Group 7-day waking average?

You mean you didn't hold the slice of bread on the end of a toasting fork over the coal fire and prayed it wouldn't fall off.
We did when at my gran's as she lived in a little terraced cottage in Lincolnshire, with no electricity or gas.
@silentsquirrel @Pattidevans @freesia @Bloden

Thank you for thinking of us guys! Thankfully we are now at the top of the town but Bruce's old flat was in one of the streets that was evacuated, we did have a lot of water come in though, the 14th hit the 4 month of water coming in every time it rains but we may have it sorted on Monday

Sorry I didn't check in, I didn't get any notifications and I intended to come on this week but it's been a tough week, it was my birthday on Wednesday but sadly my mum was taken into hospital that day so it's been a case of worrying about her rather than doing anything else xxxx
Sorry to hear things haven’t been great @Kaylz. I hope you’re mum’s better asap.

A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 🙂
Thank you lovely, she got home yesterday but she's not allowed to do too much so Bruce got her shopping and things today xxxx
Just off to bed - supper party with neighbours went really well. One brought a berry foam for pudding which was very thoughtful as diabetic friendly (ish). She’s a practice nurse and knows about my D. I declined the After Eights that were going round 🙂
At this point my morning reading is irrelevant. I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading this conversation about mum's food and the different weekly menus people used to have. I love my mum's food, her and both of my grandmas are good at cooking. Growing up we didn't have a regular weekly meal schedule but there was a selection of recipes that we would have often. I'd say the most traditional were meals slow cooked in a pot, stew type of things. Many of those included chicken in some form. Lentils with chorizo was a classic one. My favourite to this day is Cocido (meaning cooked/boiled) which is a tasty mix of chickpeas, veg, chorizo, meat... The rule is to make extra and use the diverse leftover components in other recipes. The broth is heavenly and we had it as a light noodle soup. Not to be mistaken for Hervido, which you can also literally translate as "boiled" but is plain boiled green beans, potato and carrots. We used to have this with boiled eggs or tinned tuna and some mayo. It was my least favourite as a child, I thought it was very boring, but I appreciate it more this days. Still not the most exciting food but taste familiar and is easy enough for me to make :D

@eggyg and @Pattidevans every time you mention something you are cooking it sounds delicious. Is kind of encouraging reading about your "first steps" in the kitchen, gives me hope I can get better over time. Not cooking for my man for now tho, as he is sooo fussy... need to find a different motivation! 😉
Good morning 🙂 2.9 for me today 😱 Err, I'll read that again with a fingerprick....7.2 for me this morning 🙂 Sensor totally failed overnight for no apparent reason, been on for 5 days working fine, not loose or anything. I even got a 'LO' during the night, which is something I have never seen on any device in 15+ years 😱 :( So annoying and, of course, muchs up my sensor stats with lots of 'ghost' hypos :(
Good morning 🙂 2.9 for me today 😱 Err, I'll read that again with a fingerprick....7.2 for me this morning 🙂 Sensor totally failed overnight for no apparent reason, been on for 5 days working fine, not loose or anything. I even got a 'LO' during the night, which is something I have never seen on any device in 15+ years 😱 :( So annoying and, of course, muchs up my sensor stats with lots of 'ghost' hypos :(

My second ever sensor failed after 5 days when Iwas having a check in Ophthalmology . Quite a few have stopped working with one or two days to go. One endocrinologist suggested now I have Libre I could switch from Porcine to Humanoid insulin as I only get hypo warnings on Porcine or Bovine (no longer available in UK so not sure what anti-pork religious communities do in my situation?). I said "No way" as when they tried swapping I was 1.8 and no symptoms!
Good morning. 6.3.

Been awake for a while, back aching. Bothered me all day yesterday. Not sure if it’s my bowel problems or my ongoing pelvis problems. Whatever it is, it’s painful. I might try and get an appointment for my osteopath on Monday. I might possibly need my sacrum re-aligned, it’s two years since I last had it done and my coccyx has been hurting these last few weeks, that’s usually a sign it’s out of kilter. Oh joy, it’s not the most pleasant procedure and can often leave me worse before it’s better and I have two hectic weeks ahead and then a week’s, supposedly walking, holiday after that. I don’t have time to have a bad back!

