Group 7-day waking average?

5.0 today. Went swimming for the first time for ages yesterday. Really good I felt so much better after the exercise. Only problem is that after finding somewhere that fits in time wise there was a notice In reception saying the time table was changing also it’s going to be a two week rotation so have to work out if they are on wk1 or wk 2!
Morning. 6.2 and it’s still raining, it never stopped at all yesterday. Not as windy as it was but I would say the river has probably breached its banks. If there’s a break in the rain we might pop over the road and see and come right back home. I’ll put my wellies on!

No plans but we’re on standby in case Zara isn’t well and can’t go to nursery. She’s full of cold again. Was a bit under the weather yesterday, we just had cuddles and stories all day with a bit of telly thrown in. She’s very excited about Christmas so we watched The Snowman. What a lovely little film that is.

Have a super day and hope you all stay dry.
Morning all, 5.9 here. Off to the dentist this morning, just my routine check. I hate going to the dentist, even though she’s a lovely woman. I think it’s a throwback to visits as a child, when dentists were scary.
I’m exactly the same, my dentist is so kind and gentle but visits to the school dentist are still fresh in my mind. I broke my two front teeth when I was 11, playing leapfrog of all things, I had to visit quite a lot unfortunately and it was far from pleasant. “Shivers”. 😱
Morning all. 🙂 8.1 here.

My diabetes is sulking (hence the 8.1) cos I bad-mouthed it all day yesterday at the Insulin Pump Education Day, LOL. It was well worth taking the day off work - there were talks by everyone imaginable (even a bloke from who’s been researching the NHS in Wales to see if the official basic checklist for all diabetics are being made - they aren’t!). The session with the diabetes psychologist was excellent - I feel so much better just having discussed diabetes with a roomful of people like me. There was positive news from the Omnipod rep about the HCL roll-out in Wales and lots of info from people already using it. One tiny thing that made me smile: they laid on lunch, and there was cake. So now when someone asks “Can you eat that?” I can answer with total confidence “Yes, I can!” 😛
Morning. 6.2 and it’s still raining, it never stopped at all yesterday. Not as windy as it was but I would say the river has probably breached its banks. If there’s a break in the rain we might pop over the road and see and come right back home. I’ll put my wellies on!

No plans but we’re on standby in case Zara isn’t well and can’t go to nursery. She’s full of cold again. Was a bit under the weather yesterday, we just had cuddles and stories all day with a bit of telly thrown in. She’s very excited about Christmas so we watched The Snowman. What a lovely little film that is.

Have a super day and hope you all stay dry.
Still a bit young for Die Hard I’m guessing?
I’m exactly the same, my dentist is so kind and gentle but visits to the school dentist are still fresh in my mind. I broke my two front teeth when I was 11, playing leapfrog of all things, I had to visit quite a lot unfortunately and it was far from pleasant. “Shivers”. 😱
I bit the dentist’s finger through to the bone when I was about 7.
He had his fingers in my mouth and I wanted them out!
5.8 for me this morning. It's a lot milder than the last few days with the outside temperature at a heady 8 degrees. 🙂


4.8 today, had a very rare hypo yesterday, was 3.7 had a jelly baby, and went to bed. Still very Tired and achy but test was negative for covid, managed to stay logged onto work all day. Weigh day today, but as I am not well I am not expecting great things from the scales.

@eggyg- hope Tara starts to feel better soon. Little ones are like germ magnets.

@Bloden - sounds like the day was very useful.
Morning all, 5.5 on World Diabetes Day for me. Thank you to Frederick Banting for his work in isolating insulin to provide a means of managing the condition, and to all those other scientists, doctors, nurses and health professionals who continue today to help us all live with and manage the condition.

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all

After my second good nights sleep in a week I woke to a 4.9 on another grey overcast day.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
5.5 on a dull but dry Berkshire morning. After a dismal start yesterday it turned out to be a decent day in the end, windy but quite sunny for a while. Rest of the family were in Worthing for the day and said the sea was really rough and it was blowing a gale. All back home yesterday evening so life's returned to normal today - my wife's in the office, our eldest WFH and me off for my regular Tuesday swim before lunch.

Hope it goes well at podiatry @MikeyBikey

Pleased it's not Covid @Grannylorraine

@Robin I don't mind the dentist but a session with the hygienist always makes my eyes water

Have a good World Diabetes Day, everyone - I'm wearing blue, even if it's just my shirt.
Morning all. 15.0 when I woke up this morning so I donned my big dryzabone coat over my dressing gown, popped on my hat & wellies and went for a 1.5 mile walk out on the fell (I LOVE the fact that I've moved somewhere where I can do that - makes it seem less arduous that I have to drive 2 miles to put the rubbish at the bottom of the road on bin day). Disappointed though that my BG then seemed to go up to 16.5 and is on 15.6 now (can you tell I've got my sensor?!). I haven't had my breakfast yet as I tend to have it later - maybe that's not helping my BG - I really need the dietician appointment that I've got at the end of the month. I'm probably expecting too much and maybe I'll see the result of my early morning jaunts later. HOPEFULLY my insulin will be arriving today. I get all my meds through Pharmacy2U who are usually very good but very irritatingly I found out yesterday that they reason they didn't send the Lantus on Friday when it was prescribed was because they were out of stock of Glucogel, which obviously I could have done without. So I've split the order and they sent the Lantus (I think). Actually just checked and it still hasn't been sent :(. I've got a spin bike that has been hidden away in the garage since we moved up here so I've got that out (I say "we" in the loose term!) and my plan is I can use that for exercise when the weather is like it was yesterday - although I did battle the storm for a walk with Wilbur which was exciting. I'll need to make sure I just cycle at a steady pace as I think it's medium intensity exercise that has more impact on your BG isn't it? Anyway - sorry for my rambling. Have a great day everyone.


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Good morning.6.3

Seeing my score after all the exercise I shouldn't have risked carrots with my roast chicken last night. Eventually had quite a good day on the Great Wall of Chinese Tea. Got the base built for the length of the gate and all prepped for full length when the aggregate arrives. Vey windy and rather cold but only a few showers - hope it is as good tomorrow. Popped over to the quarry and arranged for 80+ year old owner to sort and deliver me 2 more tons of stone. Some of them are HUGE and quite beyond us moving them - so hoping nothing over 20kilos in the load. Off to drain the hole in the wall for cash

Very dark morning with a strange bluish light under a grey sky.

Hope everyone has a good day.