Group 7-day waking average?

Good evening! 5'6 for me this morning.

No trick or treaters knocked on my door yesterday. Didn't expect them really, as probably not the nicest area for people to bring their children, but I was hoping to get rid of some chocolates! I watched "The corpse bride" movie and had pizza for dinner. It was in Lidl's Halloween line and had pumpkin puree instead of tomato sauce as the base. It might sound strange but I had a similar pizza in a restaurant in Spain and is actually quite nice.

Today was Money Management day and I also booked my flight to Spain for January and the bus to the airport. Getting excited already about that holiday, even with another holiday coming next week! That's the one when my family is coming here.

I just arrived home from work and I've been lucky to arrive dry. We are expecting a storm overnight, I'm afraid tomorrow I'll have to ditch my little umbrella and take out the raincoat and rain trousers o_O
Good morning - 6.7

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.4

It is nearly my birthday and I asked my wife to get me a full sized pipe organ (like in the Notre Dam cathederal). I can't imagine where she has hidden ii in the house or, indeed, how she has managed to wrap it up

A quiet day today but my friend is coming over for tea tonight...roast chicken, roasties, yorkshire pudding and gravy...excellent. it is a birthday celebration for us both, just before he goes away to Uganda for a couple of weeks!

Me, I'm happier staying here playing my new pipe organ 🙂

Onward with the Carol practice. I might go a hunting for my present...


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 10.4 (so probably some unneeded jelly babies last night ithink if not for that pizza seemed go okay I've got the other half in the fridge). Ive given my self half a unit.

I noticed the adhesive on my dexcom was pealling yesterday so thought I'd attempt to put an over patch on it. Didn't great get applied probably so we'll see if it keeps it on or pulls it of. It won't be the end of the world if it comes of because when i Dexcom to get some(I was told by people they would send some if you asked) they berry kindly sent me a sensor too because they send they couldn't send patches on there own.
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Morning all. 5.7.

Feeling a tad better, thank goodness. I even managed to get the Halloween decs down and put away, and make two fish pies, one for tea and one for the freezer. Then I flagged!

Cancelled my opticians so another day at home, I booked the next available one, 9th December! Mr Eggy has to take the car to the garage as we have a Phillips screw in one of the tyres and it’s unrepairable because of where it is. £300! This last month or so has been a catalogue of things going wrong. Firstly my camera, that’s unrepairable too, I got sand in it when we were in Scotland in April and the zoom lens has been a bit creaky since, then it just stopped working, I really miss it. Don’t do the one I had anymore apparently, new model is £450, almost £200 more than the one I have and love. That’ll have to wait. Kettle decided not to work anymore, new kettle bought, hairdryer stopped working ( luckily Mr Eggy was able to fix that eventually ), British Gas Hub thingy for the heating has just wiped out our entire schedule and we can’t set it for the times we want anymore. This was just replaced in September because it stopped working altogether. So the heating is being controlled manually at the moment until it can be sorted! We didn’t ask for a Hub but got one last year when they serviced the boiler. Sometimes I wish for simpler times. Sigh! 🙄

Well that’s my pity party over, I’m going to have a bacon sarnie for my breakfast and everything will be well with the world again. 😉

Hope no one has been battered by Ciaran, take care those down in the southwest.
Have a good day.
DF's stopped toying with me and it's a 5.7 this morning. Ciaran's due to hit us just before midday according to the latest forecast. Hope those who've been in its path already haven't been badly affected.

Regular Thursday swim later and maybe a haircut, unless I decide it would be wiser to stay indoors today. No cars available as my wife and our eldest are both in their offices and I don't really fancy walking to and from bus stops in a storm.

Have a good day if you can, and stay safe.
Morning everyone. 6.3 for me today.

Hope everyone in the southern parts of the country stays safe in this horrendous weather!
Morning all. 6.3. A day in for me today. I'm having a chilled morning then this afternoon a friend is coming round for coffee and craft. We both bought a felting/sewing thing so we're having a go at it together, unless she gets put off by the storm as the winds are supposed to hit here by mid afternoon. Its already raining and supposed to get heavier.

Wherever you are, take care and stay dry.
I'd better go and eat as the low alarm has just gone off at 4.9. I haven't moved from my bed, how can it drop like that?!
Good morning. 5.6

Wind and rain beginning to build up here. Theought Ceiaran was going to be a damp squib when I got up but it is looking as tho' it might be an event.

Had a good day yesterday on digging the foundations for the wall - 4+m towards my goal. Paced myself well - 10- 15 minutes digging then a half an hour to an hours sit down. No chest pain and only a mildly sore back this morning.

Treated myself to a new dehumidifier which arrived yesterday - loaned my old one to my daughter so its a bit far away in Oxfordshire. New one comes with air filter and a set of instrutions for a nucear reactor - reading those should keep me busy whilst the storm works its way through.

Sorry to hear about everyones' colds - I got mine out of the way a month ago. SInce then visitors have been so sparse that, unless viruses can be sent by drone, I am hopeful to avoid a repeat. Farrier came yesterday so I was caught up on the local gossip from what looked like a very healthy source.

@rebrascora SAD is a bugger. I have a nifty light, obtained from Amazon, which helps. I put it on for an hour or so first thing. Hope things improve soon for you.

Stay safe and dry everyone.