Well, that’s enough of my whinging. Have a super Saturday, the rain’s back here, yesterday was a beautiful autumnal day but now back to the wet stuff. Not cold though, should be thankful for small mercies. 🙂
@silentsquirrel @Pattidevans @freesia @Bloden

Thank you for thinking of us guys! Thankfully we are now at the top of the town but Bruce's old flat was in one of the streets that was evacuated, we did have a lot of water come in though, the 14th hit the 4 month of water coming in every time it rains but we may have it sorted on Monday

Sorry I didn't check in, I didn't get any notifications and I intended to come on this week but it's been a tough week, it was my birthday on Wednesday but sadly my mum was taken into hospital that day so it's been a case of worrying about her rather than doing anything else xxxx
Belated Happy birthday! Sorry to here you have been going through it, hope things get sorted. Hope your Mum is on the mend. Take care, Sending cyber hugs!
Morning folks. 🙂 7.0 for me.

We need a <drool> emoji! Yes please @Elenka_HM - that’s my favourite type of Spanish food. There’s a little bar tucked away down a side street in Vegadeo, Asturias (if you’re passing) that does the best “stew-type things”. We went there every week in the summer, even tho it was 30+ degrees. You can’t beat a bowl of lentils and chorizo on a hot summer’s day LOL. o_O😎

Sadwrn Siarad (Welsh class) all day today. Best get a move on - Gwennie needs her walk and I need to print off today’s worksheets. Twdlw / toodle-oo!
It was 6.5(6.2 now) I actually are ate alot of glucose tablets despite reduceing my background after work. I actually ate alot of jellybaibes at work yesterday afternoon managed to avoid going below 4 but that's only because i was eating jellybaibes I probably could have done with having slower acting carbs with me. Next tme I'm differntlly working I'll remember to reduce my morning livermer as well

There's a chance I might be working today but I don't know so I'm just going to have to take my usual background and managed.
Good morning everyone

BG another 5.4 ! (That's three in a row)

Had a good time yesterday sorting out the church's sound system wiring. Parts of it were a bit of a mess. Found two fire hazards. One dangerous the other 'potentially dangerous'. All sorted and much neater too. I also sorted out their Microphone drawer/cupboard. It needed it badly. I am trying to educate the other 'sound' people to care about the equipment. It's an uphill struggle!!! Why don't they seem to care?

Today, back at the church sorting out a few final bits and setting up for tomorrows service. It will be a larger group playing and singing.

I have a million million chord sheets to create for my wife, a very boring task, but it will help her right now. She cannot read normal chord books and remember what the chords are, so I am making song specific sheets for her.

Tonight M&S cod in beer batter. Two huge portions for just under £6. Great value for money. Great taste/texture too. Tomorrow I make the 4 day beef stew (not cook time! But it will last 4 days for 2 people). Really tasty, just takes ages to prepare and to cook. Well worth it tho.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing. And, it's stopped raining!!! Yessss.
Morning all, 7.1 here.
It’s rained all night…again. Had a lovely hack out in the sunshine yesterday afternoon, though the bridle path that goes across a couple of fields was ankle deep in mud.(I should say fetlock deep, as it wasn’t my feet that was having to cope with it)
Good morning. 5.9

Despite the forecast yesterday was mostly dry. Put in a couple of hours levelling the soil pile behind the partially built wall. Took it very gently having had to spend most of the day before lying down. I think it is going to look quite good once it is planted up.

Nice to see @Kaylz back with us and above the floods. Happy belated birthday - hope Mum doing well.

Have a nice weekend everyone.
A 5.1 for me today. 🙂
Good to hear from you @Kaylz A belated Happy Birthday to you. Hope your mum is doing OK.
