Group 7-day waking average?

As for the damn cold sores, the old lips started tingling last night and that’s it, too late to do anything, they’re on their way. Currently slathered in Blistex, all shiny and glowing, along with the Rudolf nose I’m looking ever so attractive at the moment
Have you tried Aciclovir cream? (branded as Zovirax but eye wateringly expensive, the generic brands produced by Galpharm at independent pharmacies, or Boots own brand etc are under £5). It doesn’t stop them developing once they’ve started, but if you catch them at the first tingle and keep treating them every few hours, it does shorten their life to a few days, and I find I don’t go through the awful end stages of the scabbing over and knocking the scab off and starting again for days on end.(sorry, TMI)
5.6 today for me.

It’s my wife’s birthday today, so we are lazing around before going to a local hotel spa for the day.

@eggyg - hope you start feeling better soon!

Stay safe everyone, hope Storm Ciaran isn’t too bad!
DF's still teasing me - 5.0 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning. At least that's how it is at the moment. It was very wet and pouring with rain when I got up at 7. Weather forecast is for a literal calm-before-the-storm today as Ciaran is due to arrive here late evening. Hopefully no horror stories amongst tomorrow's postings on here.

Had the quietest Halloween ever last night with not a single trick-or-treater at the door. To be fair no one around here bothers any house that isn't decorated for Halloween, and as we deliberately hadn't done so this year we knew we'd get no callers and so it proved.

Washday Wednesday so will sort that once our boys are up and about and I can get at their wash baskets. Then I plan to nip over to M&S in nearby Bracknell to do some clothes shopping. No too much though, so I can leave some things on my Xmas Wish List. Yes, it's that time of year once more.

@eggyg I like your 'snogging distance' description but our Boots Opticians doesn't need to get up close and personal to look into my eyes with that light anymore. They have a machine to do it now.

Have a good day while you can, everyone.
Halloween? Scary!

Final 1 Oh come on dont sulk I only said you we little heavy.jpg

'Don't you think you're taking 'protecting yourself' a bit far?'

The original title I gave it was 'Don't sulk. I only said you were a little heavy'
Morning all and 6.8 for me although dextrose was required during the night.

Trees are shedding leaves with a vengeance now. Lots of lovely leaf mold for next year.

USA visas formally approved. I am an internationally recognized alien. I'm surprised at how low the bar is set for that, still I'm not complaining.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - it was really raining hard during the night, but this morning there's lots of blue sky.

5.0 this morning with a nice flat line. It's now 4.7 and I'd better prop it up with a Dextro before I get in the shower. It has a habit of alarming when I get under the hot water and it's infuriating to have to get out of the shower dripping wet to scan. Note to self: Tweak morning basals.

Friends arriving to stay this afternoon and I'm looking forward to it so much! Got most of the prep done yesterday for tonight's dinner - just last minute stuff to do later.

@Gwynn you got up at 3:30? Do you mind me asking what time you go to bed? I would normally only have been in bed 3.5 hours by 3:30 - a time I regard as being in the middle of the night!

@eggyg - good news about your daughter's baby. Sorry to hear you're feeling so rough. I was also going to mention Zovirax (though I have the Boots one). I have a permanently dripping nose and am prescribed Beconase nasal spray, but it's useless to stop the dripping. So I often have a clutch of cold sores beneath my nose due to constant wiping. During the day I'm constantly wiping the cream off, but if I put it on at night it will fend off the cold-sore at the tingly stage.

Congrats to @Grannylorraine on the weight loss.

@ColinUK you are being very brave!

