Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 7.6

Have a great day everyone
8.8 according to dexcom. It seems that dexcom is being a little more out that it has been(it is still withej the 20% athough but it had been really close before: ).giving that I had problems with my meter that could be stuglleding). Ive have been on antibiotics for the past few days and I've read posts online that seem to change things in the dexcom department for them. I was also told to try and drink more at the doctors on Friday (even though I seemef to drinking a fair amount) so d need to try stay on top of that.🙂
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Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Yesterday was great. The song that I sang at church (unaccompanied) went really well. In fact everyone joined in and stood up to sing! It was incredible. Maybe very contentious but I beleive that the lyrics came from 'above'. What was the hymn? The tune was 'Jerusalem' but to completely different, new powerful words. I couldn't have picked a more famous hymn to tackle. So happy it went well.

I have been given a whole bunch of Christmas carols to learn!!!! 🙂 it's a good job that I like Christmas Carols.

The afternoon walk was cold and damp but good.

I have run out of levothyroxine, which I take every day, none for this morning. I forgot to order it in time. I put a prescription request in at 5am Friday in the end. I hope the prescription will be filled today. If not, then I am hoping that missing one day will not cause problems. Has anyone on this forum missed a day of thyroxine and did it cause any problems?

And to cap it all, my milk 'went off' for some reason yesterday (I think it was just out of date) so I will have to dash out in a few minutes to Sainsburys to get some. Breakfast will have to wait!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Yesterday was great. The song that I sang at church (unaccompanied) went really well. In fact everyone joined in and stood up to sing! It was incredible. Maybe very contentious but I beleive that the lyrics came from 'above'. What was the hymn? The tune was 'Jerusalem' but to completely different, new powerful words. I couldn't have picked a more famous hymn to tackle. So happy it went well.

I have been given a whole bunch of Christmas carols to learn!!!! 🙂 it's a good job that I like Christmas Carols.

The afternoon walk was cold and damp but good.

I have run out of levothyroxine, which I take every day, none for this morning. I forgot to order it in time. I put a prescription request in at 5am Friday in the end. I hope the prescription will be filled today. If not, then I am hoping that missing one day will not cause problems. Has anyone on this forum missed a day of thyroxine and did it cause any problems?

And to cap it all, my milk 'went off' for some reason yesterday (I think it was just out of date) so I will have to dash out in a few minutes to Sainsburys to get some. Breakfast will have to wait!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Hi I’ve been taking levothyroxine for over 30 years and on several occasions forgotten to take it. Never had any problems.
Good morning everyone, 6.9 for me this morning.

Spent yesterday doing the last of the washing and putting things away after our week away on the boat. All tidy and sorted now. Also fretted over the solar system which failed to adjust to GMT after the clock change. Had to manually change the time on the inverter and the app sorted itself out overnight last night so everything is back in sync and on GMT now. Just a bit worried about next Spring with the time change then as we will be away so I won’t be able to change the inverter time if it fails to adjust automatically. But as we will be away, we won’t need a charge to the batteries from the grid overnight in the cheap rate period, so if I turn all that off then the time will be irrelevant on the inverter so it won’t matter if it doesn’t adjust forward the hour then.

Congratulations @goodybags on your Monday HS! Hope everything is going well with the bungalow.

@Gwynn - so pleased your song/hymn went well, I can only imagine how well it must have sounded! Did you sing it in Welsh or English?

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all, 5.0 or 7.9, depending on whether you go with the new Libre I put on last night, or a fingerprick. (I’m sure you can work out which way round they are). I’m hoping the Libre will buck its ideas up, I’m very dehydrated at the moment, and I woke up lying on it, which is probably why.
Good morning. 5.3

Nasty misty morning, can't see over first paddock. Managed to get final lines for drive edge marked out yesterday between frequent, very heavy, showers. I think narrowing it it, including a gentle bend and plonking a shrubbery on the far side will look much less agricultural. I would say "Eat your heart out Capability Brown" except I bet he had less of a labour problem...

The leaves are leaving the trees but the Imperial dahlias are still refusing to even form a bud. I can feel an aggressive approach with a garden fork and a trip to the compost heap is in their near future.

