Group 7-day waking average?

Well, no sunny start today - it's a cold and wet Berkshire morning, the sort of day when you'd rather not go out. Unfortunately I had to drop the car off at the Audi garage this morning so they can investigate a coolant leak, and then walk back as there was no one available to follow me there and drive me back. It's not far - a 20-minute walk - and I stopped off at LIDL on the way home to pick up a newspaper and some berries for breakfast. Made a change from walking down to Morrisons, who sometimes haven't got round to putting their soft fruit out if you get there before 9 o'clock.

@freesia so sorry to hear about your loss

@MeeTooTeeTo and @Grannylorraine - well done on your HSs

A nice round 5.0 on my meter this morning.

Have a good Wednesday. Hopefully your weather's better than ours.
Morning all - just dull and grey today.

When I woke at 8:38 my phone was out of charge and my meter was downstairs, so it was 40 minutes later that I scanned 5.2. After doing nothing but sitting in bed drinking tea and reading the forum. Does that count? Had a great night's sleep - possibly because we put the winter duvet on yesterday. It's feather and down and blissfully comfy - rather than the summer duvet with a heavy bedspread over it, which we have had on. Had the rest of the cheesy potatoes last night (a similar portion to the previous night) but this time I did an extended bolus on my pump and it worked out perfectly.

Got to go to the vampire again this afternoon. More blood tests for kidney function and a B12 injection. I really want off the Losartan as a) it's not good for the kidneys and b) I seem to have the ACE cough which is irritating. I'm sure there's something else I can have instead.

Then a nicer visit - to the local pub around 5:30 for Wobbly Wednesday when there is 20% off drinks and we meet all our friends! It's a lovely social occasion.

Congratulations to @Grannylorraine and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HSs.

@rayray119 it's lovely to meet a fellow T1 in RL isn't it?

Have a Wonderful Wednesday all


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@Pattidevans I think that counts!

And I get you with the duvet. I bought a new one a couple of weeks back. It was a bit of an indulgence as it’s purely down filled but it’s fabulous to sleep under.
Good aftenoon. So sorry that I have been absent for a few days but I have had some problems which took a long time to resolve. all sorted now except for a diabetes problem which I won't bore you with, I am working on iit. I was 5.8 this morning.
I was wondering where you were and was going to say that I hoped you were OK when I caught up later today. Good to see you back.
And my waking reading on this horrible wet day was a 5.4 I'm happy with that.

I went to the hospital this morning for the second ECG in the last ten days, fortunately, the results were
still the same, it's all good.
Hi guys/Guinea Pigs 😉

Sorry for the late check in. I wasn't well this morning and had to go back to bed after posting on the Wordle thread. I had a really nasty hypo and then just started to feel really ill after I had recovered, so headed off to bed. By the time I woke up I was well behind with chores, so just catching up now.

Firstly I must say how very sorry I am to read of your loss @freesia and send by heartfelt sympathies to you and your Mum along with virtual (((HUGS))). You surely are not continuing to go into work this week!
Anyway, 4.3 for me this morning with a flatfish straight line overnight that dipped in and out of the red sand on the sea bed, but didn't take any Levemir last night which looks to be the right decision. Ian and I went out for a carvery last night as I didn't feel like cooking and it's easy to low carb with a carvery. Left the house on 5.6, and then forgot to prebolus until after I came back from the hot plates with my plate of food. Was shocked to see 3.9 on my Libre but jabbed 5 units which I thought was very generous considering I had only 1 roast potato and a couple of tiny roast parsnips, a quarter of one small Yorkie which I really only had because 5 units seemed far to much especially when I was starting on 3.9 and a load of veg and a small meat portion. Half way through eating I got tingly lips and mouth so had a little slurp of Ian's J2O and continued to eat. By the time we left the pub I was 8.3 and going up, got home (10 mins) and I was into double figures with a vertical upward arrow leveled out at 13 and dropped back a bit and then continued up to 15.3 with sloping upward arrow, by which time I had hit it with 2 stacked corrections of 3+2 units and headed to bed. My graph shows the line swooping down from mid 15s to level out at 4 so I will take that as a monumental success!! I will confess I woke a couple of times through the night to check but with no evening basal and bolus spent I was disinclined to eat any JBs as I sleep best in the 4s and it was the right decision, especially as Libre reads about 1mmol lower than BG.

Thanks so much for all your support and good wishes. GP appointment was emotional but good. She listened patiently, gave me plenty of time to discuss what I wanted and we agreed a plan of action and that we catch up in 2 week to reassess things, so I did feel better, but then disappointed that I felt physically ill this morning again. What was interesting was that I was saying about how I have had these episodes of illness/severe headaches for 20+ years which I assumed were migraines, then not had them for 4 years since changing to a low carb way of eating but recently they have started up again, but minus the severe headache and it turns out you can also get gut migraine, which I didn't know. I am now officially on 10mg Amitriptyline a day and going to gradually built it up as that can help depression/anxiety and apparently has also been successful in treating migraine of both sorts, plus I had already started taking Amitriptyline I had left in the house from a back spasm many years ago, to try to reduce the muscle tension I was experiencing with the anxiety. I think my only worry with it is that it really knocks me out with just 10mg and with being prone to nocturnal hypos, increasing the dose up to the 75mg dose for depression 1s a bit of a scary prospect, but hopefully the soporific effect will wear off as I take it more regularly. We will see, but just trying to look at it one day at a time.

Many congratulations to @Grannylorraine on yet another House Special and another half lb down Well done! Congrats also to @MeeTooTeeTo and @Pattidevans on achieving the magic number this morning.
You surely are not continuing to go into work this week!
I've gone in as its a distraction but i did feel overwhelmed today. I've been going to mums every day. She has so many phone calls from different people and my brother has been around to take her to the places she needs to go. Theres not much i can do apart from support her, make sure she eats etc.

Sorry to read you've been unwell but it sounds like you had a really good chat with the GP. I hope you feel better soon.

Congrats to @Grannylorraine, @MeeTooTeeTo and @Pattidevans on your HS today.
Good very early morning. I was up at 2am which is early for me (but only just). An upset stomach, settling down now I think.

BG 5.5
Everything else ok

Today rest and recover, carol practice, rest and more rest


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 10.1

Have a great day everyone