Group 7-day waking average?

And a 5.6 for me on this dry sunny morning.
well i forgot it was saterday so i wasn't going be abbe to get one from my hospital so it may be cause of completely trusting the dexcom for the next couple of days which i know isn't ideal but i guess better then nothing. i have posted on a couple of groups i'm in to see if anyone has a spare
Well one of the groups it got removed from because it removed because it's medical equipment (this isn't a citizen by the way so I don't want it to taken that I think guidelines on what's not allowed and what's not allowed to happen isn't all that clear ) and said I would have to buy one but I can't really do that one because one I don't really think any of the ones open on the weekend are sell the one I use.(or any ones at all really). And two I don't really have the money to just do that. And said you can't always get them from the hospital because it's usually for newly diagnosed but never had a problem doing that before(again not a citizen just an update). The after speictfty designed for this situation though has approved it.
Well one of the groups it got removed from because it removed because it's medical equipment (this isn't a citizen by the way so I don't want it to taken that I think guidelines on what's not allowed and what's not allowed to happen isn't all that clear ) and said I would have to buy one but I can't really do that one because one I don't really think any of the ones open on the weekend are sell the one I use.(or any ones at all really). And two I don't really have the money to just do that. And said you can't always get them from the hospital because it's usually for newly diagnosed but never had a problem doing that before(again not a citizen just an update). The after speictfty designed for this situation though has approved it.
If the meters are broken then you should contact the manufacturer and report the failure. They will usually send a replacement. I have had 2 Caresens meters replaced free of charge when I rang customer services and reported the issues.
Have you checked/changed the batteries?
If the meters are broken then you should contact the manufacturer and report the failure. They will usually send a replacement. I have had 2 Caresens meters replaced free of charge when I rang customer services and reported the issues.
Have you checked/changed the batteries?
Yeah I checked the batties it's not that it's just it's weekend other wise I probably would have been able to pick one from my hospital(well I have able to before)Agamatix were also a little bit funny before when I contacted them to replace one. They almost didn't believe me because in their words "the meter is fairly new")(it's was when I gave the serial number). I was just trying to find a way to have one for the weekend.

I've now released I should have probably put these messages in their one thread.
Good morning everyone

The cold dark mornings are with us now. Roll on spring, although I do like Christmas with or without snow.

BG 5.3

Today church, where I will be singing a very famous hymn but to new lyrics, exercise walking on the beach and, sweet and sour fish for tea!!! Yes!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning it's 6.2 now. 7 day time in range is 77% and 72% for the past 14 days but that has been quite bit of eating involved to achieve that and was still dropping when I dropping when I no longer u didn't end having lunch until 4 Also I had 2 hypos on Friday(if I go what my meter said before it packed it) and one yesterday. So going to reduce my livermer this morning that could end causing some problems in the morning(as in pretty sure I have different backgrounds needs then) but I'll try and work around it. I do have an infection at the moment so I know things might change once that's cleared

Decent day yesterday. Went to a support group meeting in the morning (which I almost didn’t go to) which was lovely and supportive. Followed that with coffee and more chat with a few attendees in a nearby Caffè Nero which allowed us to get to know each other better and boosted the co-regulation quotient.

Walked home via a series of garden squares and a bit of time in a royal park to tick the eco-regulation box.

To hit the self-regulation part I opted to avoid news and instead to catch up on Star Trek Lower Deck when I got home and followed that with an episode of First Dates: Teens which is just so pure and charming and always makes me smile. Followed those by renting a film I’d wanted to see at the cinema but just didn’t get round to, Renfield.

Nicholas Hoult is great as the title character who is trying to break his relationship with Nicholas Cage’s wonderfully camp and OTT Dracula. It’s just a whole lot of fun and I recommend it!

Morning yawning. 5.7.

