Group 7-day waking average?

Today a 4.7, shortly off for my first annual diabetes check up with the practice nurse, what can I expect?...
If it's like mine they'll measure your height, weigh you, check your feet, take your BP and take blood for an HbA1c.
Today a 4.7, shortly off for my first annual diabetes check up with the practice nurse, what can I expect?...
Update, Weight 74.6K, Blood pressure 134/80, Blood taken for HbA1c although that was only done in July, when it was 40. Urine sample sent off, no foot check, although I did see the foot clinic recently. Talk about coming off the register would that mean I no longer get foot checks and eye screening?...
4.7 for me this morning but 2 JBs involved overnight still although I kept out of the red and I feel like I am getting things back on an even keel and have more idea of what I am doing again. I did however fail to motivate myself to cook last night and I think that was part of the problem with my levels dropping last night. Not enough protein and fats to keep me stable overnight.

I've got a telephone appointment with my GP this afternoon to discuss my anxiety issues and possibly digestive upset as well. I am panic stricken just contemplating the appointment, but know I need to do it.... I did an eConsult Sunday night as things are really not good and I know I need help and have done for years, but I try to muddle through on my own, but it takes a toll on my family who worry about me as well as on my own body coping with the anxiety. I am really not sure if my digestive upset is related to the stress my mental health puts on my body or if there is actually something wrong but I am trying to do all the right things to help alleviate my anxiety and not making much progress. My usual route of retreating from everything for the winter and particularly Christmas because I just can't cope with it, including social events which are an absolute terror for me, is still not ideal, as I feel so guilty about letting everyone down, which is why the pandemic was such a relief for me because it gave me the perfect get out of avoiding people and events without the guilt. Anyway, I have this telephone appointment with the nicest, most approachable female doctor at the surgery this afternoon, so hopefully I can make the most of it and get some help. My sister has been pushing me for years but more earnestly, the last few months to get some help, especially after witnessing one of my illness episodes a couple of months back, so I am doing this for her! Sorry for offloading but feeling pretty terrified just now and I know you guys are kind and supportive so I suppose, unloading to you first is a bit of a trial run for my appointment later. Hope you don't mind being guinea pigs! I do feel a bit better for writing it down and having a bit cry, so hopefully I can be a bit more coherent when I speak to the GP.... I am so very lucky to have a really good GP practice.

Anyway, congrats to @Martin.A on another House Special and hoping you all have the best day possible. Sun is shining here which definitely helps.
And it was a happy 5.2 for me at 08.45 this fine sunny morning.
4.7 for me this morning but 2 JBs involved overnight still although I kept out of the red and I feel like I am getting things back on an even keel and have more idea of what I am doing again. I did however fail to motivate myself to cook last night and I think that was part of the problem with my levels dropping last night. Not enough protein and fats to keep me stable overnight.

I've got a telephone appointment with my GP this afternoon to discuss my anxiety issues and possibly digestive upset as well. I am panic stricken just contemplating the appointment, but know I need to do it.... I did an eConsult Sunday night as things are really not good and I know I need help and have done for years, but I try to muddle through on my own, but it takes a toll on my family who worry about me as well as on my own body coping with the anxiety. I am really not sure if my digestive upset is related to the stress my mental health puts on my body or if there is actually something wrong but I am trying to do all the right things to help alleviate my anxiety and not making much progress. My usual route of retreating from everything for the winter and particularly Christmas because I just can't cope with it, including social events which are an absolute terror for me, is still not ideal, as I feel so guilty about letting everyone down, which is why the pandemic was such a relief for me because it gave me the perfect get out of avoiding people and events without the guilt. Anyway, I have this telephone appointment with the nicest, most approachable female doctor at the surgery this afternoon, so hopefully I can make the most of it and get some help. My sister has been pushing me for years but more earnestly, the last few months to get some help, especially after witnessing one of my illness episodes a couple of months back, so I am doing this for her! Sorry for offloading but feeling pretty terrified just now and I know you guys are kind and supportive so I suppose, unloading to you first is a bit of a trial run for my appointment later. Hope you don't mind being guinea pigs! I do feel a bit better for writing it down and having a bit cry, so hopefully I can be a bit more coherent when I speak to the GP.... I am so very lucky to have a really good GP practice.

