Group 7-day waking average?

Rough night sleep even by my standards.

It’ll fall nicely from here but it’s been around the 8’s all night.

Mixed cultural day today as I’m going to see Marvels at the cinema and then 7 Deaths of Maria Callas at the ENO.
Morning dexcom was saying 7.6 earlier it was just saying 7 while a finger prick said 6.7 so it doesn't seem like the X ray equipment I posted about yesterday has done any damaged(I thought I'd check just in case)
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 even after a birthday celebration meal yesterday (just my wife and I).

And just to continue the food excess...I will go to a breakfast at a beach cafe with some of the church people this morning. Later more carol practice.

The 'starter'


And the main course..


Topped off with a very low calorie, low fat, low carb, no taste pudding to ensure I keep to the diet and don't eat too much... (it's the fruit that keeps it 'low' everything).


Not too many carbs in alk that I hope!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 even after a birthday celebration meal yesterday (just my wife and I).

And just to continue the food excess...I will go to a breakfast at a beach cafe with some of the church people this morning. Later more carol practice.

The 'starter'

View attachment 28207

And the main course..

View attachment 28208

Not too many carbs I hope!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
No pudding?
Unusually early start for me. Woke at 05:38 and couldn't get back to sleep, so gave up and put the kettle on. Tested - 5.2 - so maybe I should get up early more often.

Armistice Day so will be wearing my poppy in memory of my late father (Royal Marines, Welch Regiment, Royal Welsh Fusiliers) and my late sister (WRAC).

On me tod again as everyone else is away for the weekend. Our eldest is due back tomorrow, my wife and our youngest on Monday. Received a 33% off voucher from Brewers Fayre for this weekend so might take advantage and eat there tonight. Saves me cooking for one and their Smothered Chicken (aka Hunter's Chicken, a favourite of mine) is pretty good.

Congrats @MikeyBikey, @Gwynn and @Michael12421 on your HSs. Four today already and it's not even 8 o'clock.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Saturday.


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Morning all, 5.1 here, this frosty morning. Was driving back from an event in Warwickshire I’d been to with my daughter yesterday, where we’d sat outside in the sunshine to eat our lunch, and as we ascended into the Cotswolds I got the ice warning on the car! It was only 6pm, and the temperature had dropped to 2.5 degrees.
Morning all on this frosty morning. I’m offering 6.9 as my BGs have jumped all over the place since I woke just before 7 after a nightmare.

Lovely day with Zara yesterday, after the cold start, TBF it never got much warmer, it was a lovely autumnal day so we went to the park in the morning. In the afternoon we did some baking, she insisted on doing most of it herself with the teeniest tiniest spoon we own, I was trying to cream, beat and fold at the same time. After she coughed and sneezed over the bowl and stuck her fingers in a few times they were ready. 🙄 She insisted on taking them all home for her parents, I didn’t argue!

Today involves more cooking. We’re having a dinner party for six friends in two weeks time. I always do a different country each time, I’ve done Spanish tapas, Indian and latterly Greek. This time I’m doing Italian. I’m experimenting today with a crab and chilli ravioli served with a lemon butter sauce, or I might put the chilli in the butter sauce I haven’t done a lot of pasta, my pasta maker is gathering dust somewhere in the kitchen. Then a chicken risotto to make aranchini and with a white wine sauce, and gnocchi with a homemade pesto. We’ll have this for tea, waste not want not, I’ll make a sun dried focaccia, I did a garlic and rosemary one last week, it was ok but I think I over cooked it so will turn the oven down or reduce the cooking time. I also have a giant cauliflower I picked up on Thursday in a farmers market, I can’t resist a big cauli! I’ll make soup initially then maybe freeze some florets or make a veg curry for the freezer. I’ll see how the time goes. Looking forward to it, I love a cooking day.

Congrats @MikeyBikey @Gwynn @Michael12421 and @Martin.A on your HSs today and to @rebrascora for yesterday’s.

Here’s the little chef of the family. I even bought her her own pinny to keep at ours.


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Morning all. 3.3! No hypos for two weeks and i have three in twenty four hours. Treated and waiting for it to go up so i can have breakfast.

Congrats to @MikeyBikey, @Gwynn, @Michael12421 and @Martin.A on your HS today and @rebrascora, @ColinUK on your HS yesterday.

@eggyg the menu sounds amazing. Room for any more?

5.0 today, plans for today taking mum for our long overdue Covid jabs, knit & natter, my favourite housework (although I might save that gem for tomorrow afternoon when I will be on my own), starting my Christmas cakes, I am a bit late this year, but they will get done.

@eggyg - Zara looks so cute.

@MikeyBikey @Gwynn @Michael12421 and @Martin.A - congratulations to you all on your HS
Morning all. 🙂 4.1 here.

My work laptop had a hissy fit yesterday, so I rung IT and they fixed it remotely! Mind blown. It be witchcraft, it be.

Welsh course this morning, then a Tesco run. It’s sunny and dry, so hopefully my OH’ll get the bench he’s making finished - his workshop is our terrace, so he can only ‘make hay while the sun shines’. 😎

Congratulations to all of you with an HS. Quite a crowd today.
You’re right! The HS step is overflowing this morning. Well done, everyone. 😛
Congrats to all today's specialists. A 5.5 for me on this cold (2C) morning. 😱
