Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all on this lovely sunny day - though rain is forecast for midday. Shame as J wanted to give the lawn the last cut of the year. Last couple off weeks he could hardly move for back pain so it's got a bit long.

6.3 first thing. Happy with that.

Meeting a friend for lunch in our local today. We were going to meet in town, have a bite of lunch and then go to the cinema, but as it's half-term they are showing nothing but children's cartoons this afternoon. So I suggested we meet in our village and we can watch a movie at our house after lunch. This evening we have been invited for dinner by our lovely next door neighbour. Looking forward to that.

@MikeyBikey you will be missed, not least by me. Hope you will be back soon.

@TinaD and @goodybags well done on your HSs.

@Robin did you have a good holiday - hope you got out of that safe harbour at Korcula.

Have a good day all.
Gonna miss you @MikeyBikey look forward to your return, stay safe.

Anyway, much earlier this morning it was a 6.7 for me, must have been the three slices of pizza I had for dinner last
night that gave me a 15.4 at bedtime and made my waking one today higher than usual.

Have a good rest of the day all and stay safe...... 😉
4.7 for me this morning and 3 JBs required overnight but failed to stay out of the red. I have gone from one extreme to the other. Did very little exercise yesterday as I felt ill and in light of my previous night in double figures I put my evening Levemir back up to 3, but clearly also the wrong decision! Can't win!
Still not feeling well today but decided that exercise might help so had a very brisk walk down to the docs to collect medication and got absolutely soaked through as the heavens opened just after I set off, my jacket wasn't waterproof and several cars drenched me by driving through puddles too fast.
Pharmacists hadn't been able to get Fiasp cartridges so offered me Flexpens instead. I was half tempted to refuse and wait, as I have about 30 days worth of cartridges left, but it would be just my luck if I took ill and needed lots and ran out or got stressed about being low, so I went with the offered disposable pens. Also just noticed that my memory on my red (Fiasp) NovoPen Echo is no longer working and I use that feature such a lot, so need to check see if I have a spare (I know I have a blue spare) and if not, order one.

Congrats to @TinaD and @goodybags on your House Specials today.

@MikeyBikey. Sending (((HUGS))) and good wishes and hope to see you back here soon.
5.9 is my official morning reading, I forgot to record the lower one when I actually woke, but I’ll go with the 5.9 as a representation of how things are going.

Congratulations @goodybags and @TinaD on your HS today!

@ColinUK - incredibly brave and caring to try and make a difference for others, hopefully in doing so it will help yourself.

@MikeyBikey - all the best! You need to do what is right for you, will miss your posts, come back when you can!

Final night on the boat before returning to the marina tomorrow then back home. It’s been a lovely break and nice and relaxing. Here’s tonight’s mooring to prove we still get good weather in October!

Hope everyone is ok, take care!
@Eternal422 I am jealous! We have had nothing but rain, rain and more rain today and I still have to go out in it to do evening feeds. Hope you enjoy your last day and it stays fine for you.
@Eternal422 I am jealous! We have had nothing but rain, rain and more rain today and I still have to go out in it to do evening feeds. Hope you enjoy your last day and it stays fine for you.
Just heard from my sister in law, they have been flooded for about the third time, sofas and stair carpet, kitchen base units and appliances a write off, luckily the insurance seems to be pretty good, will even pay £30 per day for meals out or take away as they have no cooking facilities. I feel so sorry for people in that situation it must be horrible.
Good morning 8.7. When will my body learn I still want a couple of hours sleep haha
Morning all. 8.7. I'm up very early this morning as i have to be at work by 7am latest! Its going to be a very long day and i'm counting the hours until i'm home. So glad its Friday and half term. Its been a long one.
Morning all. 7.2.

I could have slept on but Zara day today. Other two still in bed, hope they stay there for at least another hour and I can get my brekkie in peace and do Wordle! At least I got a good start on the Halloween party catering yesterday so apart from making some pizza dough ( in the machine so no hardship) and warming through some hotdogs I’m all done. TBF there’s only five of us! The girls will make their own pizzas, we’ll just put all the ingredients out for them. It’s messy but they love it.

Must dash, it took me nearly all day to do Wordle yesterday and only got it by the skin of my teeth in six.

Have a fab Friday.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.6

I forgot to order the thyroxine I take early enough and will run out on Sunday. I have just ordered the meds. I hope they will be there by Monday. I am a bit worried about it.

On a happier note we had a good day yesterday.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Talking about things being delicious - I've discovered Lidl Gelatalli white chocolate and almond ice minis. They come 12 to a box for £2.99 and are only 13g each. Just had one as dessert after my lunch. They also do a mixed box of flavours at 11.8g carb each. Perfect for a diabetes-friendly dessert.
A while ago I tried Halo Top salted caramel sticks. They are the shape and size of a Magnum ice cream (regular, not mini) but without the chocolate cover, and the carb count was also around 10g per ice cream. They were delicious. But I never got around to buy them again, whenever I see them in the supermarket is over 4£ for a box of 3 or 4 😳

Therapy today. Much needed space to vent and to explore my confuddled thoughts I’d say.
Good morning! 5'2 this morning. It did cheer me up a little bit 🙂
Had quite a disturbed sleep last night with lots of strange dreams. We’ve been binge watching the latest series of Ghosts and one of my dream sequences involved me wandering through a dilapidated building bumping into former work colleagues.

Strangely, they all looked like the plague victims’ ghosts that live in the cellar in the TV series. Even more strangely they were all called Peter. It wasn’t scary just mildly amusing.

What made me laugh so much that I woke up was when I glanced down at my legs to discover I was wearing the most outrageously flared pair of loon pants that were popular in the 1970s.

Oh my! Sigmund Freud would have had a field day with that lot. 😱:rofl: Although I do think that the late-night extra-large portion of Gruyere may have had something to do with it.

Anyways, after all that a nice 5.5 this morning. And well done to @Elenka_HM on that unhaunted House Special. 🙂
Stay safe everyone.