Anyway, congrats to @Martin.A on another House Special and hoping you all have the best day possible. Sun is shining here which definitely helps.
I hope, as I am sure we all do, that your GP can help you. You should never feel guilty about avoiding situations which cause you stress. You are not letting people down: you are taking sensible action to protect your health. Huge HUG from a guinea pig.
Just post this now while I remember! 😳 Been absentminded lately & forgot to post. 😳

Was turned down, again for PIP but, applied for & getting Universal Credit payments twice a month starting 16;11/2023 although, I still don’t know how much: anything would help? A bit of a palaver getting the medical check up & sick/fit note for me it but, got through it! 🙄

And a bit of nice news too from the medical check up in that it confirmed my guessed weight loss: my digital scales were a casualty of The Great Kitchen Cull of November 2022! :rofl:; felt the last few days that my waist was slimmer so, it WAS indeed a very slow weight loss of 3 kgs since I was in hospital in July! I was 93 kg then, which was a shock to me as I’d already put on 5 kg over the 3 lockdown years & then, last winter alone put on 10 more kg! Now I’m down to 90 kg just by reducing a lot of insulin with the help of libre. I noticed it was a lot easier putting on my socks for the medical check up appointment last Friday as my belly is a bit smaller! 🙄:rofl:

I’m currently noticing my insulin needs going down more now because, I’m guessing, of the weight loss. Now down to 68 Tresiba & still getting overnight drops as I sleep but, underwent a menstrual cycle, now ending, to confuse things a bit! 🙂o_O:confused::D

Just started watching a new, eagerly awaited by me, historical costume cdrama live on Monday & all the media trailers, teasers releases pre release last week before that! Enjoying it a lot, so far:- Wonderland of Love starring Xu Kai & Jing Tian. 😛😳😉:rofl: 4 episodes yesterday & 2 now Mon to Fri is the schedule & there’s a total of 46 episodes.

Hope you’re all keeping as well as possible & I wish you all a Wonderful Day! 😉

Oh! I forgot! I woke today 12:44 BS 6.7 🙂 With no cramps: had a VERY VERY VERY sore cramps the last 3 days: worst I’ve had in a long time; didn’t eat much! Starting to eat a bit today: not a full meal yet with a portion of mash potato; was only eating when I needed to according to BS the previous few days as I was SO uncomfortable! Can’t help this one frown :(
Just post this now while I remember! 😳 Been absentminded lately & forgot to post. 😳

Was turned down, again for PIP but, applied for & getting Universal Credit payments twice a month starting 16;11/2023 although, I still don’t know how much: anything would help? A bit of a palaver getting the medical check up & sick/fit note for me it but, got through it! 🙄

And a bit of nice news too from the medical check up in that it confirmed my guessed weight loss: my digital scales were a casualty of The Great Kitchen Cull of November 2022! :rofl:; felt the last few days that my waist was slimmer so, it WAS indeed a very slow weight loss of 3 kgs since I was in hospital in July! I was 93 kg then, which was a shock to me as I’d already put on 5 kg over the 3 lockdown years & then, last winter alone put on 10 more kg! Now I’m down to 90 kg just by reducing a lot of insulin with the help of libre. I noticed it was a lot easier putting on my socks for the medical check up appointment last Friday as my belly is a bit smaller! 🙄:rofl:

I’m currently noticing my insulin needs going down more now because, I’m guessing, of the weight loss. Now down to 68 Tresiba & still getting overnight drops as I sleep but, underwent a menstrual cycle, now ending, to confuse things a bit! 🙂o_O:confused::D

Just started watching a new, eagerly awaited by me, historical costume cdrama live on Monday & all the media trailers, teasers releases pre release last week before that! Enjoying it a lot, so far:- Wonderland of Love starring Xu Kai & Jing Tian. 😛😳😉:rofl: 4 episodes yesterday & 2 now Mon to Fri is the schedule & there’s a total of 46 episodes.

