Group 7-day waking average?

Been awake since roughly 3am

Therapy was challenging but then it usually is.

Friend told me that they were uncomfortable coming to mine as they find the mezuzah on my door “extremely confrontational given what Israel’s doing in Gaza”. They said nothing about the terrorist attack on the 7th nor anything about the 222 civilians kidnapped by Hamas.

Therapist said that there’s tools we use to regulate our emotions:
1. Self-regulation
2. Co-regulation
3. Theo-regulation
4. Eco-regulation

First is basically self soothing whatever form that takes so includes exercise, watching a film, music, food, alcohol, drugs etc (self soothing isn’t always healthy).
Second is the support we can get from just being around others. It doesn’t have to be about long conversations but can just be from sitting and people watching perhaps.
Third is the comfort we can find in applying logic to try and understand what’s going on. Fourth is about nature and that fillip we can get from being in it.

This forum and you lovely bunch of peoples give me a dose of co-regulation and I want to express my gratitude for that.

You listen to me vent and rant and ponder. You are all quite quite remarkable human beings in your own myriad of ways and I kinda love you all.
It's good to have you here. Your Mezuzah is a sign of faith and in no way offensive. I had a friend who had one on his door and I found it quite endearing. Keep on co-regulating, it helps us all.
Good morning - 5.5

Have a great day everyone
Morning all

4.9 had a morning with mum yesterday, my brother also came along so that made it better for her. Then baked my granddaughter’s cake and. dairy and gluten free chocolate chip cookie bar, I tried it a bit but the texture is slightly off and very crumbly and dairy free chocolate chips don’t taste the same, I have mastered dairy and gluten cakes, but last time I tried making biscuits with gluten free flour the texture wasn’t right and they were crumbly so I need to research a bit more as just substituting to a normal recipe clearly is not quite right.

Anyway, a busy day, got housework to finish, a cake and cookie bar to decorate. Might make knit and natter, but hubby is working today and has a parcel arriving, so depends on how well tings go and if the parcel arrives.

@Elenka_HM - congratulations on your HS.

@ColinUK - i am proud you can vent and let your feelings out to us, I think we all agree this forum isn’t always just about diabetes. I am so sorry your friend treated you in this way.
Morning all. Have a great Saturday. 🙂
Message received from friend a few minutes ago.
He apologised for “making it all about him”. He went on to wish peaceful coexistence to Israelis and Palestinians which is something we all long for.

Of course the flip side of this is walking to the local shop and back for milk and eggs and seeing posters of the kidnapped hostages had appeared overnight. They’re all in tatters as clearly someone’s so offended by the truth that they had to tear them down.
Good morning. 6.3 and although I don’t need to be up so early, here I am. Coughing and spluttering along with a terrible headache. Knew I’d caught Zara’s cold as I started with a very dry throat and cough on Wednesday, by yesterday it was full blown chesty and phlegmy. Sadie has the same and poor Zara didn’t manage to have a sleepover as she just wanted her mammy. She’s not well at all bless her. So only two of them today and they’ll probably have a bit of a lie in. And tomorrow’s childcare is not needed anymore so a wee bit of a respite.

We had our mini Halloween party at 5 o’clock as Zara wasn’t staying over, she was picked up her normal time. She didn’t eat much but she did dress up for a few minutes, her costume wasn’t suitable for sitting at the table! The girls insisted on doing their own “makeup” as I was busy doing food. 😱 I was glad when it was bedtime. Not sure what time they’re getting picked up but I think a quiet day is on the cards, Encanto, Paddington or Peter Rabbit may in order. Or all three!

Well done to the HSers yesterday. @freesia and relax! @Bloden you too!

Have a great day everyone.

Here’s the terrible threesome/ triple trouble amongst other things I call them!
Might join you in a rewatching of Encanto this weekend. It’s marvellous even though it is utterly deplorable how poorly Bruno’s family treat him just because he’s different.
@Pattidevans You really are not selling this pumping lark much in my opinion. That phone call alone would be enough to put me off! And it sounds like you are supposed to go through that rigmarole each time you have to replace a pump early and obviously the fact that you are getting failures rather too frequently! And that is apart from the environmental and financial implications which are a big factor in my thought process. Not that I would qualify for a pump anyway. Of course, I maybe would feel differently if I had been diabetic for much longer and it was starting to weigh heavy on me, but thankfully at the moment my regime just seems to get easier if anything and I can achieve good management with my Levemir and Fiasp and the Libre, albeit with a few too many hypos for the consultant's liking. 🙄
To be fair, this is Omnipod and their gestapo customer service. I've had similar experiences with Abbott over failed Libres. Not that I have had many of those. The three pods that had to be replaced were entirely user-error and not the actual pods failing. 2 of them I filled with insulin that had become compromised due to being open too long - I use so little that a vial lasts forever. The other I knocked off when getting dressed. In the 8 years I had Combo pumps I only had one real problem, when the metal bits that held the handset batteries got very slack, but they replaced it without question and anyway I had the one from the previous pump. There are quite a number of things I dislike about the Omnipod system (apart from their Customer Service), but I was not to know before using it and I was only offered the Omnipod or an old version (640) Medtronic. For example, the minimum amount I can adjust basals by is 0.05u per hour whereas I could adjust by 0.01 with the Combo and often needed something like 0.03u. Sounds minute, but it often made a difference Now I'm stuck with the omnipod for 4 years or go back to injections.

On the whole my control is much better than on injections and FWIW over 90 days I have had 0% under 4 and 85% TIR. That includes a period when I had a chest infection. Still, as we always say, we are all different. I have just been asked to review Insulet customer service (evil grin) It wasn't the chap's fault for not speaking English well, it was Insulet for employing him.

