Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning weekend 7.2

looking extremely crowded on the HS step, congrats
@MikeyBikey @Gwynn @Michael12421 @Martin.A
& for yesterdays HS @rebrascora

It took a few hours yesterday but work computer looks to be sorted
by IT department via their remote magic, will see on Monday when I’m BTW

Have a wonderful weekend (especially anybody working which I appreciate many of you are) 😎
4.5 today for me.

Lovely night out last night with family for a Miller & Carter meal. As I’m not keen on steak I had a sea bass which was really lovely and the vegetables and dauphinoise potatoes really made it yummy. Ended up splitting my bolus as I was guessing and my initial guess was too little. Ended up ok though, despite a hypo which woke me at 2am (there’s no more fun than sitting in the kitchen reading a magazine at that time watching to see if my BG had risen enough to go back to sleep!). Looks like I was in the Red Sand (copyright @rebrascora :rofl: ) for a while before my brain woke me!

Congratulations to the amazing Saturday HS group : @MikeyBikey, @Gwynn, @Michael12421 and @Martin.A and also to yesterday’s Friday HS Pair : @rebrascora, @ColinUK! Well done everyone!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all on this grey day.

5.9 this morning. Not too bad after last night's rump steak with sweet potato chips, peas and home made garlic and parsley butter that was sooo strong. We'll knock everyone dead with our breath today!

My friend's birthday today and her plans to go to London for the weekend have fallen through due to work on the rail lines so we're off out to lunch with her at Kota Kai, Porthleven (on the bus) and then back here to watch a film she wants to see this afternoon and I am cooking Salmon with red peppers and cream this evening for everyone. Haven't had time to make a proper dessert, but I have stewed some plums and there's ice cream or creme fraiche to have with it.

Have a good day all!
Good morning - 7.4

Have a great day everyone
Morning all, and it's a 5.3 for me on this beautiful sunny and warm morning.

Off for a bike ride now before the weather changes,,,,
I was in excellent company again to day, sitting on the 6.9 step with @eggyg. I am managing pretty well with no evening Levemir, as long as I get exercise every day and jab my morning dose ASAP.
I am off to see Vincent Simone (from Strictly) at our local town theatre tonight in Tango Passions with my sister and her friend. I saw the show last year at South Shields but my sister was unable to make it due to a Covid infection, so she asked if I wanted to go see it again and I was only too happy, especially as it was on the doorstep this time. A group of really talented young performers, especially the violinist, as well as Vincent himself of course, so really looking forward to it. Other than that, the usual chores made pleasanter by some autumnal sunshine today.
was around 11 this morning.
Had pasta for dinner last night so did correction about 1 on the way to bed, it worked then dawn is like "oh somebody called for a visit" 🙄

Been out to lunch with the kids. Son is 21 today and fancied going out to our fav coffee house/cafe, who am I to refuse a birthday wish?

Mistakes were made last night by making spag bol since son wants (home made) macaroni cheese for dinner tonight. Pasta 2 nights in a row is asking for trouble.
I can pass on the cake or at least show excellent restraint if I do have a small piece but 0 willpower when it comes to macaroni cheese 😛

Hope you all have a fab rest of your day

(oh ps dont forget to look at the duk shop for xmas bits - just ordered cards and some pretty christmassy overpatches)
Hi All - been AWOL again with no real excuse except son got married, kitchen was ripped out and new one put in and been up in the Outer Hebrides. My BG has been creeping up about in line with my biscuit, crisp and chocolate consumption but I don’t seem to be able to be sensible any more. I’m starting in a basal insulin dose overnight (Lantus 10 units). I’m disappointed but reliev d at the same time but I know this isn’t the answer to my problems and I really need to refocus on my carbs intake. The nurse has given me a two week free trial of Libre Freestyle 2 which is great but cruel too as I won’t be able to carry on with it (unless I fork out £50+ a pop) as don’t fit the criteria as only on one type of insulin. I am slightly hooked on checking my BG though! xxx
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Rather stupidly I managed to jam a screwdriver into my hand this morning whilst trying to lever something apart!!! I should have known better!!! Still my pulse didn't rocket but my blood pressure was slightly raised following the stupid incident. I managed to apply a suitable bandage without calling for emergency help!