Have a good day chaps.
9.9 when I woke up at 3am feeling rough. I hit it with 2.5 units and went back to sleep and had stressful dreams. 7.9 when I woke up to get up at 7.30am. Hit it with another 4.5 units of Fiasp and 20 units of Levemir. I have had another 2 units since then for 20g carbs and had to run up and down stairs another 20 times to keep in single figures.
Need to admit that I am struggling desperately with anxiety at the moment and despite doing all the right things like exercise and eating well.... no sugar and plenty of fresh veg and no alcohol and decaf coffee and meditating, I am not succeeding in managing it. My BP is up, I have constant tinnitus and my body is soo tense all the time and my stomach is really upset. Exercising helps but I can't do it all the time and when I stop, the symptoms return. I have had to start taking my steroid inhaler because I am shallow breathing too often due to the tension in my rib cage when I am not exercising. Time for an email to the doc I think. Really don't want medication but I need something to break the cycle. The only other thing I can think of is to roll out my old sunbed and see if some light therapy will help..... if it still even works. It has been a lot of years since it was fired up. The reason I am thinking this might help is that my anxiety has started since the summer ended and these miserable days are definitely making it worse. I am taking a Vit D supplement but I have a diabetes review blood test this afternoon, so I expect they will be checking my levels as I was deficient last Feb. BP is going to be through the roof at the appointment, because the appointment itself is stressing me. Not my diabetes or the nurse or anything, but just having to be somewhere at a set time when I am feeling so overwhelmed with anxiety.
Anyway, sorry to offload on you guys, I am just trying to process the facts and make logical assumptions from writing down all the issues and as C is approaching which makes me 10x worse, I need to get help now.

@Robin and @eggyg. I am joining the cold sore team. I use Zovirax and it is good if I catch it early and am dedicated about treating it. This time I wasn't quick or dedicated enough and have had a bloody scabby sore lip for a couple of weeks, but think today may be the first day of it being reasonably healed. All signs I am stressed and run down of course. Thankfully I haven't got cold or anything though. Hope you are better soon Elaine and so pleased for you all that the pregnancy news is much more positive.
Hey everyone!
2 compression/libre over predicting alarms overnight which disappeared off graph and eventually that waking up cause a rise in itself so was around 8 when I actually got up 🙄.
Annoyingly this libre is pretty much spot on with fingerpricks - except when I am sleeping 😛

Had a lovely trip away and not much diabetes drama went on except my needle clipper bit the dust while there and no one in any chemist over there had ever heard of them let alone had one in stock. Just capped and carried it all back with me.
Numbers were mostly okay & tummy somewhat behaved apart from cramping. Better than I expected at least 🙂
Was good to see the family but pretty tiring overall as it was full on packed days and not much quiet space to decompress.

I had a very chill day yesterday but I suppose I should actually get unpacked today and do some washing :rofl:

Hope you all have a fabby day!
And it's a happy 5.4 for me earlier on this fine sunny morning....
9.9 when I woke up at 3am feeling rough. I hit it with 2.5 units and went back to sleep and had stressful dreams. 7.9 when I woke up to get up at 7.30am. Hit it with another 4.5 units of Fiasp and 20 units of Levemir. I have had another 2 units since then for 20g carbs and had to run up and down stairs another 20 times to keep in single figures.
Need to admit that I am struggling desperately with anxiety at the moment and despite doing all the right things like exercise and eating well.... no sugar and plenty of fresh veg and no alcohol and decaf coffee and meditating, I am not succeeding in managing it. My BP is up, I have constant tinnitus and my body is soo tense all the time and my stomach is really upset. Exercising helps but I can't do it all the time and when I stop, the symptoms return. I have had to start taking my steroid inhaler because I am shallow breathing too often due to the tension in my rib cage when I am not exercising. Time for an email to the doc I think. Really don't want medication but I need something to break the cycle. The only other thing I can think of is to roll out my old sunbed and see if some light therapy will help..... if it still even works. It has been a lot of years since it was fired up. The reason I am thinking this might help is that my anxiety has started since the summer ended and these miserable days are definitely making it worse. I am taking a Vit D supplement but I have a diabetes review blood test this afternoon, so I expect they will be checking my levels as I was deficient last Feb. BP is going to be through the roof at the appointment, because the appointment itself is stressing me. Not my diabetes or the nurse or anything, but just having to be somewhere at a set time when I am feeling so overwhelmed with anxiety.
Anyway, sorry to offload on you guys, I am just trying to process the facts and make logical assumptions from writing down all the issues and as C is approaching which makes me 10x worse, I need to get help now.

