Group 7-day waking average?

9.4 with a vertical upward arrow when I woke up too early with an unhappy tummy again despite another 1u increase in evening Levemir. Hit it with a whopping 4units of Fiasp (a number plucked out of fresh air with an element of rage bolus to it) and went back to sleep when I could get settled. It took me down to 4.3 before it started climbing a bit again and i was 5.0 when I eventually got up, so pretty happy with that result. Managed to keep it in range and I am currently 98% in range for the last 7 days with 0% below but it has taken some considerable effort. If I can hit 100% I will ease off a bit and if I have a naff day and lose it I will ease off anyway, and drop back to my average low 90s. HbA1c came back yesterday at 45 so very happy with that although consultant will say the nocturnal hypos and 5% in the red over the past 90days is too much, but I adjust my Levemir very regularly to try to avoid them and I would like to see him do better!!

Many congratulations to @Grannylorraine and @Gwynn on your HS achievements this morning.

Not raining here yet but forecast for this afternoon so must get stuff done outside before then
And it was a 5.5 for me on the wet and misty morning.
Hello all - another undecided day. Hope the rain keeps off when we go to get the bus

Thank you people for your concern, but although Penzance had it rough, our part of this village is pretty much protected, though the stream across the road (I'm told it's actually a river, but that's debatable) is running high I do not think it will flood.

I have caught up with all the posts on my iPad whilst having my first cuppa in bed, but haven't been posting because I haven't had time to turn the laptop on since Wednesday! Been very busy with our guests. I made a 4 course dinner on Weds for their arrival featuring baked figs with blue cheese wrapped in serrano ham, a boned and rolled haunch of venison and a Plum pie. Then on Thursday we had booked a table at the catering college restaurant just outside town. When we arrived we found a big tree had been blown down across the path, but workmen were busy clearing it and we could just get round it. Excellent meal, the service was enthusuastic with a few rough edges. The kids serving were on their first go at serving the public bless them. We then had a decent walk into town before coming home for cold meats and cheeses.

Yesterday we caught the bus to Porthleven harbour (gotta love the bus services round here) and were really lucky as it was a beautiful day, so we had a walk round the harbour - when there's a storm the waves go right over the church spire at the entrance to the harbour. We were amused to see a seagull determinedly trying to pull the cover off a small boat. Wonder what was inside that was tempting it so? Then, just outside the harbour gates there was a dead seal with another seagull dining off it. Had a light lunch of mussels in Thai broth in Kota Kai owned by Jude Kereama who's quite a well known chef. Absolutely delicious. After lunch we were lured into Shoal - a new brewery that's been set up since we last visited. The boys wanted a pint, us girls were more interested in the wood burning stove in the corner of the seating area! Caught the bus home and in the evening I cooked Salmon in red pepper sauce (very easy and very tasty) followed by a slice each of a Delia chocolate cake with port soaked prunes I had made a couple of weeks ago and had frozen half. Our friends left this morning and we're shortly off out to meet other friends as we usually do on a Sat afternoon. We've had such a lovely time with our house-guests. Pic below of another new arrival in Porthleven

6.7 first thing. Not too bad considering what I have stuffed down my face for the last 3 days!

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @Grannylorraine on your HSs.

Huge congratulations to @42istheanswer on your engagement. What lovely news!

Take care all


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A bit of a stressful last couple of days, other half had a bad flareup of his Crohn's Wed/Thurs and we had to call 111 then an ambulance as he was vomiting, couldn't keep even water down, really dehydrated and heart rate all over the place, not with it at all.
Now in hospital having had a scan to rule out a recurrence of the stump appendicitis and on drips including some steroids but awaiting being seen by the gastro medical team. We'll see what happens next.
Forgot to post this morning. Then again it was an 8.7 so I'd happily forget that one.
@Ditto try not to blame yourself. And know that we’re here for you.
Surely I cannot be first up?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Today church, one last exercise walk with my friend before he goes away, M&S cod in batter for tea, helping my wife play the keyboard

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. May your Sundays all start with a 5.2. Mine’s started with a 6.2 which I’m happy with.
Morning 8.6. weakly time in range 72% I looked at the 30 day time in range as well as I started using dexcom one at the 5fh of o October and that's 71% percent. There have been a couple of very miner hypos missed this week probably means that I noticed them quickly and it just hadn't caught up after all dexcom does only update every 5 minutes. There my have potentially another one yesterday but I ended having to go with dexcom on that because it looked like I needed to get another figer pricker. There are some in range drops that I actually wouldn't treat any differently to w hypo anyway

I forget to lower my low alarm Again last night. Athough just a bit latter I started feeling a little bit sakkky I almost didn't check that time because I thought to myself "I've already confirmed it was very acurtle just a little a bit ago" but then I thought I better check and my metter said I was 4(I also had noticed it seems like I perherps hadn't drunk enough yesterday also this seasor expires to ) There another times where I have actually checked too much at times too much to be honest.

Even if I do get difference if an 8.1 and 7 with dexcom(which I know is considered to be accurate enough and you might get that from 2 metters) on pens im not actually going to do anything different.

There sausages and chips at church so I'm going to have start my trying to eat healthyer after today. There has been this before but know I'll have a bit more of an idea if how's it's gone without the carb content with my dexcom.
Good morning all. Thanks @ColinUK my Sunday did start with a 5.2.

Had a good nights sleep, still can’t breathe and very croaky, but sore throat seems to have done one, which is good. Been awake since 6.30, once again tried my best to have a lie in. Gave up at 7.30. Pottered around prepping the breakfast, but Mr Eggy has arose from his pit and I’ve allowed him to take over!

Our grandson is coming today for his tea and is staying over. He doesn’t work on a Monday so it’s a chance to catch up with his craic, haven’t seen him for weeks and then it’s always with his little sisters, so this will be nice. We’re having his favourite, lamb chops, his dad doesn’t like lamb ( he’s a sheep farmer) so they very rarely get it at home. It’s our favourite too so win win!

Have a super Sunday everyone.


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4.3 today, off for a walk, housework and watching Grand Prix are one the menu today. Oh and attempting to make carrot and coriander soup, soup isn’t something I make but have a bag of carrots to use up, so thought why not.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS.

4.3 today, off for a walk, housework and watching Grand Prix are one the menu today. Oh and attempting to make carrot and coriander soup, soup isn’t something I make but have a bag of carrots to use up, so thought why not.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS.
After numerous attempts to make carrot and coriander I finally succeeded. Top tip, don’t add the fresh coriander until the end. The ground coriander will be sufficient to give it the coriander taste. It just goes sludgy if you add it at the beginning. I add cumin too and chopped red chilli if you like a bit of heat. A bit of cream drizzled through it just finishes it off nicely. Enjoy.
After numerous attempts to make carrot and coriander I finally succeeded. Top tip, don’t add the fresh coriander until the end. The ground coriander will be sufficient to give it the coriander taste. It just goes sludgy if you add it at the beginning. I add cumin too and chopped red chilli if you like a bit of heat. A bit of cream drizzled through it just finishes it off nicely. Enjoy.
Thank you for the ip, I’ll add a bit of chilli and cumin as well.
Well done @eggyg on the HS. A 5.6 for me today. 🙂
