Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

A cracking ‘after the rain’ sunny start today, with big ‘November skies’ tinged gold by the sun to walk the dog under.

6.2 for me.

Hope everyone has a great day
Morning all. 🙂 7.9 here.

Got up for a pee at 4am, looked out the window and saw this weird, pulsating, orange glow in the sky at ground level. It looked like the sun was coming up, but on the wrong side of the Did I eat too much cheese before bed? No, it was the Northern lights (according to the news). o_O

Nose back to the grindstone this morning. 😛
A 5.6 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 7.9 here.

Got up for a pee at 4am, looked out the window and saw this weird, pulsating, orange glow in the sky at ground level. It looked like the sun was coming up, but on the wrong side of the Did I eat too much cheese before bed? No, it was the Northern lights (according to the news). o_O

Nose back to the grindstone this morning. 😛
The Northern Lights stats were excellent last night, we were getting alerts from 4pm. But unfortunately it was really cloudy here and with the smoke from bonfires and fireworks we didn’t have a chance. There’s some amazing photos on FB today from around the county.
5.3 on another bright and sunny Berkshire morning. Haircut later, somewhere new. As I mentioned some weeks ago the barber I'd been going to for years and years has closed for good. Tried a different one but didn't think they did a very good job so someone else is being given a go today. Had to make an appointment via their website, though - they don't do walk-ins.

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS

Hope everyone has a good start to the week, Monday blues aside.
Morning all - sa\me undecided weather - intermittent rain and sun.

5.3 this morning - couple of nasty spikes after lunch and dinner yesterday ruined my stats.

Was supposed to meet my friend today, but we've cancelled as we're going out for lunch for her birthday on Sat instead. So might go to the garden centre to get a pack of "blankets" to wrap the bay trees as they do suffer from the wind in winter.

Finding typing difficult as have a large plaster on one finger - I cut it with a big japanese cleaver when slicing cabbage yesterday. Ho hum!

Congrats to @Gwynn again.
3.1 on the Libre this morning and another good stretch of red on the graph again overnight although it was very horizontal but 3 JBs consumed overnight. I did however double check it with my Caresens straight away.... well within a couple of minutes and got 4.1, so don't think it was a s bad as my Libre suggests. No doubt my Optium test strips would have said under 3 so I didn't bother with those. 🙄 Felt like I was probably borderline hypo.
Didn't inject my usual 1.5 units of Fiasp for FOTF this time until 40 mins after getting up when my levels were 6.4 with a vertical upward arrow.
Yesterday I spent all day battling highs and the tiniest thing I ate needed twice as much insulin as usual and even when I hit it with a rage bolus for a very late breakfast, I didn't get to eat it because they didn't come down and needed to add another 3 units which still did very little. I had a small amount of leftover chilli with coleslaw for lunch instead of the intended late breakfast because I was going out with Ian driving Arthur and knew I needed something considering I had 8 units of Fiasp and no food in my system. I knew that would be less carbs and slower release but levels still continued upwards even after a walk back from the farm afterwards. I was at 9.4 when I got home according to Libre but Caresens said 13.5 and it took another 2 stacked corrections to get me back down and another at bedtime when my high alarm went off again 10 mins after getting into bed. Didn't have a clue how much evening Levemir to inject because I had needed so much extra insulin through the day, but had been hypo the previous night on almost none. I settled for more than the night before at 2.5 when I should probably have stuck with 1.5. Hindsight is a wonderful thing! Decided to up my morning dose to 22 again instead of 20 and so far much less fighting with high levels and corrections so hoping that settles it and will try 1.5 units tonight again and keep fingers crossed.

Best of luck to @Lily123 for those exams today and congrats to @Gwynn on yet another HS and @eggyg on a fabulously handsome unicorn. You clearly need to have lamb and ginger pud more often as you have it nailed!

Looking forward to @ColinUK's CCC tomorrow.
Much earlier on this fine sunny day it was a 5.9 for me.

Had two blood tests this morning and a meeting with my DN as well, now it's a late lunch.
6.3 for me this morning.

My struggling with highs came crashing down yesterday to a 2.4 and downward slanting arrow:(. Of course, this was whilst in a shopping centre so it was lucky my wife was with me to guide me to a Starbucks where I could sit, chomp on some dextrose tablets and come back to normal. First time I’ve been quite this low and I skipped the flashing black bits in my eyesight and straight to patches of black like my vision was failing. Very scary and I could imagine just blacking out altogether.

Anyway, the new sensor on Saturday has apparently despaired of me and given up the ghost, so just put on a new one after Abbott agreed to send a replacement. I could have limped along, it seems the Bluetooth died so I missed getting real-time CGM (and more importantly, alarms) - first world problem, how quickly we take stuff for granted.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS!

@Lily123 - hope your mocks are going well.

@ColinUK - good luck with the hygienist, hopefully it’s not too uncomfortable.

@rebrascora - my heartfelt sympathies to you with all of your juggling doses, this is indeed a tricky game!

Take care everyone!
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I knew that would be less carbs and slower release but levels still continued upwards even after a walk back from the farm afterwards. I was at 9.4 when I got home according to Libre but Caresens said 13.5 and it took another 2 stacked corrections to get me back down and another at bedtime when my high alarm went off again 10 mins after getting into bed.
When my insulin starts performing like that I usually suspect it's "gone off" for whatever reason and change vials - pen refills in your case.

@Eternal422 what a nasty scary hypo.

@ColinUK hope the hygienist went well. I hate going to the hygienist - the nice one who always said my mouth hygiene was very good has left and the new one is like a headmistress talking to a naughty pupil. I can live without that at my age! Plus she pulled my mouth back so far I thought my lips were going to split, so I had to tell her to stop it.

@Lily123 hope the mocks went well.
@Pattidevans Not my insulin, just my body/diabetes being erratic. It's working much better today now that I have increased my daytime Levemir by 2 units, back up to 22. Still not sure about tonight's dose yet. Need to get myself a decent evening meal cooked and I will see where I am after I have eaten that and then had a walk and sorted beasties for the night. Definitely feel that increasing this morning's Levemir was a big step in the right direction though for not having to fight my daytime levels, so that is half the battle won. I would really like to use less insulin and when I do a lot of exercise I can get away with 20u but the last few days I haven't had enough exercise but was resisting increasing it again and then having to firefight with lots of corrections makes things less clear at bedtime. I think/hope the night time doses may settle into a more predictable pattern once I don't need so many daytime corrections.
It's hard to believe how just 2 less units of Levemir need about 8-10 units of Fiasp in corrections through the day to balance it up. It is certainly right what they say about getting your basal right being the key. When it is wrong, boy is it frustrating!
Hygienist was very matter of fact and a bit heavy handed. But she didn’t tell me off and gave me some guidance on interdental sizes (I need to go up a size for two teeth) and suggested running the brush on a two minute cycle focused on two specific areas that are uncomfortable for me to reach in a normal clean. (They’re in my mouth I hasten to add!)
Given I’ve not seen her ever it really wasn’t too bad. I’m going back in December for the second round of joyous probing.