Group 7-day waking average?

Morning folks. 6.2.

Very frosty here today, it looks like it should be more than the -1 it’s showing on my weather centre thingy. There’s been snow on Skiddaw for a couple of days and I actually saw it yesterday from my bedroom window, it’s been too misty previous days.

Yesterday’s cooking session went well, on the whole, the ravioli needs work but the arancini were excellent and the gnocchi weren’t too bad considering it’s only flour and mashed tatties! More cooking today, a good old beef stew to warm the cockles.

Nice to see you back @zippyjojo hope the insulin helps and the Libre gives you some insights into how the biscuit and crisp consumption affect your BGs! Any questions ask away.
@Martin.A I would be happy with an undisturbed five or six hours, the last time I had a full eight hours was probably 1983 BC ( before children). 🙄

Have a super, sunny Sunday, although rain is forecast for later up here.
Good morning everyone.

I’ll join the 6.2 club with the lovely @eggyg and @Paul Gibbins

A damp and drizzly day here, but not too cold.
🙂 It's absolutely teeming down at the moment so no walkies this morning. So I'll exercise the old brain cells with the Sunday cryptic crossword.

Morning 8.2 metter says 7.1 which is a little bit more of differene then sometimes but it still considered acurate enough. I may be slightly dehaydated. Because of pain I'm getting to get some parcentall and asprin on my way to work. I hope taking both is okay with dexcom I know dexcom day not to take pareventaly anymore then 6 hours. And they don't say seem to say anything it won't really be that convenient to double check today

anyway off to prance around dressed like a elf today.
Morning folks. 🙂 5.1 here, oooo, so close.

After a good drenching on our morning walk, it’s lesson planning and housework today. I’ve ordered a zombie apocalypse novel in Welsh from amazon which is arriving today - looking forward to learning some random vocabulary eg eye hanging out, shuffling and groaning, zombie apocalypse. Very useful! :confused::rofl:
..... looking forward to learning some random vocabulary eg eye hanging out, shuffling and groaning, zombie apocalypse. Very useful! :confused::rofl:
Just out of interest I did a Google Translate into Welsh on "zombie apocalypse". Disappointingly it returned "zombie apocalypse" 🙄
Good morning - 7.7

Have a great day everyone
4.4 for me this morning and 4x1JB to get me through the night despite no evening Levemir and my graph looks like a snake. I was starting to think that my Libre must be coming adrift and giving false lows as it was it's last night and I took my arm strap off to put on the new sensor on the other arm, but the lows seem to be genuine. I haven't double checked them but levels have risen this morning as I would expect them to. Can't be bothered to do battle with Caresens and warm it up for a finger prick.
Show last night was great and Vincent certainly hasn't lost any of his ability and if anything, in better shape than he has ever been and the rest of the cast were extremely talented.

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTo on another House Special.

@zippyjojo Really good to see you back and hope the Lantus helps. Hopefully they will put you on a bolus insulin soon too and then you will qualify for Libre. In some respects having to inject for each biscuit every time you reach for one, helps you to limit them.
And mine was a 4.8 and that was after nine+ hours continuous sleep last night, wow!

A total grey sky here today with rain forecasted to start right now. Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Morning all - horrible wet day! Not a day for going out.

7.6 this morning. 100% TIR - so at least a Unicorn! From the graph I deduce that the meal last night took a long time to absorb and kept on giving.

Had a really nice lunch at Kota Kai with the birthday girl and Julian, then came home and watched the first 4 episodes of "Root into Europe" - a 1992 TV comedy about "Henry Root, Wet fish, retired" and his lady wife, the endlessly patient Muriel who set off to investigate what "this EC thing is about". Posing as a representative without portfolio for the PM and supposedly backed by the BBC he travels around 5 European countries, somehow managing to interview important officials in each. It's horribly un-PC but screamingly funny! You can find it on YouTube. Then I cooked dinner and our friend left at 9pm.

Nothing much on today, washing some clothes and cooking wood pigeon breasts for dinner.

@eggyg glad your practice cooking for the Italian meal went well. Ravioli is a tricky thing to make. I have only tried to do it once and it was far from great, but I see it lots on Masterchef. I have made this recipe for Gnocchi a few times and it really is delicious. I confess to using shop-bought Gnocchi sometimes.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTo and @MrPixels on your HSs.

Have a super sunday all....
Hello again @zippyjojo,

One option is to make the most of your Libre 2 over the 14 days it will give you by experimenting with different foods and see what affects your BG more noticeably. Then take a break of at least another 2 weeks, consolidating what you've learnt and monitoring with some extra finger pricks. After that 2 (or 3 or 4) week break self-fund another L2 and repeat the experiment.

But do conscientiously keep a log - easy enough with the LibreLink app, including any notes about odd or unexpected responses. I took daily screenshots when I was first trying to work out what was causing what: pics of my screen on waking, showing my overnight behaviour and pics of each 24 hr period. Plus pics of my notes (which are accessible from the daily logs but it's a bit simpler and quicker to look at pics of daily graphs and daily logs).

Also register for the Web based LibreView which keeps long term data and provides even more analysis. This data can be shares with an HCP, such as the Nurse who gave you the sensor OR when you are trying to make a business case for you to be prescribed L2 fully! It could be very informative about how L2 has helped you manage your BG.
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond - all good suggestions. The nurse hinted she may be able to give me a second one which would be good.
4.7 this morning for me. Haven’t done much today, so gloomy, rainy, damp and cold. Did manage a quick trip to a garden centre but gave up waiting in a long queue for coffee, so a bit of a pointless journey really.

Well done @MrPixels and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS today.