Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and it was a 5.2 for me but that was 4:30 so had a few more hours which were mainly spent dreaming I was back working at the Dole Office trying to sort a lot of missing girocheques out and failing dismally. A 6.7 when I surfaced again.

New sensor started up which seems quite accurate so far but it's early days.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning all

A happy 5,8 for me earlier this fine sunny day, rain is expected soon... :(
8.6 the first time I woke up unfortunately with an upset stomach. It was close to getting up time so I injected my morning Levemir and 3.5 units of Fiasp to deal with correction and DP/FOTF and managed to get back to sleep after a trip to the loo and some paracetamol. Woke up the second time an hour later on 5.4 but quickly rose to 6.1 when it should have been coming down still, so I hit it with another 2 units. I don't take any prisoners any more when it comes to the battle with BG levels on a morning and find a preemptive strike is far better than battling later to get it down. I was planning on having a late breakfast as I had some errands to do first, so no breakfast bolus but some of that 2 units went towards a milky coffee.
It started going high again after breakfast despite 3.5 units and a reasonable prebolus time when levels had come down to 5.6, so when my levels hit 9.4 with a vertical upwards arrow, I jabbed another 1.5 units and then ran up and down the stairs 20x and that turned it around. Now leveled out in the 6s so that fixed it, but may have to consider putting my morning Levemir back up to 22 unless I get a lot of exercise later today.

Congrats to @goodybags on your House Special this morning and well done to @Gwynn. So pleased your hymn was a success. Also congrats to @Pattidevans on your unicorn yesterday. I just let one slip through my fingers with the teeny tiniest dip into the red yesterday morning. 😡 Maybe I will catch it today if I focus.

Only just had time to post, hoping there is still room on the 5.3 step, Halloween/birthday party went well, sadly I didn’t get any photos. Eating wasn’t the best, but back on plan today.

@goodybags- congratulations on your HS today.
Good morning - 5.2

Have a great day everyone
A very good morning to you all. 6.4, and Happy Halloween.
Our pumpkin has collapsed! We only carved it on Friday, got up this morning and it looks like one of the Muppets! I can’t remember whether it’s like Statler or Waldorf, I always get them mixed up! It’s oozed yucky stuff all over my hall table and has gone mouldy! Glad it was only about £3 at Aldi and we didn’t go “ Pumpkin Picking” at a local organic farm and pay £15/20!

Got a quiet day today, had planned a walk but I feel like a bag of poo with this cold. I only get one a year and it’s always a stinker. It’s also earlier this year as I usually get one in the run up to Christmas, hope I’m not going to get two!

We’ll done @Lily123 on your HS.

Have a good one.
Morning all, 5.6 here, BGs have been rock steady since Sunday night, proves my basal must be set right! I’m starting to feel a bit better, and managed half a mug of soup yesterday evening. I lost half a stone in 2 days, but I really wouldn’t recommend the method.

4.8 today, had a good run yesterday evening, and some practice squats for my squat and lunge challenge, I have added the lunge bit. Today is weigh day, dreading it after the party on Sunday, but no point avoiding it, got back on plan yesterday.

@Lilly23 - congratulations on your HS today

@eggyg - my daughter went pumpkin picking at an expensive farm, the girls loved it, got home and the dog ate the pumpkins so she ended up having to go and get supermarket ones to carve.
Good morning 6.9 today

looks like October is going to be a decent month for me at work
it’s certainly been busy over the last 7 days (which is good in sales)

congratulations on the HS @Lily123
hope the cold isn’t too bad @eggyg if it hadn’t have gone mouldy you could’ve made spicy soup with your collapsed pumpkin,

Replied to the police email from the other day saying that I’m happy to do in person Q&A’s and asking questions like how do they think will be in attendance, how many officers etc.
I’ve also said that I’m happy to do more than one session.

I wasn’t entirely sure that was going to be my answer but I’ve sat and thought about it and this feels right for me.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4

It was a great day yesterday. The church service was good and thankfully my singing was good. Phew! Exercise walk with my friend later on was good.

Today...sorting out more Christmas Carols!!! Exercise. Rest.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
the dog ate the pumpkins
What kind of dog have they got?!! o_O

Morning all. 🙂 4.9 here.

Family conference needed. I haven’t got Covid but I have got a stinking cold. Do I go to London or not? What’s the social etiquette, post-Covid? Is it ok to go out in public with a cold these days? Who knows! :confused:😛