Group 7-day waking average?

@Lily123 I could be wrong here. But as I understand matters you, as a T1, will get all prescriptions for free, regardless of age, permanently - unless some future Government changes that basic rule at some time in the future! Unlikely in principle, too great a "vote loser" for any Government.

Looks like your trip last week went well overall. Did the full programme get done despite the problem with coach 2?
Yes you do get them free for life, but you do need a current exemption certificate. @Lily123 wanted to know at what age you needed the cert. It doesn't last for ever either, it is renewable, so best to check when the expiry date is. You can be given a substantial fine if you do not have a current certificate.
@Pattidevans You really are not selling this pumping lark much in my opinion. That phone call alone would be enough to put me off! And it sounds like you are supposed to go through that rigmarole each time you have to replace a pump early and obviously the fact that you are getting failures rather too frequently! And that is apart from the environmental and financial implications which are a big factor in my thought process. Not that I would qualify for a pump anyway. Of course, I maybe would feel differently if I had been diabetic for much longer and it was starting to weigh heavy on me, but thankfully at the moment my regime just seems to get easier if anything and I can achieve good management with my Levemir and Fiasp and the Libre, albeit with a few too many hypos for the consultant's liking. 🙄
7.6 this morning, got my antibody test cancelled not happy as i have another 3 weeks before the next appointment
not sure if i even need it now as my daytime readings have started coming down after adding 2 more units of Lantus 2 weeks ago, last 2 days they have been higher but i think it down to the cold ive caught.
@Lily123 I could be wrong here. But as I understand matters you, as a T1, will get all prescriptions for free, regardless of age, permanently - unless some future Government changes that basic rule at some time in the future! Unlikely in principle, too great a "vote loser" for any Government.

Looks like your trip last week went well overall. Did the full programme get done despite the problem with coach 2?
Thanks, the trip was mostly alright but coach 2 had to miss the stop at Riqueval Bridge to switch coaches
@Lily123 I could be wrong here. But as I understand matters you, as a T1, will get all prescriptions for free, regardless of age, permanently - unless some future Government changes that basic rule at some time in the future!
Yes, but I think while you're in full time employment you don't need the certificate. I don't remember even being asked for student ID or anything, so I guess they just rely (or used to rely) largely on trust. (Though this was decades ago: I was in full time education for an unusually long time, up until I was 23 or 24.)
@Barrowman - congrats on your HS

@Bloden I have just endured an hour on the phone with someone for whom English is not their first language and was very hard to understand. I rang to get an order - apparently it's not due until 5 November. I pointed out that I'd had to change 3 pods early for 3 different reasons. So I then get asked umpty 1000 questions - half of which I couldn't understand. Such as "when did you excavate that pod?" Turned out to be "activate". Nearly lost the will to live - no one had ever told me that if this happens you have to email with the info at the time inc. Pod number, batch number, what went wrong, how do you clean the site before applying the pod, how do you pull it off, what level did your bloods get to, how many corrections, how much correction dose did you give and what time did you give them. Was medical assistance needed. Did you have ketones and on and on and so forth! Just thought I'd warn you!
I had every shade of sh*t treatment from Omnipod in July, when I wanted to bring my next order forward by 4 days. So sorry you had to go thru the same experience. For a company that produces kit to lower glucose, they’re extremely good at raising it too. I always ring the London number now (020 code) cos they’re much more helpful - even if the answer ends up being “No, we can’t possibly do that”.

Happy half-term to you too @freesia!
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Good morning. 6.3 and although I don’t need to be up so early, here I am. Coughing and spluttering along with a terrible headache. Knew I’d caught Zara’s cold as I started with a very dry throat and cough on Wednesday, by yesterday it was full blown chesty and phlegmy. Sadie has the same and poor Zara didn’t manage to have a sleepover as she just wanted her mammy. She’s not well at all bless her. So only two of them today and they’ll probably have a bit of a lie in. And tomorrow’s childcare is not needed anymore so a wee bit of a respite.

We had our mini Halloween party at 5 o’clock as Zara wasn’t staying over, she was picked up her normal time. She didn’t eat much but she did dress up for a few minutes, her costume wasn’t suitable for sitting at the table! The girls insisted on doing their own “makeup” as I was busy doing food. 😱 I was glad when it was bedtime. Not sure what time they’re getting picked up but I think a quiet day is on the cards, Encanto, Paddington or Peter Rabbit may in order. Or all three!