Hope you’re all keeping as well as possible & I wish you all a Wonderful Day! 😉

Oh! I forgot! I woke today 12:44 BS 6.7 🙂 With no cramps: had a VERY VERY VERY sore cramps the last 3 days: worst I’ve had in a long time; didn’t eat much! Starting to eat a bit today: not a full meal yet with a portion of mash potato; was only eating when I needed to according to BS the previous few days as I was SO uncomfortable! Can’t help this one frown :(
Ask for a reconsideration about the PIP decision.
Look up the necessary point scores for things and go through the form point by point with what you think you ought to have scored and what they scored you.
It seems that the entire system is geared to say no unless people push.
But ask for a reconsideration not an appeal.

There’s a website with amazing resources for PIP
Congratulation @Martin.A and @Barrowman on your HS today!

@rebrascora - from a Guinea pig : I really hope your GP call went well and was positive. Really felt for you just reading your post. Anxiety can make your brain think all sorts of things and give rise to physical symptoms. Sending virtual hugs.
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Evening all. I've not posted the last few days and can't remember this morning's reading. On Friday/early Saturday morning my lovely, lovely step dad of 30 years passed away suddenly. Mum has been in a state obviously and i've been with her. With work as well, its a tough time and my levels have been swinging up and down a lot.

I haven't read all the posts but to anyone who has had a HS congratulations. To anyone who is struggling or unwell big (HUGS).
@freesia - so sorry to hear your sad news, sending {hugs}
Talk about coming off the register would that mean I no longer get foot checks and eye screening?...
Most probably.

@freesia so very sorry to hear of your loss. Sending you and your mum huge hugs.

Sending @rebrascora best wishes and hoping your Dr appointment went well and you can get some support now.

In fact it seems to me we need a huge group hug, so many members struggling right now.
I am so sorry @freesia I did wonder where you were and hoped school wasn’t bring too stressful. What a shock for everyone especially your mum obviously. Take care and don’t forget to look after yourself so you can look after your mum. Big hugs.
4.7 for me this morning but 2 JBs involved overnight still although I kept out of the red and I feel like I am getting things back on an even keel and have more idea of what I am doing again. I did however fail to motivate myself to cook last night and I think that was part of the problem with my levels dropping last night. Not enough protein and fats to keep me stable overnight.

I've got a telephone appointment with my GP this afternoon to discuss my anxiety issues and possibly digestive upset as well. I am panic stricken just contemplating the appointment, but know I need to do it.... I did an eConsult Sunday night as things are really not good and I know I need help and have done for years, but I try to muddle through on my own, but it takes a toll on my family who worry about me as well as on my own body coping with the anxiety. I am really not sure if my digestive upset is related to the stress my mental health puts on my body or if there is actually something wrong but I am trying to do all the right things to help alleviate my anxiety and not making much progress. My usual route of retreating from everything for the winter and particularly Christmas because I just can't cope with it, including social events which are an absolute terror for me, is still not ideal, as I feel so guilty about letting everyone down, which is why the pandemic was such a relief for me because it gave me the perfect get out of avoiding people and events without the guilt. Anyway, I have this telephone appointment with the nicest, most approachable female doctor at the surgery this afternoon, so hopefully I can make the most of it and get some help. My sister has been pushing me for years but more earnestly, the last few months to get some help, especially after witnessing one of my illness episodes a couple of months back, so I am doing this for her! Sorry for offloading but feeling pretty terrified just now and I know you guys are kind and supportive so I suppose, unloading to you first is a bit of a trial run for my appointment later. Hope you don't mind being guinea pigs! I do feel a bit better for writing it down and having a bit cry, so hopefully I can be a bit more coherent when I speak to the GP.... I am so very lucky to have a really good GP practice.

Anyway, congrats to @Martin.A on another House Special and hoping you all have the best day possible. Sun is shining here which definitely helps.
Hope everything went well and you’re feeling better after discussing it with us Guinea pigs and your GP. That’s the first step done, and as we all know, that’s the hardest one, so well done. Big squishy hugs. X