Group 7-day waking average?

.or morning woke up earlier again It was 7.5
GoodMorning 5.1 today
congrats on those house specials yesterday
@Grannylorraine @MeeTooTeeTo @Pattidevans

I went back to see nurse yesterday, she was happy the wound looks to be healing up ok
following the sebaceous cyst I finally had removed earlier in the week
something I remember the GP telling me back over 3 years ago he could remove
if it wasn’t at that time infected or in the middle of covid pandemic.
looking forward to having a shower tonight.

earlier in the week I had through the Text Reminder for my follow up eye appointment (DMO clinic)
good job they texted me as received no letter, that appointment is for next Monday afternoon,
be interesting to see how things look when they do the scans on Monda,
as on the last 2 occasions they decided the swelling on the retina (in my right eye)
had reduced and not to inject.

Have a great day everyone 😎
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Morning all. 🙂 4.0 for me.

Being observed in class by my boss last night went well. She’ll Zoom me today for feedback. We’ve got a big official assessment coming up, so it’ll be good to hear what she thinks. She’s lovely, and kept saying “Don’t worry!”

Admin and lesson planning today - if I do it all today, I can relaaaaax over the weekend.

More (((hugs))) @freesia - I know what you mean about doing something to distract yourself, but remember to take care of yourself too.
Morning folks on this very wet day. And for the first time in ages I’ve got a Len Goodman. SEVEN!

I’m happy with that as I was a complete and utter numpty ( again) yesterday. I forgot my kit when I went out for lunch with my friend. 🙄 I had ordered a panini too! Usually 50/60 grams of carbs. 6 something when I started about 12.30. Got home 2.30 and was only just under 8. Had a correction, not the full bolus I would have had usually, just 4 units. Got to the dizzy heights of almost 12 at 4pm and had dropped to 7ish at 6pm. I was surprised I hadn’t spiked earlier but it was Turkey and Brie and I suspect the cheese slowed me down. Also I was lucky I had some Creon floating about my bag, a bit scratched and fluffy but better then nowt!😛 I need to concentrate more.

Today was supposed to be a walking day to see the last of the autumn colours before the wind blows all the leaves off, but the place we proposed to go will be very wet, muddy and slippery with all the rain that’s forecast. We’ll see, maybe play it by ear.

Congrats to yesterday’s HS triplets. @Grannylorraine @MeeTooTeeTo and @Pattidevans. There was a HS in our house today, pity it was the temperature! Brrrr!

Have a good day.


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It's a 4.8 for me on this very cold morning. 🙂


4.8 today, started bright but clouded over now. Walk to mum’s later and yoga today, oh and work, mustn’t forget that.

@rebrascora - pleased to hear the appointment went well, totally understand your concerns of sleeping deeply and missing an low alarm, as 10mg make me sleep well, in fact they were prescribed to help with my sleeping as I have Citalopram for my depression/anxiety. Please keep coming on here because as you know there are a few of us who for whatever reasons suffer with our mental health.
Morning all, blood test undertaken at annual diabetes check with the GP nurse has thrown up a HBa1C of 41, up one point since the last one in July. Will have to keep an eye on the diet, so that I don't suddenly get back into the pre diabetic range. This morning BG reading was 4.5.
5.3 this morning. It's beginning to look and feel more like Autumn and our central heating is back on for a large part of the day, rather than just early morning and late evening, especially when people are WFH. Swim later, as usual on a Thursday, but no cars - our Audi was left with the garage yesterday and won't be ready until later - and my wife has headed into the office in the car I share with our eldest, as he's chosen to log in from home today. Bus again, then.

@Gwynn - my wife would approve your Snoopy picture. She's a big fan and she collects Peanuts memorabilia. The house is full of it.

@rebrascora - pleased to hear you had a good session with the GP, Barbara. Hope it's helped.

@Pattidevans - congrats on yesterday’s HS

@MrPixels - Snap! My last three have been 41, 40, 41

Have a good day, everyone.
Good morning everyone - 5.7 today after all night in range, so can’t grumble at that.

@rebrascora - pleased that your GP appointment went well, hope you are ok.

Take care everyone.
Good morning.6.4.
Not sure if that can be called a waking BG as I was awake from 1am. until 4.30 listening to the rain. At 4 decided I was hungry and had a Greek yoghurt with raspberries and almonds. Once the tum was satisfied I slept until 8. Apart from he lack of sleep no major woes from yesterday's over indulgence in digging.

Sunshine with showers forecast (Met heavy/BBC light). Sunshine at the moment. Will be setting out some shuttering between the showers so that casting can begin. Looking forward to getting this task completed. It will give the drive side a pretty curve or two as well as preventing the oiks from driving up onto the garden. Most of them do not seem to have mastered the 3 point turn.

Have a good day all.
A 6.6 this morning. Off to see the DN let’s see what she has to say, not seen her since I was diagnosed.

Hope you all have a great day. :D
@Martin.A I have been a peanuts fan for as long as I remember.

The peanuts movie (which I hoped would be good but dreaded it being ruined and rubbish) turned out to be charming, delightful, funny. A great family film. If you havn't seen it then may I suggest that you give it a go.
Morning all....It was a 5.8 for me on this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day all and stay safe.
The peanuts movie (which I hoped would be good but dreaded it being ruined and rubbish) turned out to be charming, delightful, funny. A great family film.
My wife has given it a miss it for the same reasons, so thanks for the feedback.