Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 6.1 for me. Flat, black line overnight. That's better.

We have to send our passports off to the US Embassy tomorrow so looks like things are moving. It's been a tight timescale but looks like we've a fighting chance

Have a good day everyone.
Very happy with a 5.6 this morning. Did a half unit basal decrease last night but then needed a 1.5 unit correction as I climbed into bed. The result was a slow steady decline from 9.6 down into the 5s by 5am and then it leveled out nicely, so I am taking that as a win. Also nice to wake up to a warm house this morning and definitely makes it easier to get up than it being freezing and the warm duvet not wanting to let me go.

Congrats to @Martin.A on your House Special this morning.

@TinaD Sorry to hear you have reservations about the borrower, but can totally understand. You don't want Peachy going to an unstable home situation. Have you considered advertising for someone to help you drive her yourself. I know you said mobility is part of the issue. We have a couple of exercise carts where the access is really easy as oppose to my Polish marathon vehicle which is more challenging to climb up and needs more agility/mobility.... Ian really struggles to get up and down with it but the old 2 wheel Bellcrown we have is much lower and lighter to handle and actually provides a surprisingly comfortable ride, even with Arthur who does not move smoothly! 🙄

I am wondering if I should try advertising again, particularly now that the BDS require a groom to be up for insurance purposes. I personally prefer driving single crew as I can then devote all my attention to the horse and thinking about my driving position and posture etc (and I am probably rather antisocial), but I am trying to think of ways that we can encourage more people to drive and it seems that advertising for a volunteer "groom" may be the way forward. Someone who is interested and can learn the ropes from you and provide a bit of support and is just happy to be messing around with horses because they don't have one of their own. I have done it a couple of times over the years looking for riding companions, but not driving.... yet!
Morning all.8.4 for me this morning.was expecting higher as low alarm went off three times during the night.Nothing below 4.1 but had to take two jbs each time .Still trying to find the right number for my tresiba.Pity the pen doesn't do half units .Got bloods done yesterday a call from my gp in the afternoon giving me the results.that had me worried as you normally get to know the following week when you go for your review in a week's time . Anyways the diabetes side was spot on never been so good .then she dropped the bombshell bloods had shown up low white cell count and it could possibly be anaemia said I had been feeling tired but put it down to all the walking I'd been doing .Just rang have to get more bloods done tonight.Gp said it is common with diabetes.Any of you good folks have it would appreciate some feed back.Thanks
Morning all

A happy 5.4 for me this fine sunny morning.

I've had my porridge and now I'm off for a five-mile bike ride around our local nature reserve.
Oooh, what's cookin'?

Have a good day all.
A firm family favourite, ginger and coriander chicken. I found it in a Sunday Times supplement that got delivered by accident way back in the late 80s. I don’t know it’s origin but it’s piquant and mildly spicy and very, very tasty. It’s Mr Eggy’s number 1 dish in his top 10.
I’ll hunt out the recipe and photograph it. It one of those I just make from memory and I do it on auto pilot.
Here you go @Pattidevans knew exactly where to find it.
I’ve honed it over the years and now it’s perfect. I only use chicken breasts and I use lime juice instead of lemon. I also do it in the oven not on the stove top. 180 degrees for about 45 minutes, depending on the size of the breasts. I use one large one for two of us. I always make too much “juice” on purpose and I freeze it, it does curdled a wee bit but it tastes fine. I just add it to browned off chicken breasts. I like to use loads of fresh coriander ( 3 pots) as not only does it tastes good it brings a lovely vibrant colour to the dish.
This is where you tell me you don’t like coriander! Apparently it’s like Marmite you either love it or hate it. If you do like it, I can guarantee you’ll love this. Simple but tasty. I must have cooked it hundreds of times over the last 30 odd years.
Edited to add. I’ve just read the recipe , what do they mean “coriander” peeled? :confused: I put all the coriander, stalks and all , lime juice and fresh ginger in my processor and just whazz!


