Group 7-day waking average?

A 5 on the nose (finger actually) for me this morning. 🙂
And well done to @Anji53 on the House Special
5.2 for me Thursday walks been cancelled due to weather. Relieved I didn’t have to make the decision. Train lines flooded and quite a few buses cancelled
Don’t think I’ll be venturing out today.
Congrats on the HS @Anji53

9.7 on the left, 5.7 on the right, hoping yoga wont be affected by the storm tonight, at the moment just heavy rain here, but winds aren’t expected until later. Hope @Pattidevans is ok as I saw pictures from Penzance on the news last night, hope everyone else in its path is ok.

I had a good run yesterday managed 5.5km and slightly faster, just started to rain as we finished.

Stay safe everyone
@Anji53 -congratulation on your HS. Stay safe, even though it hasn’t hit here yet I have decided not to walk to my mums today, I’d probably be ok getting there, but coming back early evening is what is bothering me.
Morning all. Bit upset today as found out I am more doomed than I thought. Saylavee.

Re the C word. I try not to use it till 6th Nov and then it's break out the wicker reindeer.

Re Storm Ciaran. Not here. Have a good day yall xxoo
Good morning everyone, It's another happy 5.4 earlier this overcast morning.

Now waiting for my DN to call me to answer a couple of questions I have for her.

Have a good day and more importantly stay safe with Ciaran about.
6.3 for me this morning at 6.30am and a good night levels wise.
My ancient canopy sun bed fired up into life last night which impressed me after so many years of inactivity and I had 15 mins on each side plus an Amitryptaline which really knocked me out last night, especially after a good brisk walk at 6pm. I really think it helped a lot though. Been out for a walk in the rain this morning, came back, swapped for a dry coat and then went out to do animals so already have two coats hung up and drip drying. Will have to go out again later but enjoying being warm and dry at the moment. I am still tense/stressed but definitely feel a bit more hopeful that I have found something which will help reduce it. BG levels still very volatile. Low alarm went off 45 mins ago on 4.2 with a downward sloping arrow, had one JB and a cup of coffee and my high alarm has just gone off at 9.3 with a vertical upward arrow, so just done another 20 runs up the stairs and pleased to report it is coming down again. Yesterday's graph looks like a sharks mouth.... just a series of serrated peaks and troughs where I dealt with a low and then exercised like mad to stop the high going too high and just single JBs so not in any way over treating the lows. Thankfully I managed to keep out of the red and had a tiny 10.3 at one point but had to work really really hard to keep in range all day. Pretty sure it is just the anxiety making this so volatile so I am sticking with my current basal. I am down 2 units in the morning and 3 at night, so happy with that. I expect I will be losing weight as a result and not complaining even if I am wearing my stairs out!!

Congrats to @Anji53 on yet another House Special! Impressive work!

Bit concerned about your post @Ditto. Hope you haven't been diagnosed with something new. Sending (((HUGS)))
Appreciate you may not wat to discuss it so I am not prying but just sending virtual love and support your way.

@eggyg Sorry to hear you have had so many frustrating breakdowns of equipment etc happening all at once. The spare on my Freelander needs replacing and I balked at £65 for a new tyre. I really just wanted a part worn one for about £30 but they didn't have any part worn the right size, so I am sitting it out for now, in the hope they get a part worn in or a cheap one comes up on ebay. I don't go very far at all in it so if the worst comes to the worst Ian could rescue me if I got a puncture but it is another thing on my list that needs sorting sooner or later.

Water levels here are getting worryingly high. Living in the bottom of the valley next to a stream it is always a concern and the stream level is at the highest it has ever been, so I am hoping it doesn't go much higher. There is water standing an inch or more deep in places on the lawn next to the house but I have seen that worse and my damp course is about 5 inches above that, so hoping it gets a chance to drain away before too much more comes. Thankfully the river is on the far side of the valley so less of a direct threat. Not desperately windy here yet.
I’ve been lurking in the background.
Can’t post readings as they’re so high. Spoken to DSN. Got a plan of action. So frustrating and a bit depressing really trying to get it sorted.
Good evening! Another very late post. 6'2 this morning.

I'm happy with my use of time today, in the hours between my work shifts I got a very decent nap and cooked a vegan bolognese. Was looking forward to make it after last week Elena's version of cottage pie, and used up the rest of the celery and red wine. It feels good to take the time to cook meals like this. I have to expand my repertoire.

Today I went to book a dinner for myself in the restaurant where I work, as I have a voucher that was a reward for my 1st year working with them. Soon after that a manager calls me and ask me to bring "my smiley happy face" (??). They were giving me another voucher for my 2nd year of employment! The coincidence! I must try to spend the new one a bit earlier, instead of waiting another year. This one is valid in other hotels of the company so I will try to get out of this place :rofl:
Good morning - 4.2

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone.

And another on the 5.3 step.

A really good dinner party last night. Small but good. Wife did all the cooking and it was excellent.

Today...recovery from over eating, write a visual user manual for the new church mp3 player (for those who cannot be bothered to read), keyboard practice.

It seems my wife must have hidden the pipe organ somehere in the house, so I will spend some time today trying to find it... I know it must be here somewhere...

Found it! Hidden in the East wing. Hmmm, not bad


Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
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Have as decent a day as you possibly can today folks!
Morning Friday folks. 5.8.

Had the best nights sleep I have had for ages, even before the cold, slept to 4.50 non stop from 11pm. That really is a miracle for me. After a loo trip I slept to dot on 6.30 which is my preferred time to get up when it’s Zara day. Mr Eggy also had a good night he said, so who keeps who awake I wonder?

Have a good day.
Good mornings! Woke to a 4,9 with the 45 degree down arrow. Coffee and a Lotus biscuit brought it to a level 5.3.

Amazed myself by keeping BG between 7 and 8 throughout yesterday's physio session helped by 6 fingers of Kit-Kat. Also walked further with two sticks than I have done previously. Just wish I could have more that one session a week.

Overcast - not raining (yet)!