@Robin and @eggyg. I am joining the cold sore team. I use Zovirax and it is good if I catch it early and am dedicated about treating it. This time I wasn't quick or dedicated enough and have had a bloody scabby sore lip for a couple of weeks, but think today may be the first day of it being reasonably healed. All signs I am stressed and run down of course. Thankfully I haven't got cold or anything though. Hope you are better soon Elaine and so pleased for you all that the pregnancy news is much more positive.
I agree it could be the decreasing amount of daylight as I can feel my mental health slipping again as the nights have pulled in. I am wondering wether to get a SAD light box to see if that helps.

But sending you hugs.
I agree with @Grannylorraine @rebrascora it’s definitely a shorter day thing. Luckily, I’ve never suffered SAD syndrome but know people who do and have used sunlamps to alleviate it. I’m not a lover of the dark nights and am already wishing my life away until it’s February. But I hate the dark mornings even more, I don’t like getting up when it’s dark but unfortunately unlike my errant hubby ( 9am he got up this morning) I can’t sleep in, so get up and wish it was light so I can watch my birdies! Just be thankful you don’t live in Norway et al. I bet a lot of folks will be on some sort of anti depressants. Think that’s why those nations are pure party animals in the summer months! :D
Maybe it is time to get a “little lift” from the docs, we all need a pick me up of sorts sometime. Mine is booking our spring holiday, I find if I’ve something to look forward to, the short days pass a lot quicker. Still a pain in the butt though!
Big hugs. X
Morning all - it was really raining hard during the night, but this morning there's lots of blue sky.

5.0 this morning with a nice flat line. It's now 4.7 and I'd better prop it up with a Dextro before I get in the shower. It has a habit of alarming when I get under the hot water and it's infuriating to have to get out of the shower dripping wet to scan. Note to self: Tweak morning basals.

Friends arriving to stay this afternoon and I'm looking forward to it so much! Got most of the prep done yesterday for tonight's dinner - just last minute stuff to do later.

@Gwynn you got up at 3:30? Do you mind me asking what time you go to bed? I would normally only have been in bed 3.5 hours by 3:30 - a time I regard as being in the middle of the night!

@eggyg - good news about your daughter's baby. Sorry to hear you're feeling so rough. I was also going to mention Zovirax (though I have the Boots one). I have a permanently dripping nose and am prescribed Beconase nasal spray, but it's useless to stop the dripping. So I often have a clutch of cold sores beneath my nose due to constant wiping. During the day I'm constantly wiping the cream off, but if I put it on at night it will fend off the cold-sore at the tingly stage.

Congrats to @Grannylorraine on the weight loss.

@ColinUK you are being very brave!

Have a good day chaps.
I have had allergic rhinitis, for decades and have had my nasal spray and antihistamines change a number of times to control the nasal drip.
I have had allergic rhinitis, for decades and have had my nasal spray and antihistamines change a number of times to control the nasal drip.
A friend has what she has been told is a nasal drip for 15 years but nobody seems to know the cause but it causes her to cough violently all the time, she now has a hernia from the coughing and is awaiting surgery. Nothing she takes makes any difference.
A friend has what she has been told is a nasal drip for 15 years but nobody seems to know the cause but it causes her to cough violently all the time, she now has a hernia from the coughing and is awaiting surgery. Nothing she takes makes any difference.
I know that mine is due to allergic rhinitis, which predispose to nasal polyps, which I have had removed when they block my nose.
A friend has what she has been told is a nasal drip for 15 years but nobody seems to know the cause but it causes her to cough violently all the time, she now has a hernia from the coughing and is awaiting surgery. Nothing she takes makes any difference.
I was diagnosed with post nasal drip in my 30s. I think that’s probably the layman’s term for rhinitis, I cough after eating, usually just hot food but occasionally even after a cold sandwich, although not as much as I once did. I have never taken anything as I don’t have it too bad reading these comments. I’m always phelgmy though, especially first thing in a morning and sound like an old man on 40 Woodbines a day! I’ve never, ever smoked BTW.
I was diagnosed with post nasal drip in my 30s. I think that’s probably the layman’s term for rhinitis, I cough after eating, usually just hot food but occasionally even after a cold sandwich, although not as much as I once did. I have never taken anything as I don’t have it too bad reading these comments. I’m always phelgmy though, especially first thing in a morning and sound like an old man on 40 Woodbines a day! I’ve never, ever smoked BTW.
Obviously more common than I realised.