My smart meter is saying 'weekly budget eceeded'. Thanks!!! Probably best to go live in a cave!!! Cheaper ! 🙂

Today a lie down to fret about the severe injury...nope none of that!!! Off to church then trying to work out what to have for tea. Probably no real exercise (really not keen in the freezing cold on my own).

Christmas carols are coming on just fine.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
The nurse has given me a two week free trial of Libre Freestyle 2 which is great but cruel too as I won’t be able to carry on with it (unless I fork out £50+ a pop) as don’t fit the criteria as only on one type of insulin. I am slightly hooked on checking my BG though! xxx
Hello again @zippyjojo,

One option is to make the most of your Libre 2 over the 14 days it will give you by experimenting with different foods and see what affects your BG more noticeably. Then take a break of at least another 2 weeks, consolidating what you've learnt and monitoring with some extra finger pricks. After that 2 (or 3 or 4) week break self-fund another L2 and repeat the experiment.

But do conscientiously keep a log - easy enough with the LibreLink app, including any notes about odd or unexpected responses. I took daily screenshots when I was first trying to work out what was causing what: pics of my screen on waking, showing my overnight behaviour and pics of each 24 hr period. Plus pics of my notes (which are accessible from the daily logs but it's a bit simpler and quicker to look at pics of daily graphs and daily logs).

Also register for the Web based LibreView which keeps long term data and provides even more analysis. This data can be shares with an HCP, such as the Nurse who gave you the sensor OR when you are trying to make a business case for you to be prescribed L2 fully! It could be very informative about how L2 has helped you manage your BG.
No early start today - up at pretty much my normal time - but a restless night. A trip to the bathroom at 02:40, after which I slept in fits & starts for the rest of the night. Oh what I'd give for an undisturbed 8 hours sleep.

After thinking about it all day I decided I would eat out yesterday evening after all, as it's just me here, and I'm glad I did - my Smothered Chicken was delicious, as usual. Don't normally have a dessert but they do a Mini Pudding, which is a hot drink and a half-sized dessert, so opted for a cappuccino and triple-chocolate brownie. Tested out of curiosity later and it was 5.5, which was a surprise since as well as my half-sized brownie, my Smothered Chicken came with chips and onion rings.

Trip out to the greengrocer at the garden centre to stock up on fruit & veg later, otherwise no special plans other than to watch Remembrance Sunday at the Cenotaph on the BBC, as I always do. My wife and our youngest are down in Arundel and aren't back until tomorrow, but our eldest might be here later after his futsal match in Manchester this afternoon.

5.9 this morning.

Enjoy your Sunday.
Restless nights, @Martin.A, don't tell me about them ---- comes with the grey hair, dodgy eyesight, misbehaving endochrinal systems and all the other stuff that does not work as well as it used to as wrinklyness creeps on.

I make a chocolate brownie that barely touches my blood glucose - big on chocolate, low on sugar and flour and a portion is about 25% of what you get commercially. I eat it with a decent dollop of creme fraise. Making bread and a batch of soup (chicken and mushroom) this morning.

8 this morning and will be up around 11-12 if I tested now due to my system leisurely coping with breakfast. It copes better with lunch and even better with tea so overall I can live with it.
Good morning. 5.8

We managed to fill half the footings with concrete and to finish the stone edge to the "apron" in front of Wolf's House. Would have done more but ran out of aggregate. Weird coincidence - Jake the labourer has developed palindromic arthritis since last he worked for me. It is a relatively rare autoimmune condition so we were pleased to confer over our differing treatments.

Nasty grey morning with yet more rain forecast.

Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
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6.5 this morning, but guessing/hoping that was because of my covid jab yesterday. Today I will go for a walk/ coffee with my friends, finish the housework and make the first five of my Christmas cakes and do a little knitting or crotchet as well. Son is at girlfriends for the weekend and hubby is working late shift so he will leave about 12.30 for work.