Group 7-day waking average?

Morning Ive woken up a little bit ago with dexcom saying 3.5 and having been there for a while a figer prick said 2.6 so it seema even In these situations I can trust dexcom. My warning signs I think sometimes could be better athough I suppose waking up could have been a warning sign(I had the low alerm set at 5.6 because I have it set like that alot in in the day time epsailoly when I been out and about but when it went off last night I nither did anything about I never did anything about it or turn it down to lower level I ) I did feal it probably as I sorted stuff out others times I can check I. It the 4s or higher if I've been doing fast

I was just Dexcom nows saying 14.7 but it's gone down to 13.3 now.

Anyway training day for work today so excited🙂
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4

A pretty boring day ahead, or... maybe I'll go make something of the day, not sure what yet.

An Amazon order to arrive today...wires

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. A nice round 6.

No particular plans today, relishing an almost empty diary this week. A bit of washing maybe, forecast sunny and dry. I might chance hanging them on the line. Oh the excitement is killing me! I’ll make cheese and onion pasties for tea ( sorry @TinaD ) and marinade some chicken wings in peri peri spices for tomorrow’s tea. That’s it, no more excitement, I can’t cope! 😉 I’m off to watch some paint dry!

Have a great day even if it is boring like mine and @Gwynn. :D
Morning all. 🙂 3.9 here.

I’ll listen to your advice next year @Pumper_Sue - I went ahead with my GP surgery diabetes review last week, even though I’d pointed out repeatedly it was a waste of NHS resources. I had a nice chat with a nice nurse (“This is just a formality” - she kept saying this!) who didn’t seem to have my recent test results to hand. The following day I get an email from my fantastic hospital DSN, who’s clearly peed off, about an email she’s received from aforementioned nice nurse complaining about their service on my behalf...what?!! I’d asked her to get me on a DAFNE course. I definitely didn’t say what she said I’d said...nuts! o_O Where do they get these people?🙄

Happy Tuesday, folks. :D
Good morning. 4.9

Nasty grey wet morning.

Had a successful day yesterday: finished the long section of footings (altho' 5 metres of wider deeper digging remains), came in to a particularly aromatic chicken and vegetable stew, mucked out Peachy and, finding myself with a bit more energy in the tank, washed the car. It was getting embarrassing to be seen with - not just mud but large spreading areas of algae. The bloke who wrote "How green was my valley" should have written a follow up "How green was my motor car".

@eggyg Enjoy the pasties!

Have a good day everyone.
A 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

A nice round 5.0 this morning for me. Liking this new sensor already!

Well, did the deed yesterday and resigned from work to start my retirement from next March. Scary stuff as it is very definitely the end of an era but the start of a new chapter. Australian holiday all booked from mid March to kick off our new era, exciting times!

In the meantime back to work today as normal.

@MikeyBikey - hope you’re ok and haven’t picked up the lurgy!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning. 4.9

Nasty grey wet morning.

Had a successful day yesterday: finished the long section of footings (altho' 5 metres of wider deeper digging remains), came in to a particularly aromatic chicken and vegetable stew, mucked out Peachy and, finding myself with a bit more energy in the tank, washed the car. It was getting embarrassing to be seen with - not just mud but large spreading areas of algae. The bloke who wrote "How green was my valley" should have written a follow up "How green was my motor car".

@eggyg Enjoy the pasties!

Have a good day everyone.
Mr Eggy was embarrassed last week when he took our car into the dealership where we bought it to get a new tyre. When he went to collect her after having a wander round Tesco, they told him they’d washed and hoovered it “as it was filthy”. Oops! It was TBF, it hadn’t been cleaned after being in Cornwall for two weeks last month. That was him told! 😛
A nice round 5.0 this morning for me. Liking this new sensor already!

Well, did the deed yesterday and resigned from work to start my retirement from next March. Scary stuff as it is very definitely the end of an era but the start of a new chapter. Australian holiday all booked from mid March to kick off our new era, exciting times!

In the meantime back to work today as normal.

@MikeyBikey - hope you’re ok and haven’t picked up the lurgy!

Have a good day everyone!
Ooh so exciting. I remember the day Mr Eggy put his three month notice in, it wasn’t a surprise to them as he’d told them weeks before, it was exciting/nerve racking in equal measures. Are we doing the right thing? Can we afford it? I only needed to put a months notice in ( I was just a pleb) and that was a great day too. 6.5 years and we’ve mostly enjoyed every day, ( first year was tough, health wise for Mr Eggy) can’t imagine ever been a wage slave again. Yes, belts may need to be tightened at times, you have boring days ( like today) but the freedom is the best thing ever. Do what you want when you want. We do count ourselves to be very fortunate that we were able to retire at 57 and able to enjoy our lives now when we can. There was times in the first year when we thought Mr Eggy wouldn’t pull through, but here he is all fixed ( sort of) and building greenhouses! If he stayed at work who knows?
Opened the curtains to yet another bright and sunny Berkshire morning. So mild, too - is it really November?

Swim day but, unusually for a Tuesday, no cars so it's the bus. I don't mind if the weather's like this, as walking to and from the bus stops helps me get towards my daily steps target.