Well done to the HSers yesterday. @freesia and relax! @Bloden you too!

Have a great day everyone.

Here’s the terrible threesome/ triple trouble amongst other things I call them!


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Morning 8.3 never of my meters seem to be working which is quite odd as one of them is fairly new w So at least I got my dexcom. I'm going to have to take a trip to hospital but I'm worried there going be to quite anoyed and question it since it wasn't long since I picked one upm
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Been awake since roughly 3am

Therapy was challenging but then it usually is.

Friend told me that they were uncomfortable coming to mine as they find the mezuzah on my door “extremely confrontational given what Israel’s doing in Gaza”. They said nothing about the terrorist attack on the 7th nor anything about the 222 civilians kidnapped by Hamas.

Therapist said that there’s tools we use to regulate our emotions:
1. Self-regulation
2. Co-regulation
3. Theo-regulation
4. Eco-regulation

First is basically self soothing whatever form that takes so includes exercise, watching a film, music, food, alcohol, drugs etc (self soothing isn’t always healthy).
Second is the support we can get from just being around others. It doesn’t have to be about long conversations but can just be from sitting and people watching perhaps.
Third is the comfort we can find in applying logic to try and understand what’s going on. Fourth is about nature and that fillip we can get from being in it.

This forum and you lovely bunch of peoples give me a dose of co-regulation and I want to express my gratitude for that.

You listen to me vent and rant and ponder. You are all quite quite remarkable human beings in your own myriad of ways and I kinda love you all.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4

Up really late at 6:45am

House is nice and warm at 18C as the heating is on for the winter. Warmth, wonder I slept in!

Today, lots of practice before the 'big' practice at the church tonight before the service tomorrow where I will be playing and one song singing on my own without accompaniment.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
6.4 this morning. Half day at work today which will be nice.

@ColinUK glad that that this place helps, I appreciate that on here after being diagnosed with the help from people like yourself. Keep strong and I’m sure we will listen and help where we can here for you.

hope everyone else enjoys a super Saturday.
Bathroom trip at 05:13 and only managed a few short spells of dozing afterwards. Hate it when that happens. Waited until just after 07:30 before getting up though. Reasonable time on a weekend I thought, just in case I woke my wife. She didn't stir, so I don't think I did. Tested while the kettle boiled and got a 5.3, which is good seeing as I'd sampled some of the nibbles left over from my wife's girls' night before bedtime.

Congrats England on beating Argentina last night, although it was a close run thing. New Zealand v South Africa in the final tonight, so looking forward to that. We'll actually have a New Zealander here today, one of our eldest's futsal team, who's going to be staying overnight.

Dry here at the moment, which is just as well as our eldest is off to do a Park Run shortly. We're due to catch the northern edge of a yellow weather warning for heavy rain this evening, though.

@ColinUK please feel free to carry on venting, ranting and pondering - we don't mind one bit.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Saturday.
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Good morning everyone! Another 5'2 😱Thanks for all the mentions and stars yesterday, I enjoyed my minute of fame 😉

My Lidl App is reminding me I just have to spend another 43p in the last days of the month to unlock a reward. A reward I probably don't need, but it would be the first time I reach the minimum spending and I'm kinda excited about it. I am missing some stuff in the fridge so I might as well.

Yesterday I tried a new simple recipe of aubergine and chickpeas stew. Made the poor decision to start cooking late before an evening shift, so I feel I didn't give it enough time to simmer, and I didn't have time to eat much of it anyway. At least I have leftovers and I can try to cook them a bit longer and add some more seasoning. Though I have something more appealing in mind and could leave the leftovers for tomorrow...

Have a good weekend folks!

@ColinUK I get your feelings about the forum and the support it offers. Know that you are really appreciated here xx
A 4.9 for me this morning. 🙂 No dreams last night (that I can remember). I guess I used up a whole week's quota on Thursday night. :D And well done @Elenka_HM on the HS.

Good morning 4.9

Nasty grey morning but had a goodish night of sleep. Was a bit worried BG might be up as had fried chicken last night (which involved a little cornflour). DIdn't get much done outside yesterday beyond wandering about with string and marker trying to look efficient as I tried to establish precise edge of drive. Irritating sums in head - if straights are 3.5 wide what radius is required for a vehicle to negotiate a 90' curve?

Hope everyone has a pleasant Saturday,