Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 7.9.

Second to last mock today - Spanish writing. I’ve got Spanish speaking back during normal lessons next week.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning all, Friday again! 7.2 and another highish night after another rollercoaster day yesterday. Definitely stomach related, still not sorted out although I feel ok on the whole, lower back ache but not nauseous which is a bonus! I’m just having to ride it out.

Got my Christmas shopping started and got one birthday present bought plus cards. Feel quite smug. I’ll probably won’t do anymore until a few days before Christmas! 😉

Zara day today and no rain forecast, woohoo! We’ll walk to the park and then on to the pharmacy and pick up my sensors and insulin.

Have a fab Friday.

Here’s my last two days. Anyone for a fairground ride?


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It was 4.8 when I Frist woke up. Woke to my alerm going off and dexcom saying 3.9 at 3am. Another day of elfing today
Good morning everyone

BG another 5.4

Yesterdays bone density scan went well, but I was on my own as my wife didn't come along. She does not understand that I find these appointments very stressful and some support would be so helpful. Sigh.

Still, the walk there and back was good. But when I got home my wife wanted to go shopping AND for a long walk. She had no clue that I was already knackered. In the end I walked a total of 181 minutes during the day!!!

Today back at the church rewiring stuff. Need to think what to have for tea. It was so much simpler 60 years ago when I lived at home. My mother always had tea time sussed!!! I never gave it a thought!!! Now I have to think about it every single day. My mother was an angel!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 5.8 here.
Weren’t the meals more boring than nowadays, though, @Gwynn ? My mother had a weekly rota, at least two of which involved beef stew of some sort and one was liver, and all came with potatoes, usually boiled or baked, only roast potatoes with the Sunday joint, we never had pasta or rice.
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4.7 today, wasn’t waking as I needed the bathroom so desperately I didn’t have time to check BG first, then daughter messaged, so I brought my meter downstairs and did it. Todays plans are work and then making more Christmas cakes after work as hubby is on late shift. Have a full of cold 5 year old to look after today as she is not well enough for school but her mum now works in a school so didn’t want to take the day off as you have guessed just like where I work and @freesia they are short staffed. As hubby is on late shift he will be here until 1pm, then I will take a lunch from 1-2pm, so only just over an hour I will have to try and juggle work and granddaughter.
A nice round 5.0 this morning and weekly BP check 99/62, so OK with that too. Rain cleared away yesterday before I needed to leave for my swim so caught the bus and managed my 20 lengths as normal. On Thursdays the pool's used by a school in the session beforehand so we have to wait while they reset things for lane swimming and as a result I missed my bus back, so with half an hour to kill I popped into our favourite (independent) cafe for a coffee. They do a mean cappuccino.

Trip to the recycling centre over in nearby Bracknell this morning to dump a load of bits and pieces that have been building up, including a broken kerbside food caddy (comes from being chucked around by the bin men every week) and a broken strimmer, which disintegrated last time I used it. Then it's the usual Friday Big Shop and trip out to the garden centre greengrocer.

Dry and sunny later so might take the opportunity to rake up the leaves front and back, now that the succession of named storms have stripped everything. Looks like there's enough to fill a couple of garden waste bags.

Have a good Friday, everyone.
@Robin I look back with tinted spectacles I guess. Simpler meals, probably, but good wholesome stuff.
Morning all, 5.8 here.
Weren’t the meals more boring than nowadays, though, @Gwynn ? My mother had a weekly rota, at least two of which involved beef stew of some sort and one was liver, and all came with potatoes, usually boiled or baked, only roast potatoes with the Sunday joint, we never had pasta or rice.
I had the same discussion yesterday with my hairdresser. Shepherds pie, ham, egg and chips, bangers and mash, chops with boiled potatoes, tattie pot with the cheapest fattiest bits of lamb you could ever find. 😱 And of course a Sunday dinner, which in essence was the same as we’d had all week, meat and potatoes! I do remember my mam buying tins of Homepride curry. It was so sweet and full of raisins, it was awful, no rice though, we had it with chips, homemade, in a chip pan! I’m glad we’ve moved on.
@zippyjojo, I always sleep on my right and thus always have sensors on my left. I have 3 nominal places on my left arm (high, middle, low) which allows the next sensor to be off the site of the outgoing one; now with G7 I have 3 left side abdomen places that still allows variation.
typically I woke up on my left side this morning ! 🙂
A Heinz Special (5.7) for me today. 🙂

Morning all - 11.1 for this morning. Last night my BG was creeping up late evening after my supper so I really wanted to go for a walk but we live in the middle of nowhere and whilst I'm not in the least bit scared I thought I might scare local farmers if they saw a torch off on the fell road and no-one at home if I fell over. So I went into our large barn and did lots of rather strange moves (like music & movement at school back the day) and hey presto the BG came down nicely. I then had a Freedam (AF) beer and noticed them rising again - this monitor is so useful to really see what my food & drink are doing to me. We've got 3 local couples coming round for dinner tonight which will be fun and our first bit of entertaining really since living here and with our new kitchen. I'm not being very adventurous though as one of them doesn't like spice and reacts to garlic - currently stewing some apples that I've been out and collected this morning and one neighbour has made a berry foam in her thermomix. Have a great day everyone - off for my flu jab in a minute and apparently my insulin is arriving today 🙂
@Robin I look back with tinted spectacles I guess. Simpler meals, probably, but good wholesome stuff.
Mum used to cook on rotation when we
I had the same discussion yesterday with my hairdresser. Shepherds pie, ham, egg and chips, bangers and mash, chops with boiled potatoes, tattie pot with the cheapest fattiest bits of lamb you could ever find. 😱 And of course a Sunday dinner, which in essence was the same as we’d had all week, meat and potatoes! I do remember my mam buying tins of Homepride curry. It was so sweet and full of raisins, it was awful, no rice though, we had it with chips, homemade, in a chip pan! I’m glad we’ve moved on.
Friday - full blown traditional Friday night meal (chicken soup, chicken, potatoes, two veg, usually crumble)
Saturday - something light made with the chicken leftovers
Sunday - the very last of the chicken stretched to make pilau or pie maybe. If there wasn’t enough then egg and chips
Monday - meatloaf
Tuesday - spag bol
Wednesday - egg and chips
Thursday - usually fish

And repeat with minimal variation (Tuesday or Thursday could be curry. With bowls of raisins, sliced hard boiled egg and another with sliced banana - all to sprinkle over the curry to “taste”.

That was mum’s sort of go to kitchen schedule when we were kids.

It’s amazing how comforting that routine was.