Group 7-day waking average?

Other half was discharged from hospital Wed pm with a bag of 300 steroid pills and Vit D and calcium for a 8 week course.
His occasional Atrial fibrillation episodes are now continuous, but with not having a cardiology appointment until July he is looking to get a private appointment as it is concerning him. I had hoped they would get the cardiologist to see him whilst he was in hospital but both gastro consultants dismissed it as no concern.
Anyway he is pleased to be home.
Good morning lovelies! 5'9 at 5 am, an early start for me but not complaining as I'm going to London for the weekend and part of my family is waiting for me. Much better than waking up at 5 for work!

I've been keeping up with the thread every day but didn't post as I was busy doing nothing 😛 Actually had a few extra days off added before my official holiday (too many staff for the amount of guests, opposite to what happened in summer) so in total will be a week and a half. If I had known in advance I could probably squeeze another mini trip in that time! Instead I've had 2 days out in nearby cities, I've met my friends, bought a couple new clothes and watched cozy aesthetic videos in YouTube while procrastinating my home organisation projects :D
Morning all. 9.1 for me this morning. Was touching 12 most of the night . Lot of walking yesterday dropping down to low 4 s quite a few jbs and peanut butter chocolate bars anyways hope everyone is doing well you seem to be looking at your results. Have a good day folks
4.4 this morning for me.

@Gwynn - Happy Birthday!

@ColinUK - congratulations on your HS today!

Hoping for a quiet day at work today then off with my wife this evening for a family get together / meal with my wife’s niece who is a cruise director on a large cruise line company, so she is only ever in the UK for a few weeks in between contracts.

Have a great day everyone!

5.4 today, nothing planned except for work and continuing with my squats and lunges challenge.

@ColinUK - congratulations on your HS

@Gwynn - Happy birthday.

@Elenka_HM - enjoy your trip to London
Morning all - My! that was some wind last night. Kept waking me. Still windy but not as fierce and nasty dark skies.

4.9 at 8am. Ruined my TIR yesterday as I spent a fair bit of time in the 15 range after lunch. I shall beware of fish finger sandwiches in future - very tasty, but not for me!

Not a lot on today, except grocery shopping and doing the exercises set by the physio.

Happy Birthday to @Gwynn
Have a good night out @Eternal422
@Elenka_HM have a lovely holiday
Congratulations to @ColinUK on your HS. Have a house with a view!1699610112448.jpeg
Good morning lovelies! 5'9 at 5 am, an early start for me but not complaining as I'm going to London for the weekend and part of my family is waiting for me. Much better than waking up at 5 for work!

I've been keeping up with the thread every day but didn't post as I was busy doing nothing 😛 Actually had a few extra days off added before my official holiday (too many staff for the amount of guests, opposite to what happened in summer) so in total will be a week and a half. If I had known in advance I could probably squeeze another mini trip in that time! Instead I've had 2 days out in nearby cities, I've met my friends, bought a couple new clothes and watched cozy aesthetic videos in YouTube while procrastinating my home organisation projects :D
As I always say. Why put off today what you could put off tomorrow! Being retired is one big procrastination! 😉
Enjoy your weekend.
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

I was AWOL yesterday due to playing hunt the visa. Luckily managed to get a tracking number. Six passports to be collected from Manchester on Tuesday, just in time. It would have cost approximately £200 to have them delivered to our home addresses.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning. 6.6

And yet another "no show" - apparently his child care/school run arrangement has fallen through so coming tomorrow instead. Spitting feathers. Huge black cloud when I got up following a very wet night. However the place is drying up now so I may be able to get a few mixes in as the forecast is quite good.

Happy birthday @Gwynn , Congratulations @ColinUK

Have a happy Friday everyone.
Happy Birthday @Gwynn Sorry, but I seem to have got your waking reading this morning....IMG_20231110_082940559.jpg Must have been a mix up in the post! 🙄
Delighted to be sharing a Special House with @ColinUK though. Couldn't ask for better company.
My levels are still playing silly games with me. I left home to head up to see to GGs yesterday afternoon on 6.7. I was going to be doing a lot of walking and physical activity and had already had a good walk earlier, so made a very rare decision to leave my insulin at home to save on carrying stuff. 45 mins later my high alarm went off. I walked up and down the hill with haylage and feed buckets and worked hard but levels stayed in double figures until I got home 4 hours later and jabbed some Fiasp, then swung rapidly the other way and ended in the red, then 2 JBs and a tiny square of chocolate at bedtime and 10 mins after I got into bed high alarm went off. I had promised myself I wasn't going to do a correction at bedtime with the Amitriptyline, but 9.3 with a vertical upwards arrow and no evening Levemir was more than I could allow, so jabbed 1.5 units and went to sleep..... and look what I got, so not toally complaining! A bit more stability would be nice though!

@Elenka_HM Hope you have a lovely break in London with your parents/family.
And it was a 5.4 for me on this grey morning, the bonus is there is not the faintest hint of a breeze.

Have a good day all and stay safe....
@Martin.A I have been a peanuts fan for as long as I remember.
As I said, my wife is a huge fan. Here's a collage of what you'd see on a tour of our home.......


  • Peanuts.jpg
    45 KB · Views: 16
Morning all - My! that was some wind last night. Kept waking me. Still windy but not as fierce and nasty dark skies.

4.9 at 8am. Ruined my TIR yesterday as I spent a fair bit of time in the 15 range after lunch. I shall beware of fish finger sandwiches in future - very tasty, but not for me!

Not a lot on today, except grocery shopping and doing the exercises set by the physio.

Happy Birthday to @Gwynn
Have a good night out @Eternal422
@Elenka_HM have a lovely holiday
Congratulations to @ColinUK on your HS. Have a house with a view!View attachment 28199

It even looks wheelchair accessible and my 1:00am awakening was 6.1!