Hope evryone has a good week.
Good morning! 5'1 today. Didn't manage a House Special hat trick yesterday, waking up on a 4'1, probably caused by some alcohol the night before. Before my evening shift I talked with a housemate about going for a drink in the bar where another housemate is working. Expected to see many people in Halloween costumes (we did!) and I had the lucky idea of bringing a black jumper and 2 hair ties with me, so after work I put the jumper over my white uniform shirt, did my hair in 2 plaits and... voilà! Last minute Wednesday Addams costume. Low effort but people did recognise the character!

We ended up at a club and was there for the hour change, so I did not wake up exactly early yesterday :D Plans for the day were going to the laundry place and Lidl. Both close earlier on Sundays so I got to Lidl just 30 minutes before closing and let me tell you, I am not a quick shopper. There was a couple questionable choices I made because I didn't have the time to think more. On the plus side, I couldn't wander around the store for longer and potentially pick more unnecessary stuff.
Morning all. On the 5.3 step with @Gwynn and @TinaD so near but no cigar.

Already showered and dressed, slept in this morning and it’s Zara day so no lounging about before she arrives at 8.30. Should get time to do Wordle though after my breakfast hopefully.

Congrats @goodybags in your HS.

Have a Happy Monday
Room for one more on the 5.3 step? I’m joining you all.
Morning all. 🙂 8.7 here. I suspect my current Pod site isn’t particularly absorbent cos I spent yesterday evening adding correction dose after correction dose. Good thing it’s a site-change day today!

Off to London with my mum later on this week. She’s a Yorkshire lass and when she was little her mum had a friend called Mrs Hockney and mum’s convinced it was David Hockney’s mum. Anyhoo, every time we go to the Big Smoke there’s a Hockney exhibition on - last time it was the immersive experience (very good) and this time it’s an exhibition of his portraits. Can’t wait! All the grandkids are in London too, so it promises to be a family-fun-filled trip. (I just hope the DF isn’t in town at the same time - she loves sprinkling her BG-messing fairy dust. Shhh, don’t tell her).
A 5.9 for me this morning. Well done to @goodybags on the HS. 🙂

Starting the week with a nice round 5.0 on this sunny Berkshire morning. Bit chilly when we walked down to get a newspaper and some fresh rolls before breakfast though - not even up to fridge temperature - but then that's going to be the norm for the next few months.

Made my first ever cheese sauce yesterday, for a tuna pasta bake. Normally leave that bit to my wife, but she was stuck in traffic on the M25. Found a recipe on BBC Good Food and was amazed how easy it was to make..! The only other time I've had to make my own I went and bought a Schwartz packet sauce.

@goodybags well done on your HS

Have a good start to the week.
Morning all - quite nice and bright at the moment, but I don't think it will stay that way!

6.2 this morning with a flat line and a Unicorn.

Rick Stein's chicken recipe was ABSOLUTELY gorgeous last night! There is half left over for tonight's dinner - YUM! I would never have thought of putting soy sauce into a creamy sauce but it worked so well.

Grocery shop today followed by a visit to the chiropractor.

Congratulations @goodybags on your HS.

@Martin.A once you can make a lump free cheese sauce you're well on your way to being a gourmet chef! LOL! 😉

@Robin and @Anji53 hope you are both feeling a bit better today.

Have a good day all.
Good morning! 5'1 today. Didn't manage a House Special hat trick yesterday, waking up on a 4'1, probably caused by some alcohol the night before. Before my evening shift I talked with a housemate about going for a drink in the bar where another housemate is working. Expected to see many people in Halloween costumes (we did!) and I had the lucky idea of bringing a black jumper and 2 hair ties with me, so after work I put the jumper over my white uniform shirt, did my hair in 2 plaits and... voilà! Last minute Wednesday Addams costume. Low effort but people did recognise the character!

We ended up at a club and was there for the hour change, so I did not wake up exactly early yesterday :D Plans for the day were going to the laundry place and Lidl. Both close earlier on Sundays so I got to Lidl just 30 minutes before closing and let me tell you, I am not a quick shopper. There was a couple questionable choices I made because I didn't have the time to think more. On the plus side, I couldn't wander around the store for longer and potentially pick more unnecessary stuff.
You might like the Wednesday stained glass window I made for my granddaughter.Wednesday window .JPG