Group 7-day waking average?

anyway off to prance around dressed like a elf today.
After my first shift it's one of the best jobs ever. In the midst of getting ready I forgot to intentionally to take a look at my time in range this morning like I do every Sunday looking at it now last 7 days is 78% and last 14 days is 75%
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Good morning - 5.7

Have a great day everyone
Morning it's 6.7
Good morning 8.0 Today (7.1 Yesterday)

well done to @MrPixels & @MeeTooTeeTo for yesterdays house specials

I’m back to work today,
and have eye appointment (DMO clinic) later this afternoon
they always put me as one of the last patients they see
as I’ve been receiving treatment for about 6 years now
so it has minimal impact with work

have a marvellous Monday 😎
Morning all. 🙂 Up with the larks this morning. 8.1 here, oops.

Up early cos I’m off to an Insulin Pump Education Day and I’m not sure what the traffic’ll be like - I don’t want to be late! A friend said “Surely, you had your pump education before you went on the pump”. Well, yeah, but...I can never get across to people how complicated this diabetes malarkey is! When I was first dx, pre-blousing wasn’t a thing, eg. Whatevs, I’ve got the day off work and I’m going to meet some new people - woohoo! :D
Good morning/moaning! I woke with phantom pain again at about 5:00 and BG 9.8 aand rising. Half an hour later it was 11.1 but is now back too 8.8. Answers on a postcard.

Podiatry delayed till tomorrow,

Rain running down kitchen window but Boris (my large pet spider) seems happy sitting in the middle of his web. Must put on the prosthetic in the kitchen so I can clear the bodies. Does anybody know of any treat I can put out for him?
It is very dark, very wet, very cold, very windy and I am very sad as my daughter ignored my 70th birthday completely.

At least my wife seems ok

BG ok
5.8 on this thoroughly wet and miserable Berkshire morning, and at the moment there's no sign of it letting up. At least , unlike the night before, I had a good night's sleep, broken only by a 04:48 trip to the bathroom.

Family all back later, so will be glad to have a houseful again after 3 days on my own.

Belated congrats @MrPixels & @MeeTooTeeTo on yesterdays HSs

Have a good start to the week, weather permitting. Looks pretty grim up north, with a yellow weather warning in place for the north west.

4.3 today, not feeling great, ache all over and slightly tight chest, anyway 5 Christmas cakes made yesterday, going to make another 5 today.

@Gwynn - that is sad.
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Morning all. 7.1 after going to bed high, stomach issue yesterday ( not as bad as it can be) and my BGs were stubbornly high all day.

I’m late today, had a rubbish night and slept in until 7.35, jumped out of bed as it’s our Zara Monday and she arrives 8.30. I’m all flibberty jibberty. Had to have my shower first, then brekkie, then Wordle, incase it took a long time, it didn’t, then the forum. All back to front and upside down! It’ll take me all day to recover, I’m a woman of routine and woe betide if that routine is messed with! 🙄

It’s pouring down and very, very gusty up here. No park or river walk today.

Must dash, have a great day all.

4.3 today, not feeling great, ache all over and slightly tight chest, anyway 5 Christmas cakes Meade yesterday, going to make another 5 today.

@Gwynn - that is sad.

Take care! A friend has had these symptoms for two weeks now. There's a new variant of COVID going around and local hospital staff think masks may come back sooner rather than later! It's something like HNN.2 1.5 Apparently quite a bit in USofA.
A 5.4 for me today. What a wet and windy night we had. It's supposed to let up later so maybe a stroll to the supermarket and back this afternoon. Stay safe everyone.
