Group 7-day waking average?

Ahh in all my millions of years I have never remembered to say white rabbits first thing

Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Woke and got up at 3:30am. I am bright and breezy, although it is pitch black outside.

Gotta pop out early to get food stuff for a birthday celebration. Both my friend and I share the same birthday, 10th November, but he is away in November, hence the early celebration meal. He is the one who started me on my keyboard journey about 25 years ago and we have bern very good friends from that moment.

Today, shopping, exercise, Christmas Carol practice, fish and chips for tea!!!

Fogot to mention, may errant med was all sorted on Monday afternoon. No harm done. All good. Headache panic over!


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning people. Quiet out there when I just put the bins out. No storm yet. Stay safe and warm all.
Good morning - 6.6

Have a great day everyone
6.4 this morning.

Had a reply from the police suggesting a couple of dates for the first Q&A session. Now waiting on other things being confirmed in order to firm up those dates.
Expectation is roughly ten officers from the SSOT in this borough command unit will attend with a second session for another ten including some seniors from a neighbouring command unit so that they can see if it’s something they want to roll out to their units.

First session might possibly be doable early December but let’s see how diary availability matches for my ISVA as I want her there too.

Other than that, zero news on anything.
Good morning 6.9 today

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone 😎
8.4 according to dexcom. Had a correction last night dexcom was saying 14.8 a finger prick said 12.7 I knew if had done another finger prick said it was possible it would have said something closer to the 14.8 and a correction was needed so gave myself 1.5 units although should have only been 1 because I dropped significantly later on dexcom saying I got down to 5.3 probably would have been lower if I've not had some jelly babies

My antibiotics do seem to make a difference to how dexcom behaves withen a certain number of hours after taking one.
Morning all. 7.7. Shopping day today. Hubby usually does it on the way home from work as he has to pass the shop but as i'm off, i've said i'll go so he can come straight home after work for a change. Picking mum up after shopping to take her out then bring her back to us for tea.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 5.8 on this wet November morning! Wow! November already.

Good news today, daughter had her fourth scan in as many weeks and the “issue” they thought the baby might have is not an issue. Her stomach ( also definitely confirmed it’s a girl yesterday) is filling up as it should be. They sent over the images to Newcastle for them to confirm that too. They’ll only call if there is an issue. We’re so relieved, daughter will be getting extra growth scans as the baby could be small and/or premature, like Zara was.

Bad news today, I still feel rotten. My whole face is one big ache. The coughing isn’t as bad thank goodness, that’s one saving grace. I was supposed to have my eyes tested tomorrow but that’s not going to happen. It’s not fair on the optician ( or anyone in fact) being in snogging distance of a snot ridden, cold sore covered sneezing machine. I feel very sorry for myself at the moment, the one light at the end of the tunnel in all this, is my BGs are absolutely normal, I’m eating for England and don’t feel ill as such, so no infection. It’s just a very bad common cold and I’m sure I’ll survive. 😉

Have a fabulous first day of the month. And remember, it’s nearly Christmas! 😱
Good morning 5.5

Weather as usual - grey and wet. Topped up animal feed yesterday in case Ciaran causes problems.

Managed to dig out a bit more of the footings yesterday - no sign of "new" supposed labour. Still awaiting Highways - rang Council who said they had been out and "carried out works". Had to give them the lie as the B*%$£"s haven't been by - mind you seeing the tarmac already falling out of the pot holes they "repaired" 8 weeks ago in the local roads perhaps that is a blessing.

Have a good day everyone.
Have a fabulous first day of the month. And remember, it’s nearly Christmas! 😱
I was about to exude sympathy, and then you went and mentioned the C word right at the end!
Seriously, that sounds rotten, I always break out in cold sores if I have a cold, and they just bang the final nail into the coffin.
So pleased to hear of the latest scan result, I hope your daughter has a stress free pregnancy from now on.
I was about to exude sympathy, and then you went and mentioned the C word right at the end!
Seriously, that sounds rotten, I always break out in cold sores if I have a cold, and they just bang the final nail into the coffin.
So pleased to hear of the latest scan result, I hope your daughter has a stress free pregnancy from now on.
Soz about mentioning Christmas but you can’t bury your head, it’s happening, again, I’m afraid. I actually suggested to Mr Eggy that when you get to a certain age we should just celebrate every five years or so. It’s getting boring now, same old same old every blooming year. Bah humbug! 😉

As for the damn cold sores, the old lips started tingling last night and that’s it, too late to do anything, they’re on their way. Currently slathered in Blistex, all shiny and glowing, along with the Rudolf nose I’m looking ever so attractive at the moment. 😳

5.3 today, lost 1/2lb at weigh in last night which I was very pleased about, that takes me to my stone, I have one more weigh in on my referral course before I have to report back to the nurse at the surgery, so hoping she will be pleased. Today starts my 100 squats and 100 lunges per day challenge which I have been building up towards. Not sure if I will get out running with this weather, but hopefully, if not an indoor exercise class will be done, there is some nice dance based classes on my Davina App I haven’t tried.

@eggyg - pleased to hear about the baby scan, but sorry to hear you are still nit feeling great. Well Halloween is over so next stop is Christmas.

@ColinUK - pleased that a plan is coming together that you are comfortable with. I really admire you for doing this.
Morning all. 5.8 on this wet November morning! Wow! November already.

Good news today, daughter had her fourth scan in as many weeks and the “issue” they thought the baby might have is not an issue. Her stomach ( also definitely confirmed it’s a girl yesterday) is filling up as it should be. They sent over the images to Newcastle for them to confirm that too. They’ll only call if there is an issue. We’re so relieved, daughter will be getting extra growth scans as the baby could be small and/or premature, like Zara was.

Bad news today, I still feel rotten. My whole face is one big ache. The coughing isn’t as bad thank goodness, that’s one saving grace. I was supposed to have my eyes tested tomorrow but that’s not going to happen. It’s not fair on the optician ( or anyone in fact) being in snogging distance of a snot ridden, cold sore covered sneezing machine. I feel very sorry for myself at the moment, the one light at the end of the tunnel in all this, is my BGs are absolutely normal, I’m eating for England and don’t feel ill as such, so no infection. It’s just a very bad common cold and I’m sure I’ll survive. 😉

Have a fabulous first day of the month. And remember, it’s nearly Christmas! 😱
@eggyg i didn't know which emoji would go with your post so here goes....
(BIG HEART) emoji goes to the part about your daughter. Thats such good news. I hope everything continues to go well.
(BIG HUG) emoji goes to you (though not too close, i don't want to get it!) for being unwell. I hope you feel better soon.
(BIG GRINCH) emoji goes to the post about the C word. Work will be manic and so will trying to fit in shopping, wrapping etc. The only good thing is that younger daughter is coming home for C (i can't bring myself to type it atm!) hopefully, i haven't seen her since May/June. Face time just isn't the same.
A 5.9 for me this morning. 🙂

Christmas. Christmas. Christmas. A great time for families. I love it. A bad time for supermarkets. Ugh!


'Look, if you don't like Christmas Carols' just say so!!!