What a rubbish night I’ve had. As soon as I laid down I started to cough. I piled up three pillows and tried to sleep sitting upright. I woke at 1.15am, don’t know whether that was before the clocks went back or after. My left hip was in agony, the pressure from sitting upright I suspect. Couldn’t doze off again as my knees were getting in the way, do you know what I mean? I put a pillow in between them. Awake again at 3ish, then 5ish just tossing and turning. I feel like a zombie, luckily nowhere to go and no one to see today. So much for an extra hour in bed! :(

@Robin hope you’re feeling better today, there’s nothing worse.
@ColinUK sounds like you had a better day yesterday. I think I should stop watching the news too, but guilt prevents me. I feel that if I don’t watch it, it means I don’t care what’s going on around the world and I do, very much so. I’m not good at self care I’m afraid. Although I will be having a nana nap sometime today after I’ve popped a load of washing in, dug some leeks and parsnips out of the garden, and made a Sunday roast! 😉

Have a super Sunday folks.
Morning all. 🙂 8.7 here...long story.🙄😛

Had a very enjoyable “gig” last night with Cor y Dysgwyr Sir Benfro / Pembrokeshire Welsh Learners Choir. One of the choir newbies lives out in the wild wilderness, just inland from Fishguard. It’s all single track roads with passing places - some of the “main” roads have got a strip of grass down the middle, so proper Way Out West Pembs. The village she lives in was inaugurating their new village hall, so there was a chip supper from the “local” (about 20 miles away) chippy, a sing-a-long, homemade puds made by villagers, a raffle, free fresh apple juice...good wholesome fun! 😎 We’re a very entertaining choir (nice way of saying we can’t sing for toffee) and we’ve got a new guitarist who’s always a beat behind us o_O:rofl: but we got everyone singing along with the choruses. I won a set of A4 batteries in the raffle (all the nice things had gone by then) - v useful. And we’ve been invited back next year! :D

Enjoy the clock change everyone!
Morning all, 10.1 here. I’ve been giving myself a couple of units of novorapid every 2-3 hours, and BGs have been hovering around 10, got down to 8 about 4am, but then dawn effect kicked in. Daren’t overdo the insulin in case I can’t absorb any hypo treatments. I haven’t felt this dire in goodness knows how long. Covid was a doddle in comparison. Seem to be managing to keep a few. sips of water down, now, so hopefully turned the corner.
@eggyg , poor you, we've both missed the benefit of the clock change.
@Bloden , thank you for the tip about digestion, it wouldn’t have occurred to me.
5.5 for me this morning.

My tslim has been warbling about no insulin left and that it has shut off all deliveries about an hour ago. Which is annoying, because I know there will be 10u or more still in the cartridge (I ‘primed tubing’ with an empty one once).

Will grab a chance for a set change between reading posts!
5.8 this morning. Woke up at what my body thought was my usual time but my clock said it was an hour earlier, so I've been wide awake since just before 6 o'clock.

Congratulations South Africa on retaining their RWC crown. Didn't think it was a great match - only one try - with just a point in it at the end.

Job for today is to try and find out why our downstairs loo suddenly won't flush. Had a quick look yesterday but nothing obvious, but have had to isolate the water supply as there's now a constant trickle into the bowl and we're on a meter.

Barely stopped raining yesterday evening but dry this morning and the sun keeps popping in and out. Off to get a newspaper shortly, hopefully without waking anyone.

Have a good Sunday.
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5.4 for me but 2JBs involved, one right as I scanned to go to sleep when I had surprisingly dropped and the other about 5am. Other than that a nice horizontal flatfish right along the bottom of the range just where I normally sleep best, but for some reason I didn't sleep well last night at all. Not complaining though compared to poor @Robin and @eggyg I have nothing to complain about. Hope you are both feeling better soon.

Hammering down here and a nearby village is flooded quite badly so must have been a lot overnight.
Morning all. Woke to a 10.1 o_O ! Could it be the mango chutney in the chicken glaze from last night, the crackers and cheese i had with a glass of wine? Who knows. I must have turned off the high alarm and gone back to sleep. Off to correct now and have some breakfast.

@eggyg and @Robin i hope you both feel better soon.
@ColinUK glad you had a good day yesterday.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

Bright and sunny here after the constant rain last night. 5.7 after an appalling day of eating yesterday, I have my granddaughter’s birthday/Halloween party today, and as hard as I tried I couldn’t resist trying bits and pieces of my baking and other delights. Oh well too late now damage is done and scales won’t be kind this week.

@eggyg and @Robin - hope you both start feeling better soon.

@ColinUK - so pleased you had a good day yesterday.
Good morning 6.2 today
Yesterday 6.6, Friday 5.7

I had busy and productive days at work Thursday & Friday

Yesterday some DIY & shopping (to much shopping)
so today some relaxation, going to catch up which my Sister on the phone shortly

have a Super Sunday everybody 😎