Haircut yesterday, first time at this barber and pleased with the result. Real test will be how it grows out, but at the moment looks like they might have gained me as a regular. Only charged me a tenner, so cheaper than my old barber's Seniors' rate.

5.2 this morning.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your day.


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Ahhh retirement.

I planned mine, announced it. Then HR managed to muck it all up and muck me around until I got a company director involved one week before my leaving date (six months later). That sorted it!! I tried so hard with HR. It was clear they had got it all wrong but they were incapable of hearing or changing until the directors gun was put against their head. Since then, retirement has been bliss.

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Colin’s Cultural Corner!

Jeptha - Handel

Royal Opera House
6th November 2023

This was a “must see” as it’s not been staged here for almost 300 years. In fact the last time it was here Handel was in the audience.

So given that it’s a rarity I thought I had to see it. The only date I could make was this rehearsal so here I am!

Musically it’s challenging. That’s mainly because it’s full of recitative rather than sung through “lyrics”. What that means is that it’s full of short phrases sung over and over again rather than telling a story. It’s like a hymn or a baroque liturgical song. Given that it’s an oratorio that’s not that surprising.

What was surprising was how much dramatic tension the director managed to find in the biblical plot and the beautiful music.

The plot... well it’s just an everyday tale (lifted from the Bible) of leader of a nation that’s under the thumb of another one deciding enough is enough, calling his brother back from exile to lead the troops in an uprising, that brother having doubts and promising the first thing he sees when he gets home, assuming he’s victorious, will be sacrificed to God. Meanwhile his daughter (you can see where this is going...) is in love with a boy (who’s sings counter tenor beautifully) who doesn’t want to fight but joins the army to show the dad that he’s worthy of being the daughter’s husband.

The daughter and future son-in-law are frisky young things and never pass up an opportunity to enjoy a mildly sexual encounter whilst maintaining their purity of course.

Dad goes off and leads the people (the Israelites) to victory against their oppressor (the Ammonites) only by virtue of a seraphim who intervenes and gets Boy to kill the Ammonite king and his court.

Daughter heard of the victory and prepares herself to be wed. Dad reaffirms vow to sacrifice first living thing he sees to God. Daughter runs out to greet dad.

Dad is distraught. Mum’s really rather annoyed with dad for making the vow in the first place. Boy isn’t best pleased and neither is daughter.

Dad is adamant that daughter must be sacrificed and she’s tied to a post atop a pile of firewood. People are holding flaming torches (there really is something quite stunning about seeing productions of this scale with so many naked flames - at times the chorus of 100 are all carrying lit candles, in this scene there are flaming torches and at the top of the production there’s the torching of idols) and as they touch the flames to the funeral pyre a seraphim appears and tells them that Dad has only remembered half his vow.

He actually promised that the first living thing he saw after a victory would either be sacrificed or would be devoted to God. So daughter is now freed from death to become a nun.

She’s not sold on the idea. Boy isn’t exactly keen either. Mum’s still angry with dad.

There’s a bit of a to do where dad is acknowledged for his religious devotion and daughter is led to the nunnery.

That’s it. Nobody important dies.

I’m not doing it justice here as it really was a remarkable production. The use of light (and lack thereof plunging the stage into total darkness at times) and dancers who appear through mist to represent torment works really well. Apparently it also pays homage to Handel’s declining health when he wrote this. He was going blind and mad (although a kinder interpretation might be that he was suffering from dementia than going insane) and this was his final work.

I can see why it’s most often performed in concert but here it’s a tour de force and I feel privileged to have seen it.
Morning all. It's sunny or rainy... sometimes it's sunny and raining all at the same time!

10.8 this morning. It came as a real surprise until I finally realised. I made potato gratin to go with sausages (as a change from mash and to use up odds and ends of cheese). I put Brie between the layers of potatoes and a lot of grated Comte on top. I expect the fat was responsible for the potatoes ongoing giving!

Traipsed all round 2 garden centres (miles apart) yesterday with no luck getting the wrap for the Bay trees. Like so much else round here, we'll have to go online to buy.

Congrats to @Martin.A on your HS.

Have a good day all.
A bit further around Colin’s Cultural Corner

Last night wasn’t perfect. In fact there was a huge issue which prompted me to write a complaint.

Let’s see what they say to this: BTW rehearsal tickets are £9-£30 generally.


Was at the rehearsal last night for Jeptha in A44 Stalls Circle.

I can see that the seat is not being sold for the production as being Restricted View. It may be that that needs to be changed.

The view was fine all the way through the piece until the final scene when the chorus came up the stairs at the rear of the stalls and stand in the aisle. By doing so they completely block the view of the stage from this seat together with A43.

The production is remarkable however I have no idea what happened at the end as it was impossible to see centre stage at all and that’s where the action was. The entire cast could have died or been twerking their hearts out and I’d never know.

For a piece so rarely staged which demands so much from the audience it’s disappointing that because of a directorial choice I’ll never know how it ended.

Given that the seat price for the performances are £200 it’s not good enough.

Of course I didn’t pay that for a rehearsal ticket but if I was paying full price (even my concessionary rate) I’d have complained last night.

I thought you ought to know as you’re likely to get some very disgruntled patrons as the run continues.

Yours sincerely,
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