Group 7-day waking average?

7.8 when I woke early and jabbed 3u Fiasp (to cover correction plus DP/FOTF) and my morning Levemir, then went back to sleep for an hour and a half and woke up on 4.9 and was able to get up with injections already done which was quite pleasant. Also felt that my mood was a little lighter this morning and I felt alert from the start so hopefully that is a sign that the Amitriptyline is helping. I have been out and done quite a bit of exercise and work already and just having breakfast. Got away with no Levemir again last night but levels were clearly starting to rise a bit towards morning, but could get used to that routine of just waking early, jabbing a correction and my Levemir and going back to sleep and not having to worry about levels going low overnight. Early days but will see how that plays out in the next few days. Surprisingly my breakfast bolus has still taken ages to kick in despite all the exercise this morning.

@MrPixels Congrats on your HbA1c. I know there is a tiny increase which is within the error margins of the testing, but I am sure there is still a lot of work involved in maintaining that level so you get a gold star. Managing diabetes long term is not easy and you need to give yourself credit for a great result.
Morning all - looking like another mixed day.

4.8 first thing. No red in the night though. in fact no red at all over the last 90 days and 84% in target.

The GP had referred me to Physio for my arthritic knee on or about 5 Oct and I'd had a letter saying the waiting list was over 33 weeks, but I got a phone call yesterday afternoon giving me an appointment first thing this morning. Went along and met a nice young man who examined me thoroughly, putting me through various tests and he sent me on my way with some exercises to do and an appointment in 2 weeks' time. I am well impressed.

Not much on today. Julian is going to meet his mates to play Crib and I have a friend dropping round for a cuppa and a gossip + I'm cooking mediterranean split green pea soup and a repeat of Rick Stein's chicken gratin with leeks.

I used to love Snoopy - somewhere I still have a party invitation that my ex-flatmate and myself concocted featuring 4 cartoons of him saying "come to Liz and Patti's party", "bring a bottle" and the last one was something about hangovers!

@rebrascora, so pleased the appointment went well and you had a good sleep last night.

@MrPixels well done on your Hba1c - really 40 and 41 are much the same.

Take care @freesia - and of your mum.

Have a good day all.
- I know what you mean about doing something to distract yourself, but remember to take care of yourself too
I will do. I'm having a couple of nights off going to mums, having my hair cut tonight and seeing a friend for coffee tomorrow. I will ring mum though to make sure she's ok.

no red at all over the last 90 days and 84% in target
Great result @Pattidevans
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 (oh come on! On my birthday, a tease?)

Today, a quiet day, except the pipe organ christmas carols. There are so many chords in Christmas carols!!!

Have a great day today what ever yoy are doing
Good morning - 4.7

I had my Spanish listening and reading yesterday and I think they went well - except the audio for the listening kept freezing.

Have a great day everyone
Good morning a 6.9 for me today

still have Some IT related problems to sort out (on my works computer)
hopefully I can finally get those resolved this morning, 🙄
whilst I’m off it’s a good opportunity to get them sorted and if needed better familiarise myself
on how the new computer operates, which for me is far more complicated than the iPad that for the last nearly 6 years sales were previously made using 🙂 planning on being BTW on Monday

Happy Birthday @Gwynn

have a Fabulous Friday Everybody 😎
Not sure I can call this much of a waking because I hadn't slept much but its 5.8
Morning all. 6.4 on this cold ( 2c) and foggy Friday. Brrr!

Didn’t get out for our planned walk yesterday, not only did it rain heavily on and off all day but we had various bits of shopping to do all over the place and it took longer than we thought, it was 3.30 when we finished and almost dark. Ah well, maybe this weekend when the forecast is more favourable.

Got a shock yesterday when I got a letter from the DVLA, I opened it with trepidation only to find my licence needs renewed. What? Said I, it’s never three years. Got my drivers licence out and sure enough I renewed it December 2020! I really couldn’t believe it. What a quick three years. I hope the next three years goes as fast as that’s when I’m due my state pension! I shouldn’t wish my life away though, should I? 😛

Have a fab-u-lous Friday folks.
Another wet & miserable Berkshire morning and it's just started raining heavily, so no pre-breakfast walk down to Morrisons. Will nip down in the car later when I think they might have got round to putting out the soft fruit, as I have no strawberries or blueberries for breakfast.

Collected the car from the Audi garage yesterday afternoon. New water pump and a bill for £570 - ouch. Luckily, as my wife and I split the running costs 50-50, I'm only on the hook for half of it but could have done without that in the run-up to Xmas.

@Lily123 - I used to work part-time as an Invigilator so I know how frustrating it can be when the kit won't behave. Once had an exam held up for 30 minutes while they tried to find us a replacement laptop after the one we had suddenly decided to go mute.

Congratulations on the HS @ColinUK

5.6 this morning and weekly BP check 130/74, so over the line into that zone known as High Normal this week. Happens occasionally.

Have a good Friday.
5.8 for me this morning. And well done @ColinUK on the 5.2. Happy Birthday @Gwynn
Morning all

5.6 for me today. Absolutely filthy weather here. Has been pouring all night, and no chance to take the dog out this morning.
@Martin.A I have been a peanuts fan for as long as I remember.

The peanuts movie (which I hoped would be good but dreaded it being ruined and rubbish) turned out to be charming, delightful, funny. A great family film. If you havn't seen it then may I suggest that you give it a go.
We had an Peanuts Old Maid card game when my daughters were young called Fussbudget. Alarming it is now referred to as VINTAGE.