & share lunch. I'm making some soup BNS & SP soup and sausages and they're bringing the rest - they're our local friends (Caldbeck & Keswick) that we already knew before we moved up here which is lovely. Have a great day everyone x

5.1 today, off for a walk with my friends, decorating a cake for a friend and making an apple and blackberry pie for Bakeclub tomorrow, decorated with Christmas trees (not real ones before anyone asks), instead of usual lattice effect. It is our last Bakeclub of the year so essentially our Christmas one, I decided to go for autumnal for the bake, but make it Christmassy as well.

also hoping to go to a craft fair on nearby if I get on well with the other bits and watch the Grand Prix later on catch up.
Morning all, 5.8 here. Nearly did a correction at midnight when Libre said I was 9.5 and rising, and I thought oops, the custard tart is carrying on giving. Good job I dozed off again, half an hour later I was 7.8 and falling, and continued downwards until I was in the 4s at 4am as usual.