Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, it's a lovely sunny morning here just right for a 5.8 on waking today.
Morning all - another dry day and seemingly no breeze. Neighbours out mowing lawns. J is doing ours later.

3.8 at 07:30, treated with a Dextro tab and some bits of broken biccie. Fell asleep again 'till 9am when it was 5.3.

Nothing urgent to do today, but meeting friends in the local pub late afternoon.
My retirement was equally bizarre. I returned to work after my bypass surgery and ten weeks later was made redundant despite discussing the year ahead on my return. They also based (legal but underhand) my redundancy payment on my then 0.4 week ignoring the full time years! I also never received the expenses owing! :(
Something similar happened to me. They made me redundant 2 weeks before I would have completed 3 years with that company so I lost out on another whole year. I said to the HR person "well that's convenient for you isn't it?" to which she responded "I don't know what you mean!". Then they gave me a send off with all the staff present where they made out that I had decided to leave and retire. I did retire, but I'd had my pension for almost 7 years by then.

Have a good day all!
My friend and next door neighbour has volunteered at Lowther Castle gardens for years. She does Fridays. I must admit it’s been a few years since I was there but it’s a lovely setting. Youngest daughter and family have a yearly pass but I don’t think it’s to see the gardens, it’s for the play area for Zara, she’s obsessed with the mini zip wire! Enjoy.
We got very wet today and I didn’t spot any visitors - all much too sensible!
I've signed up for the Our Future Health programme
Just did that the other day! My appointment is not until January though! Thought I’d do my bit to help research.
And here is some "happy" news.

"With the rates of type 2 diabetes set to increase in the UK and globally in the coming years, prevention programmes will be a valuable tool in curbing what could develop into a serious challenge in public health – they deserve greater attention from policymakers.”
Dr Faye Riley, a research communications manager at Diabetes UK, said: “Diabetes is serious, it can be life-changing and diagnoses are on the rise. Without the right care and support, people with diabetes are at risk of serious complications.
“Every week diabetes leads to more than 184 amputations, 770 strokes, 590 heart attacks and more than 2,300 cases of heart failure.”

And then there is the cost to the NHS. It is an astounding figure. In 2019 the Type 2 diabetes cost to the NHS was 1.5 million a day or 14 billion a year. More than would fit on a bus?

Yet every evening, on commercial TV channels, I am subjected to advertisements for chocolates, pizza, ultra processed chicken nuggets, bikkies, puds, sweeties etc. Always beautiful slim models eating them and no carb etc check on screen. And when it is happy families, eating supposedly "cheap" food, no accompanying comparison with "fresh and cook it yourself". Should we not be lobbying for every ad to display a carb/cal figure (large font) with a warning "these are treats - for real, healthy, sensibly priced, food cook real food at home"?

I am just post war (d.o.b.1946), sweeties, sugar and other pleasures rationed, Mums struggling to feed families on rations. Not much money about (so non rationed items either not available or damned dear) but the population was healthier than pre-war and current. Makes you think?

Well you have to think about something when building stone walls...
And here is some "happy" news.

"With the rates of type 2 diabetes set to increase in the UK and globally in the coming years, prevention programmes will be a valuable tool in curbing what could develop into a serious challenge in public health – they deserve greater attention from policymakers.”
Dr Faye Riley, a research communications manager at Diabetes UK, said: “Diabetes is serious, it can be life-changing and diagnoses are on the rise. Without the right care and support, people with diabetes are at risk of serious complications.
“Every week diabetes leads to more than 184 amputations, 770 strokes, 590 heart attacks and more than 2,300 cases of heart failure.”

And then there is the cost to the NHS. It is an astounding figure. In 2019 the Type 2 diabetes cost to the NHS was 1.5 million a day or 14 billion a year. More than would fit on a bus?

Yet every evening, on commercial TV channels, I am subjected to advertisements for chocolates, pizza, ultra processed chicken nuggets, bikkies, puds, sweeties etc. Always beautiful slim models eating them and no carb etc check on screen. And when it is happy families, eating supposedly "cheap" food, no accompanying comparison with "fresh and cook it yourself". Should we not be lobbying for every ad to display a carb/cal figure (large font) with a warning "these are treats - for real, healthy, sensibly priced, food cook real food at home"?

I am just post war (d.o.b.1946), sweeties, sugar and other pleasures rationed, Mums struggling to feed families on rations. Not much money about (so non rationed items either not available or damned dear) but the population was healthier than pre-war and current. Makes you think?

Well you have to think about something when building stone walls...

What gets me are the number of MHS staff who are overweight or even obese when they should know the risks! But then lots of hospital restaurants and canteens have been closed thus encouraging snacking. The other day I was running late at a clinic and being lunchtime they offered to get me something to eat. What came was a white bread sandwich with reconstituted ham, a packet of crisps and a carton of orange juice I took home for hypo treatment. And when I was an inpatient a few years ago the food was cheap, not cheerful and in the main part unhealthy. Maybe this should be fixed first!
Just did that the other day! My appointment is not until January though! Thought I’d do my bit to help research.
I did it when it was first announced. Had my appointment months ago and had a few follow up questionnaires arrive by email.
It’s no skin of my nose for them to have access to my remarkably fine body and the myriad of medical conditions that pop up in or on it from time to time if it’ll help deepen understanding and lead to better treatments for future generations.
I’d be worried if they wanted to use my DNA to clone me though. I’m not sure the world is ready for that!
Good morning - 8.9

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

This morning I walk to and from my bone density scan appointment. I can't say I am looking forward to the walk as it is very cold out there but apparently the scan itself is easy.

