Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.5

Happy to report that the promised storm only developed into a blustery wet day here. Those less lucky my commiserations.

Spent most of the evening on the phone as an old friend rang in the middle of Antiques Road trip, Think I would have been better dozing in front of that rather than having to bite my tongue over the Gaza situation. It is a conundrum not solveable by 2 old ladies, one of whom has no understanding of international law, history or logic. All one can do is to grieve for the innocent on both sides. Felt strongly inclined for either a stiff gin or a large sugary bun by the time the call ended but, fortunately neither were available from my purged pantry, hence my respectable morning BG score.

Meanwhile, back at the toy working well and dropping humidity with glee. Weather nippy but dry at the moment. Depending on whether the BBC or the Met have it right, as usual differing forecasts, I shall either be digging a bit more of the footings or working on my PC to eradicate all offers of trying AI. I fear the latter will be a tool for reinforcing prejudice and, frankly, there is quite enough of that about.

Have a happy day everyone.
Morning all. New kitchen being fitted today. All go.

Re health. Didn't realise I was Stage 4 liver so googled it and says you've got 2 years. I'm on a roll then as I was diagnosed at least 3 years ago if not longer. Anyway what happened to Stages 1 2 and 3. I might have been able to save myself. It's not as if I don't have an overhaul every year. Feeling a bit let down but can only blame myself. Very annoying. I want to blame somebody else. :D
Morning all, 5.6 here. Son is here working from home, our home! He and his sister are seeing something this evening and are starting from here. Meanwhile I shall visit our mud monster this morning and try and get him clean enough for the equine physio to give him a nice back massage. Here are some pics of him (the pony, not the physio) trying to convince me I’ve got more carrots in my pocket.
Morning all,

4.6 today, much brighter, still a bit breezy but we missed the worst of the storm here as well. Not looking forward to my first walk home I. The dark from my mums today but on the plus side it will be a bit of extra exercise as now it is dark I will walk round the roads and not use the foot/cycle paths which cut about 10 mins walking time, they cycle/footpaths are lit but I feel vulnerable using them in the dark.

Hope everyone was safe yesterday.

@Robin - love the pony, although I do admit I don’t like getting close to horses and ponies.

@Ditto - sorry to hear your liver is stage 4, I am shocked that docs have not discussed this with you. Sending you hugs.
5.5 for me today. It's bloomin' cold this morning.

Morning all. I must have needed a really good sleep. I've only just woken up!! However i've woken to find the sensor has stopped working and to replace it! It was due to be replaced later today anyway but i will have to finger prick today while the new one beds in.

Finger prick 3.4!! Better go and treat it. Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Shocked to see some of the damage caused by Ciaran, especially in the Channel Islands. Hopefully nobody's having to clean up here on the mainland. Penzance seems to have got a battering though so hope everything's OK with @Pattidevans.Turned out to be a bit of a damp squib here, despite the weather warnings. Like @TinaD we only got a wet & blustery day.

DF's made up for her wicked teasing at the start of the week by delivering a 5.2 this morning. Weekly BP check's good too - 103/66.

Time for a coffee while I read the paper, then shave followed by regular Friday Big Shop at Sainsbury's and a run out to the greengrocer at the garden centre.

@Ditto - so sorry to hear that. .


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Morning all.3.7; for me this morning.Bloody bus drivers strike had to walk to health centre in rain was only 8 miles yesterday.Anyways diabetes nurse impressed Ha1 BC 47 stone lost in weigh cholesterol liver kidneys all good.and my tests came back I haven't got bowel cancer so that's a relief have a face to face with my gp Monday see what she has to say ..Have a good day folks
Morning all and 5.1 for me.

Washing out as it's bright and breezy here.

Looking forward to tickling the ivories and tooting my horn tonight. Good forecast so attendees shouldn't be put off by the weather.

Have a good day everyone.
6.4 for me this morning and a flat horizontal line overnight although I upped my evening Levemir by 1 unit to 1 unit last night despite my walk yesterday in the rain and my trips up and down the stairs, but I didn't sleep well and I woke up with a bad stomach again at 5am. Surprisingly getting up and going to the loo and taking tablets didn't put a blip on my graph, so clearly FOTF knows the difference between when I get up to start the day and when I am just getting up to go to the loo but intend to climb back into slumber land.

Congrats to @Martin.A on your House Special this morning.

More (((HUGS))) to @Ditto. That is really worrying. How did you find out. Can you get an appointment to discuss it? I am sure that your efforts to reign in your eating will have helped you to beat the odds so far, so do keep trying to maintain some control, although that news will most likely make you want to comfort eat all the more. Have you spoken to your family about it or is that too scary? Really feeling for you, but I can't do it justice with words. More (((HUGS)))
And it was another 5.4 for me earlier this fine sunny morning.
Still not caught up, keep getting distracted by irl things. And Facebook (doom scrolling :rofl:). Though not all doom, did get lots of positive comments when I posted a life event recently.... see pic below :D

5.2 this morning, second morning in a row too! Not sure why as I bought a naughty loaf of cranberry and pecan bread 2 days ago so eaten more carbs than usual the last 2 days....

Still not caught up, keep getting distracted by irl things. And Facebook (doom scrolling :rofl:). Though not all doom, did get lots of positive comments when I posted a life event recently.... see pic below :D

5.2 this morning, second morning in a row too! Not sure why as I bought a naughty loaf of cranberry and pecan bread 2 days ago so eaten more carbs than usual the last 2 days....

View attachment 28122
Still not caught up, keep getting distracted by irl things. And Facebook (doom scrolling :rofl:). Though not all doom, did get lots of positive comments when I posted a life event recently.... see pic below :D

5.2 this morning, second morning in a row too! Not sure why as I bought a naughty loaf of cranberry and pecan bread 2 days ago so eaten more carbs than usual the last 2 days....

View attachment 28122
Delighted for you on all counts. Congratulations all round! Nice to read some happy, positive news especially when there is so much doom and gloom in the world. Beautiful ring!
Oh and good luck for the hattrick tomorrow!!
Still not caught up, keep getting distracted by irl things. And Facebook (doom scrolling :rofl:). Though not all doom, did get lots of positive comments when I posted a life event recently.... see pic below :D

5.2 this morning, second morning in a row too! Not sure why as I bought a naughty loaf of cranberry and pecan bread 2 days ago so eaten more carbs than usual the last 2 days....

View attachment 28122
Congratulations on your engagement and on 2 HS in a row.