Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Alarm woke me with a 4.9. Nothing is planned for today so i'm going to be lazy, read my book, do some crafting etc. I didn't realise how tired i was from the last few weeks at work, i keep sleeping!

@eggyg and @Bloden i hope you both feel better soon. Take care.
@Robin it sounds like you're getting over it slowly. What a horrible bug you've had.
@ColinUK you've taken the time to think things through and make the right decision for you. I think you are amazing in what you are doing.
@Lily123 congrats on the HS
@Leadinglights i meant to say yesterday, what a lovely piece of glass you made.

I'm off to get a treat for breakfast this almond croissant with my coffee. Have a good day everyone.
What kind of dog have they got?!! o_O

Morning all. 🙂 4.9 here.

Family conference needed. I haven’t got Covid but I have got a stinking cold. Do I go to London or not? What’s the social etiquette, post-Covid? Is it ok to go out in public with a cold these days? Who knows! :confused:😛
Daughter has a staffie.

Hope you feel better soon, I think it is ok to go out with a cold now, you can always put on a mask in public, that is what the residents do in mum’s block, but it is more about how you are feeling, sometimes with a cold I can carry on as normal and sometimes I just want to curl up and what rubbish TV.
Good morning. 5.7

I can see some blue sky out of the study window, which is an improvement on yesterday, but, according to the Met Office, it is gird up your loins and face the wrath to come.

Hope everyone stays above water once Ciaran blows in...


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I'm off to get a treat for breakfast this almond croissant with my coffee. Have a good day everyone.
Ohhh I really like almond croissants.
7.9 had to go on completely off what my dexcom was saying because of what I said here yesterday

I will take a trip down to the hospital today to see if I could get another one well I wait for the replacement but as there I'm not sure they will on this occasion giving how renctlly it's been.
Just want to add I was very pleased with this overnight line. I have just eaten porrige and a banana though haha.


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1698743498896.png Well done to my fellow House Specialist today @Lily123 🙂

It was a 5.8 for me which rapidly became 7.1 5mins after I injected my 1.5 units for FOTF and Levemir, so I jabbed another 1.5 of Fiasp.... as I said, I am not taking any prisoners these days. Hit it fast and hard is my current motto! I did a lot of exercise yesterday so didn't inject any evening Levemir last night which is no doubt why my levels jumped so quickly and significantly this morning as soon as I woke up.
Having worked really hard to capture it all day yesterday including 2x 20 trips up the stairs at a run to keep a lid on rising levels, I failed to get the unicorn yesterday again as late last night I got a low alarm with 4.4 and a vertical downward arrow, so I cut a sweet mince pie in half and had that as a special treat and half an hour later I was at 10.1 with a vertical upward arrow. Jabbed 1.5 units and headed out and had a jog round the block at 10.30 pm to try to bring it down but it kept going up and needed another 2 units to bring it down from 13.6 according to a finger prick... 12.3 according to Libre, so I went to bed at 11pm with 2 stacked corrections, half an hour apart (3.5u total) and exercise and my graph shows I leveled out in the 5s. Am I jammy or what? Sometimes this diabetes lark just doesn't make any sense, but at least my gut instinct is getting better! 🙄

Congrats to @Lilly23 on your House Special this morning.

Hoping your respective colds are mild @Bloden and @eggyg and pass over quickly.

Really admire your courage @ColinUK. Especially doing it in person, as I am sure that will have the biggest impact.
Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTo as well on achieving the nominated optimum waking reading. Nice to see you back on form Dez.
DF's in a playful mood this week. 5.1 for me this morning following a 5.0 yesterday. What a tease.

Wife's in the office today but our eldest is WFH (his girlfriend's staying at the moment and doing the same), so I won't need the bus for my Tuesday swim. Pool's got really quiet the last couple of weeks with mostly only the regulars there, which I suspect is because the days are getting cooler and people are less inclined to fancy a dip.

@eggyg and @Bloden sorry to hear you're suffering so much with your colds. Hope they clear up soon.
@ColinUK hope the Q&A goes well and that something positive comes out of it

@rebrascora hope today turns out to be a bit smoother for you

@Lily123 & @MeeTooTeeTo congrats on your HSs.

Ciaraan's en route and set to give us a Babet-style battering says the Met Office, so enjoy today before battening down the hatches once again.
Morning all,
A few busy days with work, morning BG seems to be sitting in the 7's for a couple of mornings, 7.3, 7.5 and 7.7 respectively. But down in the high 5s before lunches and dinners.

Hope you are all well and having a good week. Beautiful sunny morning in the old smoke at the moment...
Morning all and a bit wide of the mark with a 7.8. A bit of a wibbly wobbly line overnight. Since the clocks changed my body clock has decided that 4am is a good time for a toilet stop. Grrrr.

Rehearsal tonight before weekend gigs in Bradford and London.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - not really a bad day, just high pale grey cloud cover, though we do have weather warnings re: Ciaran.

5.5 this morning with a flat line overnight. The Unicorn has fled back to the forest though as only 94% TIR.

Doing a lot of pre-prep today for the dinner tomorrow when our friends arrive. Shall take "something I made earlier" out of the freezer for tonight's dinner.

Sorry to hear you had such a rough time yesterday @rebrascora, hope today is better.

Hope those will colds feel better soon @eggyg and @Bloden .

Congratulations @Lilly23 and @MeeTooTeeTo on your optimal waking numbers.

@ColinUK glad you have made the decision that's right for you and hope you can indeed change the system that let you down so badly.

Have a good day all.
Good day all. 🙂 Batten down the hatches!
6.1 this morning for me, bit better than previous days as I try and wean myself off snacking all evening!

Congratulations @Lily123 and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HS today!

@ColinUK - hope the Q&A session goes well once set up, very brave of you to do this!

For all those suffering, hope you all feel better soon.

Take care everyone !
A very late posting of my waking 5.5 this morning - I forgot - minds going I'm afraid..... :( 😉