Group 7-day waking average?

6.3 for me this morning so I am in very good company again I see.
Happy World Diabetes Day! Seems quite appropriate that I have my consultant telephone appointment this morning. Will be thanking my consultant as well as being grateful for all the people who have worked in the diabetes medical field over the past century, enabling our lives to be fuller, healthier and less fraught. So grateful for my insulin, my NovoPen Echos and my Libre, but most importantly for this forum and you lovely lot, who have taught me so much and given me the confidence to manage my diabetes well and kept me sane..... well almost!
I’m exactly the same, my dentist is so kind and gentle but visits to the school dentist are still fresh in my mind. I broke my two front teeth when I was 11, playing leapfrog of all things, I had to visit quite a lot unfortunately and it was far from pleasant. “Shivers”. 😱
I used to be like that with the hairdressers, after a really botched hair cut. If I had to wait more than a few minutes I would just walk out, I had to go for an 'on speck' appointment rather than book in advance. Give me the dentist any day. I'm not too bad now but still don't find it a pleasurable experience, more a needs must.
I used to be like that with the hairdressers, after a really botched hair cut. If I had to wait more than a few minutes I would just walk out, I had to go for an 'on speck' appointment rather than book in advance. Give me the dentist any day. I'm not too bad now but still don't find it a pleasurable experience, more a needs must.
I don't go to the hairdressers. I have a pair of scissors and a mirror. Not saying I make a good job of it (sometimes better than others) but it costs me nothing and much less stressful than attending a salon and if I don't like it at least I haven't paid a small fortune for it and I can take the scissors to it again if necessary.
Dentists are OK as long as I don't need an extraction, I can cope with anything else. Soo expensive though!! I have an appointment on Friday for a check up and praying I don't need any work done as I still haven't recovered financially from the previous work!! There was one hygienist who was really rough including clipping the bib to my neck skin instead of my clothing. I did say something to the dentist about her but since then they have all been fine.
Dentists are OK as long as I don't need an extraction, I can cope with anything else. Soo expensive though!!
I had an extraction last year after one of my crowns came off for the third time and my dentist decided it was a lost cause. Unfortunately the X-Ray showed that the base of the tooth was perilously close to my sinus and therefore needed to be removed by a dental surgeon. My dental practice is DPAS but because my dentist wasn't doing the extraction I would have to pay for it. The guy was good, though - I didn't feel a thing and didn't even know he'd taken it out until he said 'all done'.
The bill hurt, though - £300.
Consultant just rang and awarded me a gold star! :D HbA1c great, lipid panel good and no mention of statins, so happy at that. He rang a bit early and I had just done 20 ascents of the stairs whilst I was waiting for the call because my high alarm had gone off, so it was a bit of a heavy breather phone call. o_O He didn't mention the LibreView highlighted issues with nocturnal hypos but I did, because I wanted him to be aware that I was aware of them and that I do my best to prevent them and I outlined the strategies I use to try to prevent them. He didn't see them as a problem if I didn't, which I don't, as they are usually very mild and I am confident treating them and he was happy with my actions and thought processes. He was going to mark me down for another phone call in 6 months but I suggested a year as I can always ring the helpline if I need anything in between, but very much doubt I will. It's funny but I really struggled to get on with him at first, but now nearly 5 years down the line, I feel we have a good understanding of each other's position and a good working relationship. He loved the idea that I treat Libre as a long running computer game!
Morning all. 15.0 when I woke up this morning so I donned my big dryzabone coat over my dressing gown, popped on my hat & wellies and went for a 1.5 mile walk out on the fell (I LOVE the fact that I've moved somewhere where I can do that - makes it seem less arduous that I have to drive 2 miles to put the rubbish at the bottom of the road on bin day). Disappointed though that my BG then seemed to go up to 16.5 and is on 15.6 now (can you tell I've got my sensor?!). I haven't had my breakfast yet as I tend to have it later - maybe that's not helping my BG - I really need the dietician appointment that I've got at the end of the month. I'm probably expecting too much and maybe I'll see the result of my early morning jaunts later. HOPEFULLY my insulin will be arriving today. I get all my meds through Pharmacy2U who are usually very good but very irritatingly I found out yesterday that they reason they didn't send the Lantus on Friday when it was prescribed was because they were out of stock of Glucogel, which obviously I could have done without. So I've split the order and they sent the Lantus (I think). Actually just checked and it still hasn't been sent :(. I've got a spin bike that has been hidden away in the garage since we moved up here so I've got that out (I say "we" in the loose term!) and my plan is I can use that for exercise when the weather is like it was yesterday - although I did battle the storm for a walk with Wilbur which was exciting. I'll need to make sure I just cycle at a steady pace as I think it's medium intensity exercise that has more impact on your BG isn't it? Anyway - sorry for my rambling. Have a great day everyone.
Lovely photo Jo.
I am thinking it won’t be long before you’re on a bolus insulin. Even on a basal insulin you still need to watch the carbs. I started on mixed insulin, I thought it was free rein to eat what I wanted, unfortunately it wasn’t. When I hit 16 one day after eating mashed potatoes ( still my nemesis) I knew I needed a basal/bolus regime. See how it goes for a few weeks in the meantime. Good luck.
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Lovely photo Jo.
I am thinking it won’t be long before you’re on a bolus insulin. Even on a basal insulin you still need to watch the carbs. I started on mixed insulin, I thought it was free rein to eat what I wanted, unfortunately it wasn’t. When I hit 16 one day after eating mashed potatoes ( still my nemesis) I knew I needed a basal/bolus regime. See how it goes for a few weeks in the meantime. Good luck.
Thanks Elaine - I don't even know what a bolus insulin is really. Is it injecting every time you're going to eat something? Sorry to sound so ignorant to all you pros 🙂 How many grams of carbs do you aim for in a day?
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Morning all - despite the drenching rain at 8am it's actually quite nice now, but the wind is bitter.