From an environmental POV I get a bag and box to send the pods back in FOC, they burn them to make energy to fuel their factory.
Good Morning Everyone, got up at 10 having been in Rome for 4 days my regime was a little out, still i had mass with the Pope so i'm whiter than white, the previous week i had my annual consultant appointment lots of changes, but one he did say because i suffer from Dawn Phenomenon if over 10 i should take a correction even when i don't eat breakfast, never do, anyone else find it works
Morning all - though I am well late posting on this dreary day.

7.4 this morning with TIR of 95% over 24 hours. Happy as last night's dinner included a fair old portion of chips with our steaks (the garlic and parsley butter I made for the steaks would have fought off any number of Vampires!).

Off into town this afternoon to meet friends as usual on a Saturday. Hope the rain stops as there's no bus shelter on the town-ward bus stop.

Well done @Elenka_HM on your 2nd HS. Hope your Aubergine and chickpea stew improves on further cookingt. Funnily enough I made Aubergine and Lentil stew yesterday for our dinner tonight. I think it also needs a bit more cooking.

@ColinUK very pleased you have found supportive friends here... you know how much we value you.

Have a Super Saturday all
Might join you in a rewatching of Encanto this weekend. It’s marvellous even though it is utterly deplorable how poorly Bruno’s family treat him just because he’s different.
I’ve not watched it properly although its been on quite a few times. I usually make use of the peace to crack on or have a doze! Bad grandma. 😛
Morning all, and feeling sorry for myself, have been bog trotting since 4am and threw up a couple of times at 7am. I think I must have picked up a stomach bug at one of the airports the other day, it doesn’t seem like food poisoning from anything I ate yesterday. Thinking back, my BGs have been erratically high for the last couple of days.
So, 4am 5.6, 8am 12.7!
Currently 10.4 and a gradual downward line, after a couple of cautious correction units. I’m managing sips of water without disaster, but nothing more at the mo. Hopefully I'm over the worst.
5.6 for me this morning but took a record 5 JBs to get me through the night including for a rather nasty 2.9 at 2am and that was despite not taking any evening Levemir and my last bolus was 1.5 units of Fiasp at 3.25pm, so only the very tail end of my morning Levemir at work and no alcohol for well over a week as my stomach is unhappy......Just shows the power of exercise to drop your levels!! I have knocked my morning Levemir down by 2 units today as well but insulin sensitivity yesterday changed significantly from the previous few days for some reason and that was before exercise.
Must confess I feel rather rough this morning as a result of a rough night.

@ColinUK Just want to say that we "love you right back!" So sad that there is so much hatred and intolerance in the world. I really feel for the innocent people on both sides of the conflict. It is heart breaking and I don't think there will be any winners, only lots of losers as there is with any war/conflict. It is easy to focus on this current situation and forget the other conflicts going on in the world, all equally devastating for the people involved. Wishing the world peace!

Congrats to @Elenka_HM on a second HS on the trot. Go girl!! Hattrick tomorrow maybe??

the previous week i had my annual consultant appointment lots of changes, but one he did say because i suffer from Dawn Phenomenon if over 10 i should take a correction even when i don't eat breakfast, never do, anyone else find it works

I have been doing this for the last 4 years and it works very well for me. The key is to inject it before you get out of bed, so it gets to work ASAP and before you set your feet on the floor. For me I need 1.5-2 units of bolus insulin every morning regardless of whether I am having breakfast or not. If I wake up in the 4s or low 5s, it's usually just 1.5 units of Fiasp, if mid 5s-7 it is 2. Above 7 I need to add on a correction as well. If I am having breakfast I also include my breakfast bolus, but injecting before I get out of bed is the big factor for me as my liver starts dumping glucose as soon as I get up.
Hope you feel better soon @Robin. It is horrid having an upset stomach but so much harder when you are insulin dependent.
Might join you in a rewatching of Encanto this weekend. It’s marvellous even though it is utterly deplorable how poorly Bruno’s family treat him just because he’s different.
It is a great movie. I agree about Bruno but he is clearly not the only one with trauma in this family. Remember how Mirabel is always discriminated by her grandma for not having a "gift" (you don't have one either, ma'am!!). And poor Tia Pepa can't have a bad day in peace, everyone is moaning about the weather 🙄

I remember YouTube got flooded at the time with psychological analysis of the movie and all the characters. There was also some parodies of the grandma being horrible to Mirabel. I remember one like "can someone pass the sugar? No, not you Mirabel! I don't want any of your bad luck in my cafecito"
Morning all.7 2 for me this morning..Did reach a 16 during the night.Had some m and s mackerel fillets in a honey and whiskey glaise took one unit of insulin.fir it . Honey sends my sugers through the roof even the tiniest amount.Took a correction dose and halfed it .Have a good Saturday folks
Morning 8.3 never of my meters seem to be working which is quite odd as one of them is fairly new w So at least I got my dexcom. I'm going to have to take a trip to hospital but I'm worried there going be to quite anoyed and question it since it wasn't long since I picked one upm
well i forgot it was saterday so i wasn't going be abbe to get one from my hospital so it may be cause of completely trusting the dexcom for the next couple of days which i know isn't ideal but i guess better then nothing. i have posted on a couple of groups i'm in to see if anyone has a spare
8.2 this morning, reasonably high but had an enjoyable bad evening of eating, Pizza Hut then sweet chili wrap and large latte for the car ride home. Bolused quite well with it as higher fat content usually means I get it wrong.
Latte has 20g of C in it I learnt, no more lattes then! Not sure why I was surprised really.