Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.7 today for me somewhere on the Trent & Mersey canal between Weston and Sandon. Can’t believe how dark it is in the mornings now, could have stayed in bed a lot longer today!

Back to the marina by lunchtime at the latest, we’re only about 2 hours away from here and just one lock left at Sandon.

Congratulations @Elenka_HM on your Friday HS!

Hope everyone has a good day, welcome to the weekend!
Morning all. 9.6 here. I really must use a glucose log for a few weeks. There are trends I’m not spotting cos I’ve been too busy. Ho hum.

Hahaha @MeeTooTeeTo - what a brilliant dream.

We’re off way out West-er today, to a pub that’s right on the seashore and apparently does really good burgers - my OH fancies the lamb and bara lawr / laver bread (seaweed) burger. Then a walk on the beach, if rain doesn’t stop play. I’m pooped, it’s been a loooooooong week.

7 o’clock @freesia !! - I hope everyone has to be there that early, not just you. I’d be counting the hours too. o_O
Well done @Anji53 on that 5.2 🙂

5.0 today, so hopefully the flu jab caused The higher readings. today I am going to the crem with my mum as it is 3 years since my beloved dad past, then have some lunch at a Garden Centre. Later on I will be baking my granddaughter’s birthday/Halloween cake and some other bits ready for the party on Sunday.

@Elenka_HM and @Anji53 - congratulations on your HS.

@ColinUK - sending hugs.
Opened the curtains to find it damp, grey and misty so scrubbed the pre-breakfast walk to Morrisons and took the car instead. It's just started raining and I note that there's another yellow weather warning for the south east, starting from midnight, which we're sitting on the northern edge of. Tomorrow might be a bit wet, then. Will it never end?

I'm joining @Grannylorraine on the 5.0 step this morning and as it's Friday it's also BP check day -113/66, so that's fine.

Will be off to Sainsbury's and the garden centre greengrocer shortly, once I've had my coffee and read the paper, as usual on a Friday. England v Argentina to look forward to in the Rugby World Cup bronze medal match this evening (previously known as the rather less-glamorous sounding 3rd place play-off). Just as well as my wife has a bunch of her friends round for a girls' night.

@Elenka_HM and @Anji53 - congratulations on your HSs

@ColinUK hope everything goes well with the therapy

@Gwynn hope you get your meds sorted

Don't know what everyone's weather's like but have a good day if you can.
Good morning - 7.7

What age do you need an exemption certificate for prescriptions? Information online is conflicting, some say 16 whilst others say 18

Have a great day everyone
It is a bit crowded on the 5.0 step this morning, but very happy to be here and clearly in good company. I was really torn between 2 and 2.5 units of Levemir last night. I went with 2.5 thinking I would go to bed with my levels mid 6s, but when it got to bed time I was 7.9 and clearly rising slightly so I hit it with a 1.5u correction but then had half a square of dark chocolate with some peanut butter (not worth injecting half a unit on it's own) and that clearly worked out perfectly.

Congrats to @Anji53 and @Elenka_HM on attaining the nominated optimum waking reading this morning.

@freesia Hope your day passes quickly and you are not too shattered tonight to celebrate the start of half term.

@MeeTooTeeTo Don't think I have ever had a dream which made me laugh and yours definitely sounds like it would have been a nightmare for me!

@ColinUK. Hope your therapy today gives you some clarity and better peace of mind. Sending (((HUGS)))

@Grannylorraine (((HUGS)))) to you too. It is 13 years coming up since we lost Dad and still miss him but he lives on with my sister and I in the things we do and the skills he taught us.
Morning all and 7.1 for me.

Grey and dank here.

Currently trying to work out set lists. We're only scheduled for 30 mins at the festival we're doing. Cutting songs out is tricky when you've got a substantial back catalogue and new material. Mustn't complain too much as some bands only have 20 mins.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all on an uindecided sort of day. Plenty of blue sky, but also plenty of black clouds. It rained earlier and I am sure it will rain later!

8.1 first thing, but I'm not too unhappy with that. Yesterday bloods rose and rose, starting with lunch which was a modest spicy beef and asian salad at the pub, (really only a starter portion - hardly any carbs) + a shared portion of chips. Then we went to our neighbour's for dinner - roast chicken, 2 small roast pots, carrots, green beans and broccoli followed by a pastry, fig and almond "pie" (like a bakewell tart). I kept on correcting but by the time we got back home it was 20.4 and rising still, so at midnight I gave in and changed my pod with a fresh vial of insulin. That's the 3rd pod I've had to change a day early, so I better ring Omnipod and go through the Gestapo questions again!

Hubby is cooking dinner tonight, steak and chips.... so that makes a change, not having to cook!

Congratulations to @Anji53 and @Elenka_HM on your 5.2s.

Hugs to @Grannylorraine - I hope your visit with your mum revives happy memories of your Dad..

@MeeTooTeeTo loved the description of your dream!

@ColinUK hope your therapy goes well.

Have a good day all!
Afternoon all

Rather late this sunny morning, well, how about this? A 5.2 this morning AND a 5.2 at bedtime last night, I
must be doing something right.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Afternoon all

Rather late this sunny morning, well, how about this? A 5.2 this morning AND a 5.2 at bedtime last night, I
must be doing something right.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Nice one! Congrats!
Good morning - 7.7

What age do you need an exemption certificate for prescriptions? Information online is conflicting, some say 16 whilst others say 18

Have a great day everyone
You get free prescriptions between 16 and 18 if you are in full time education, so as you’re planning to go into 6th form, you wouldn’t need an exemption certificate as you carry on getting them free. That’s according to the Government website here
Congrats to the trio of HSers @Elenka_HM, @Anji53 and @Barrowman.

@Bloden and @rebrascora no it wasn't just me having to get there for 7am. We have training elsewhere and had to account for travelling time. Nicely, it finished early so i can go home and have a snooze. I'm not used to getting up at 5am!

@Bloden enjoy your half term break
Thanks @Robin , I thought that was it but wasn’t 100% sure
Good morning - 7.7

What age do you need an exemption certificate for prescriptions? Information online is conflicting, some say 16 whilst others say 18

Have a great day everyone
@Lily123 I could be wrong here. But as I understand matters you, as a T1, will get all prescriptions for free, regardless of age, permanently - unless some future Government changes that basic rule at some time in the future! Unlikely in principle, too great a "vote loser" for any Government.

Looks like your trip last week went well overall. Did the full programme get done despite the problem with coach 2?
@Barrowman - congrats on your HS

@Bloden I have just endured an hour on the phone with someone for whom English is not their first language and was very hard to understand. I rang to get an order - apparently it's not due until 5 November. I pointed out that I'd had to change 3 pods early for 3 different reasons. So I then get asked umpty 1000 questions - half of which I couldn't understand. Such as "when did you excavate that pod?" Turned out to be "activate". Nearly lost the will to live - no one had ever told me that if this happens you have to email with the info at the time inc. Pod number, batch number, what went wrong, how do you clean the site before applying the pod, how do you pull it off, what level did your bloods get to, how many corrections, how much correction dose did you give and what time did you give them. Was medical assistance needed. Did you have ketones and on and on and so forth! Just thought I'd warn you!