5.4 first thing with a flat line.

Had to rush about this morning as I had a follow up appointment with the ear clinic. The first appointment she couldn't remove all the wax in my right ear as it was so hard and impacted right on the ear drum. Despite two more weeks of olive oil every night it is still hard. She tried washing it out with warm water and though that removed some bits I still have a deaf ear. So another appointment in 3 weeks and try bicarb drops for 2 weeks. I'm sick of being deaf, when we watch TV I am constantly asking Julian "what did they say?".

Watched "war horse" the other night with the TV on 57db and it brought me to floods of tears, but I expect the neighbours were tearing their hair out!

Masterchef last night. The chap with the beard (didn't catch his name) came across so cocky to begin with, but the 2 female chefs wiped the floor with him!

Oh... and I received an invitation today to attend an event on 7 December re: Closed Loop Systems, where pump reps will be available to answer questions.

@rebrascora - so glad your consultant appointment went well.

Funny what people can tolerate and other's not @eggyg I can eat potatoes in any form and not spike, but OMG bread!

Have a good day all...
Thanks Elaine - I don't even know what a bolus insulin is really. Is it injecting every time you're going to eat something? Sorry to sound so ignorant to all you pros 🙂 How many grams of carbs do you aim for in a day?
Yes, it's the insulin you inject before each meal or snack. When I first went onto Basal Bolus I read "Think like a pancreas" by Gary Scheiner. It was really invaluable to me in understanding insulin dosing and needs. I still consult it from time to time.
Thanks Elaine - I don't even know what a bolus insulin is really. Is it injecting every time you're going to eat something? Sorry to sound so ignorant to all you pros 🙂 How many grams of carbs do you aim for in a day?
Yes, it’s your fast acting, most of us use NovoRapid ( sometimes known as NovoNotSoRapid!) ) but there’s others. I inject one unit per 10 grams usually, this can vary but I’ll not baffle you with science yet. I don’t aim for anything, I eat mainly what I want, that’s why we have bolus. Of course I don’t eat loads of c**p as that’s not good for you diabetic or not. Today I’ve eaten 70 grams. That includes a KitKat. My tea will be very low carb though as I’m having roasted veg with chickpeas, which are a slow acting carb I don’t need to bolus for them, some do. I’m having two Cumberland sausages which are mostly meat. It can differ wildly day to day. When/if you’re put on a MDI ( multi daily injections) regime you should be offered a DAFNE ( dose adjustment for normal eating) course where you learn loads. Best thing I ever did. Took years of me nagging to get on one because I “wasn’t a proper Type 1”. But you have us lot to guide you through.
Funny what people can tolerate and other's not @eggyg I can eat potatoes in any form and not spike, but OMG bread
Boiled new potatoes, especially homegrown, don’t even raise my BGs at all. But potatoes like King Edwards/Maris piper just don’t like me. I sometimes get it right but most of the time I don’t. TBF I don’t weigh them or anything complicated like that, I’m a big guesstimater! 😉
Boiled new potatoes, especially homegrown, don’t even raise my BGs at all. But potatoes like King Edwards/Maris piper just don’t like me. I sometimes get it right but most of the time I don’t. TBF I don’t weigh them or anything complicated like that, I’m a big guesstimater! 😉
You aren't the only guesstimater round here! I do usually weigh bread though.
I’ve just thought @zippyjojo, did the nurse mention you have to inform the DVLA that you’re on insulin? It’s simple enough to do online and you can still drive whilst it’s being processed. Unfortunately, you only get a short term one and have to renew every three years.
I’ve just thought @zippyjojo, did the nurse mention you have to inform the DVLA that you’re on insulin? It’s simple enough to do online and you can still drive whilst it’s being processed. Unfortunately, you only get a short term one and have to renew every three years.
Thats just reminded me to check my driving licence. I'm sure its up soon but i haven't heard anything. Off to check now...

Just checked, its up next year. Phew!
I’ve just thought @zippyjojo, did the nurse mention you have to inform the DVLA that you’re on insulin? It’s simple enough to do online and you can still drive whilst it’s being processed. Unfortunately, you only get a short term one and have to renew every three years.
Yes she did and I did it last week - insulin still not been despatched. No crisps or flake this evening (Angel emoji)
Yes, it’s your fast acting, most of us use NovoRapid ( sometimes known as NovoNotSoRapid!) ) but there’s others. I inject one unit per 10 grams usually, this can vary but I’ll not baffle you with science yet. I don’t aim for anything, I eat mainly what I want, that’s why we have bolus. Of course I don’t eat loads of c**p as that’s not good for you diabetic or not. Today I’ve eaten 70 grams. That includes a KitKat. My tea will be very low carb though as I’m having roasted veg with chickpeas, which are a slow acting carb I don’t need to bolus for them, some do. I’m having two Cumberland sausages which are mostly meat. It can differ wildly day to day. When/if you’re put on a MDI ( multi daily injections) regime you should be offered a DAFNE ( dose adjustment for normal eating) course where you learn loads. Best thing I ever did. Took years of me nagging to get on one because I “wasn’t a proper Type 1”. But you have us lot to guide you through.
I had chickpeas with chicken tonight without even realising they were a good choice. Had a thimbleful of brown rice though. Tomorrow night I’m having two sausages with cauliflower cheese & other veg. I went for two walks today (I was fully dressed for the second one!)