Group 7-day waking average?

That we are all different is manifest with Type 1s revealing delicious recipes and Type 2s gnashing their (low carb)teeth...
I've been thinking about that comment this evening and I just wanted to point out that despite being yummy and quite rich, all the recipes I link to are not high carb. For example, the salmon and red pepper sauce is only 10g carb and can be served over steamed veggies. In future I will try to include the carb count. Hope this will help stop the loud teeth gnashing! LOL!
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Lots of very inspirational people on this thread, and just nice to have a chit chat at the same time and share experiences good and bad, and hope support each other.

@eggyg- my soup was delicious, the added addition of chilli was a good tip, I think I will add a bit more in future. Didn’t have any cream so added quark, which added a nice contrast to it.

@Pattidevans - your recipes are fantastic and you must be an amazing cook, it you do know the content that is an added bonus for us that try to low carb, but it is a nice to have.

As I live with two men who can eat what they want, I am used to nice things being in my eyeline or having to move them i the fridge/cupboards to get to what I need.

But this forum is a good place.
Or perhaps not maybe it heard me
Apartelly say to yourself "ah I'm going to change this seasor when I get home makes it start behaving itself again" 🙂
Forgot to post this morning. Then again it was an 8.7 so I'd happily forget that one.
I had a wake up reading like that on Thursday and also forgot to post - followed by a very stressful day at work… 😉 but I was back to “a more normal“ reading yesterday and again today
Good morning - 8.4

Starting mocks off today with biology and history - medicine and The Normans

Have a great day everyone
Woken up a bit early again. 7.2 I'm trusting dexcom now because it had seemed settle down yesterday in the end. Sensor expires today at Around Miday I've got my eye check at 10.30 though so if I have time I meant change it after backfast if not I might have to wait a bit longer because I want to able to see what I'm doing haha

I had Musli for breakfast yesterday and I spiked massively so I'll try and wight a bit longer before eating it today and if that doesn't work wait a bit longer again next time.

I had thought about skiping breakfast today to see what happens but I forgot my about my eye test. I think tomorrow I'll just levimer anyway(I got training for work). I can always correct later on if that's not the right decision.

Also I'm going to try to go to a pharmacy today. I stepped on nail on the stairs with my toe yesterday and I'm a bit worried looking at so I'm just going to ask the pharmacy if they think it's anything to worry about
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Good morning - 8.4

Starting mocks off today with biology and history - medicine and The Normans

Have a great day everyone
Norman Wisdom invented erm, wisdom
Norman Mailer invented the postal system

Hope that helps!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yessss again!!! Can I have a house in space please???

@Grannylorraine when I read your post about 'adding a quark' I had to laugh as to me a quark is a sub atomic 'particle'. Interesting food.

download (4).jpeg

My friend should now be on a plane to Schiphol to catch a connection to Uganda.

Today maybe some keyboard practice, no exercise (it's too cold, wet, dark, boring, etc etc)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good moaning! After a good night (slept through and no recurring nightmares) woke to pain and a 12.7! Painkillers taken. Ordering high BG and pain off Amazon to see which comes first?! :rofl:

BTW 127 is a prime number, the age Sarah died in the bible, 2^7 - 1 and 127" is exactly 50cm so whilst not a good number a nice number! Hope it comes up on University Challenge tonight! 🙂

Podiatry this morning.

Cloudy with no rain!

Off to the hygienist late morning for a deep clean (apparently it’s below the gum line and I’m not looking forward to it at all).
Opera house this evening for an open rehearsal of Jeptha which is being staged for the first time in some 250+ years. I’ll read the synopsis beforehand but I’ve no idea what to expect.

Ooh watched Quiz Lady last night. It’s a new film that’s streaming on either Disney+ or Paramount. Highly recommend. It’s silly funny and quite touching.
@Gwynn I’ve knocked this up for you. Granted it’s just the view from the master suite but I hope it suffices.

@ColinUK Thanks. Planet hopping , great, see you all in a few years!

Bit of a nightmare last night. Loaded with a cold and had no energy really to cook so ended up with chinese take away. I usually need a decently chunky bolus to deal with it so bolused for half of it and ate half.
Very soon after I was bringing it back up leaving me with no idea how much food I had kept down. Ended up sipping coke and chewing on dextros until midnight o_O
Don't feel like it was the meal itself (no lingering symptoms you would expect with food poisoning). Either tummy was in a weird mood (vomiting isn't usual for me) or tummy was unhappy with so much coughing and mucus over the last few days. Tummy is feeling fine now.

Early wake up call for me this morning (literally) as argos are delivering a new mattress today and the were doing the pre delivery phone call. Now I have it blocking my hallway and not even come to to having enough coffee in me to deal with it yet :rofl:

Hope you all have a great day!
Good morning. 6.9, and within seconds it zoomed to 8.8 going up. Checked on meter 6.7. This sensor has decided to play tricks on me for the last four hours of its life!
I got my first unicorn for a week, and what a splendid one it is too. Usually, my graph looks like I’ve been on the Big Dipper even with a unicorn. Yesterday’s looks like I never ate. I assure you I did, I even had a pudding last night after the wonderful lamb chops, ginger cake and custard. I obviously got my bolus spot on. That’ll never happen again for a while.

Good meal with grandson, he loved my one pot lamb and leeks dish, another one I’ve made for decades. He said he wasn’t a lover of leeks, I’ve converted him. The leeks are homegrown as was the carrots and parsnips. I went to bed early and the boys watched a noisy, car chase, shooting type of film. With three daughters and four ( soon to be five) granddaughters there’s not much chance of watching those sort of filmsso when our grandson stays over the girls and I go to bed and they watch one. Last night was Equaliser 2, a catch up on the story before Equaliser 3 which has just been released. Think they’re going to watch that today. I can’t blame Mr Eggy really, he doesn’t get much of a chance usually as I’m not into those films on the whole. Once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all in my opinion.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.
Good luck @Lily123 you’ll smash it.

Have a good day folks, after a glorious weekend it’s now raining.


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