Group 7-day waking average?

7.8 this morning.

Off on our travels first thing tomorrow. Keeping everything crossed that my tummy keeps to a dull roar of issues (at the mo its random pains that come and go and very noisy).
I'm mostly packed and ready to go, just insulin to throw in my bags tomorrow morning and a flask of coffee to make up :D
Not sure if the journey will be better than last time because I have the kids with me for company or worse because they will drive me up the wall. Going to be a long day whatever way 😉.

Will try and pop my head in while I'm away but if I don't, I'm fine and no need to send out search parties :rofl:.

Have a brill day everyone x
You’re more than welcome. Top or bottom bunk? :rofl:
I’m only getting into a bunk bed if there’s:
A - a proper ladder going up to the top one
B - safety rails to stop me falling out
C - it’s all on the one level and comes with a kingsize mattress
Morning all

It's a foggy morning here but it's a happy 5.6 for me so I can't complain.... 🙂

Have a good day and stay safe.
Good morning - 8.8

Have a great day everyone
Another gloomy Berkshire morning, same as yesterday, but unlike yesterday it's an awfully wet one. Just heard that we're on the northern edge of a yellow weather warning, so I guess that explains it.

Had some good news this morning from our energy supplier - they've knocked £114 off our monthly DD. They've obviously noticed how much we're in credit. Nice to have something come down instead of going up.

Congratulations @freesia & @Eternal422 on your House Specials. I almost joined you - 5.3 this morning.

@ColinUK sounds like something positive has come out of what you went through

For those travelling, have a safe journey.
I’m only getting into a bunk bed if there’s:
A - a proper ladder going up to the top one
B - safety rails to stop me falling out
C - it’s all on the one level and comes with a kingsize mattress
Put it this way, and you’ve met me, I bang my head on the ceiling when I’m up there!
I’ll put you on the bottom, it’s not quite a king sized mattress but you’ve got a choice of duvet covers, Frozen or Disney Princess. 😛
Morning all on a nice day for a change. The window cleaner came back and got rid of the flying rat poo on the front windows.

4.6 first thing. It quickly dropped to 4.1 and an alarm, but a Dextro and half a stem ginger cookie sorted that and it's now 7.9 but that'll drop shortly.

Meeting friends in the pub around 5:30 and then home for dinner which will be wild boar stew that I liberated from the freezer.

Congratulations to @freesia and @Eternal422 on your HSs.

Enjoy your holiday @Eternal422 - wishing all those travelling a good journey.

@ColinUK I think you are being very brave. I hope it isn't too traumatic for you and just keep in mind that what you are doing will help others in future.

Have a good day all.
Put it this way, and you’ve met me, I bang my head on the ceiling when I’m up there!
I’ll put you on the bottom, it’s not quite a king sized mattress but you’ve got a choice of duvet covers, Frozen or Disney Princess. 😛
I’m now duty bound to post the tamest fan pic of a fit Kristoff :rofl:

Morning all and 6.1 for me.

I was the only one in the band who had the foresight to get their visa photos done in advance
Everyone else was getting theirs done on their way to rehearsal. Consequently a late finish. Nevermind all sorted in the end.

Rehearsal again tonight.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all

6.0 today not sure if that is still from the flu jab or more likely the small slice of coconut and chocolate cake I brought home from Bakeclub for my son, who apparently isn’t keen on coconut. Hubby demolished his large slice on Monday when I got home. Lost 1 1/2 lbs at weight in, still not quite got the stone, but only 1/2lb to go. 3 days off of work, so going to do a bit of housework this morning, then off to a garden centre for a look around later, they have a lovely Christmas dec area, be interesting to see if we can come away without buying anything.

@freesia - congratulations on your HS

@Eternal422 - congratulations on your HS and enjoy your time away on the boat.

@ColinUK - so proud of you for doing this to improve how victims are supported in the future. I hope it brings real change, not just in your borough but across the Met and maybe other police forces.

@eggyg - loving the recipe and what time should we all arrive for the Halloween Party and sleep over, do we need to bring fancy dress.
Congratulations on the weight loss!
Looks like I win the booby prize for the highest reading this morning. A whopping 11.8 for me. I did quite a lot of exercise yesterday including a late trip up to the horses with feed and haylage on my back not helped by a power cut which put the whole village in darkness for my trip up the hill! Thankfully the council have recently painted on yellow lines round much of the route which enabled me to see where the road and the footpath was when the lights went out! Really thought that would require a Levemir reduction after that, especially as my levels have been decreasing overnight but I clearly got it very wrong with a 1.5 reduction and must have slept right through the high alarm. Oh well, better luck tomorrow I hope! Stuck 10 units of Fiasp in to deal with it but still waiting to come back down into range!

Congrats to @freesia and @Eternal422 on your House Specials this morning.

Congrats to @Grannylorraine on your weight loss.

@ColinUK Good luck finding the balance between doing the right thing which will have the most impact whilst protecting your own mental/emotional wellbeing. You are a hero in my eyes!

@gll Hope your digestive system behaves whilst you are away and allows you to enjoy your trip.

@eggyg Can't decide if you are a hero or a lunatic.... probably both! I do admire your tenacity and get up and go, especially when your health is not great! You really are amazing!
Good morning. 5.0

Sunshine - hurrah! Forecast for the coming week lousy so shall try to spend as much time outside as possible today.

Well done @freesia and @Eternal422 on HS. @eggyg shuddering at the thought of your childcare schedule - you must be made of very strong stuff! @ColinUK sounds as though you are making a significant contribution to the future care of victims - just make sure to take good care of yourself - which probably does not include bunk beds...

Off out to play with animals.

Have a good day all.
@rebrascora and @TinaD it’s actually easier having them all at once as the big girls are a great help with Zara. It’s the constant feeding and never having a minute to yourself until bedtime that’s the hard bit. I keep telling myself I did it with my three but then forget I’m 30 years older now! 😱
And don’t forget I know they’re going home eventually. :rofl:
This is where the lack of suitable emojis comes in. Your BG though not brilliant isn't too bad either but it's sad you had a bad night but I do most days!
I wasn't really complaing at the number (although it did go up when I starting thinking haha). I was just saying what it was the barely slept part is that it couldn't really be waking number because I was awake half the night 🙂
Congrats to my fellow HSer @Eternal422.

@Grannylorraine well done on the weight loss.

@ColinUK you are incredibly brave. Make sure you take good care of yourself though.

@eggyg you make me feel tired reading your post! How you have the energy i really don't know!

Finally home and sitting with my feet up and a cuppa, only the third drink of the day. A ham joint is in the oven and seeing as i needed the oven on, i thought i'd make a cake for hubby...spiced apple loaf. It smells nice in my kitchen!