For ages I have struggled to play my keyboard and write things down or type stuff into the computer. There is just not enough room for another table/cupboard to put my paper/pens/computer keyboard/mouse. But yesterday I had an idea of putting a protruding piece of wood (mdf) under the keyboard so I would have a place to put my paper/pens/computer keyboard/mouse/cup of tea. So off I went to the local wood shop and for £9 it was done. Life at the keyboard is so much easier now. Why did I not do it before? Does that make me a genius because the solution is clever (according to my wife) or a dummy because the solution was so obvious (now that I have done it). 🙂

Today exercise, some keyboard practice, sweet and sour chicken for tea.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 7.1 although I popped over the 10 border at around 4am. I’ve checked the Libre against my meter and it’s spot on.

My stomach hasn’t been good for a few days and I think I may be harbouring an infection, BGs spiking, then plummeting which leaves me feeling rubbish. My graph is like a rollercoaster! Fingers crossed all is well today, I’ve a busy couple of weeks ahead, starting today, cut and colour at 10, then down to Sainsbury’s ( at the other end of town) to pick up some things I ordered from Argos, yes, at last, I’ve started my Christmas shopping! Then into town for a bit of sustenance hopefully, then birthday present and card buying! Don’t you just hate people who have their birthdays just three weeks before Christmas, then I have one 30th December, I don’t know which is worse!

@khskel good luck in the ol’ U S of A.
@TinaD I blame food delivery companies for the world obesity epidemic. Folks don’t even have to leave the comfort of their sofas these days. I’m of an age where the only takeaway we have is a chippy tea after we’ve had a walk and we actually go to the chip shop and stand in a queue. I don’t know what the answer is I’m afraid.

Have a good day all, it’s actually not raining here at the moment. Yippee!
9.1 could probably done with correction at some point less that but fell asleep. I had actually eaten quite a lot of jelly babies last night. And biscuit I was low to mid fours and didn't seem to be bugering(I like to try and do something about 4s before it's gets low) these were checked with finger pricks after it looked like it wasn't burgeging and it was right.
Morning all, 5.8 here.
Had a good day out at Westonbirt, there was still plenty of colour on the trees, but it was very busy, and I got the impression that the place had assumed the leaf peeping season was over. We spent ages trying to find a parking space, and people were driving out as we got there having given up, because they hadn’t opened the overflow car park (they did, eventually) and it took ages to get served with coffees, and later, lunch. They’d got the seating capacity, just not the staff. When we got our coffees, they were telling people trying to order hot food that as of this week they weren’t serving it between 11 and 12.30, but there weren’t any notices to that effect to warn you before you joined the queue. The coffee wasn’t even that nice, we reckoned they probably ground up their home grown acorns! We normally go to our closer Arboretum, Batsford, but fancied a change. I think we’ll stick with Batsford next year.
Good morning from Boris and myself. I thought Boris had gone missing but he had gone for a walk. He appeared very quickly so obviously doing his cardio. After yesterday evening's phantom pain spiked me into the teens a 9.6 doesn't seem too bad as I am off to physio later this morning.
What gets me are the number of MHS staff who are overweight or even obese when they should know the risks! But then lots of hospital restaurants and canteens have been closed thus encouraging snacking. The other day I was running late at a clinic and being lunchtime they offered to get me something to eat. What came was a white bread sandwich with reconstituted ham, a packet of crisps and a carton of orange juice I took home for hypo treatment. And when I was an inpatient a few years ago the food was cheap, not cheerful and in the main part unhealthy. Maybe this should be fixed first!
I had the same problem when hospitalised last year - everything offered was high carb and low quality. Staff mostly looked affronted when faced with requests for something healthy and T2 appropriate - they even sent the catering manager up to bully me! Wrong move, wrong lady - the exchange was a tad acrimonious ("Are you incapable of boiling an egg?" being the politest sentence) but did result in a salad which kept me stayed until friends could organise a supply run. I noted that the 20% of fit, slim nursing staff dropped in frequently after the row to chat about low carb/keto/etc. The wobbly ones in tight XXL uniforms did not. I do not think it is canteen closure which causes the problem - most workers elsewhere have to provide their own food and many manage to pack up a healthy lunchbox. Perhaps gifts of chocolate from departing patients promotes the snacking?

This mornings score 6.0. Much progress made on the wall yesterday but Jake is booked up on an inside job for the next fortnight so I'll be plodding on alone, weather permitting.
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Morning glucose jugglers!

A steady 6.1 for me and a busy day ahead.

Have a great day everyone 🙂