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A firm family favourite, ginger and coriander chicken. I found it in a Sunday Times supplement that got delivered by accident way back in the late 80s. I don’t know it’s origin but it’s piquant and mildly spicy and very, very tasty. It’s Mr Eggy’s number 1 dish in his top 10.
I’ll hunt out the recipe and photograph it. It one of those I just make from memory and I do it on auto pilot.
Surely you're his number one dish?
Morning all.8.4 for me this morning.was expecting higher as low alarm went off three times during the night.Nothing below 4.1 but had to take two jbs each time .Still trying to find the right number for my tresiba.Pity the pen doesn't do half units .
@Colin g, if you have a reusable pen (and NovoNordisk have at least 2 types, each suitable for Tresiba) they can come with half-unit dispensing. Instead of having bulkier disposable pens you have disposable cartridges which take up a lot less fridge space and create much less waste so much better for the environment. Also my NovoEcho pen feels so much more robust and strangely pleasant after the flimsy disposable pens. They also have a simple memory cap which tells you how much insulin the last dose was for and roughly how long ago - up to 24 hrs ago, so fine for once daily Tresiba. That is very reassuring when you get a distraction while preparing your dose and go through that "did I or didn't I" moment.

One important caveat is to make sure you have a completely spare pen for that unlikely moment of having a pen failure/dropped and damaged etc. With disposable pen problems you can always ditch a problematic pen and use another disposable. But a replacement cartridge needs a working pen to fit into -24/7.

If you appreciate the reusable basal pen and seek to also get one for your bolus, then you will need a minimum of 3 pens and better 4 pens - in 2 different colours. NovoEcho pens only come in blue and red, which for me is unhelpful since I have a certain amount of inherited colour blindness and in dim light blue and red pens look similar. So I've attached a couple of gold sticker stars to one pen to provide that pen with unmistakable texture.

Changing to reusable pens should not be difficult: it's firmly within the gift of a GP and because each pen has a normal working life of over 4 years they make the process at least cost neutral, probably cost beneficial.
@Colin g, if you have a reusable pen (and NovoNordisk have at least 2 types, each suitable for Tresiba) they can come with half-unit dispensing. Instead of having bulkier disposable pens you have disposable cartridges which take up a lot less fridge space and create much less waste so much better for the environment. Also my NovoEcho pen feels so much more robust and strangely pleasant after the flimsy disposable pens. They also have a simple memory cap which tells you how much insulin the last dose was for and roughly how long ago - up to 24 hrs ago, so fine for once daily Tresiba. That is very reassuring when you get a distraction while preparing your dose and go through that "did I or didn't I" moment.

One important caveat is to make sure you have a completely spare pen for that unlikely moment of having a pen failure/dropped and damaged etc. With disposable pen problems you can always ditch a problematic pen and use another disposable. But a replacement cartridge needs a working pen to fit into -24/7.

If you appreciate the reusable basal pen and seek to also get one for your bolus, then you will need a minimum of 3 pens and better 4 pens - in 2 different colours. NovoEcho pens only come in blue and red, which for me is unhelpful since I have a certain amount of inherited colour blindness and in dim light blue and red pens look similar. So I've attached a couple of gold sticker stars to one pen to provide that pen with unmistakable texture.

Changing to reusable pens should not be difficult: it's firmly within the gift of a GP and because each pen has a normal working life of over 4 years they make the process at least cost neutral, probably cost beneficial.
Thanks I've had these pens for a few years now unfortunately haven't been to diabetes unit at the hospital as they still not doing face to face appointments.My dsn left last may and her job still has not been filled .I've demanded a face to face assessment but it will be next year .Got a review next week at GP see if they can help out .
Thanks I've had these pens for a few years now unfortunately haven't been to diabetes unit at the hospital as they still not doing face to face appointments.My dsn left last may and her job still has not been filled .I've demanded a face to face assessment but it will be next year .Got a review next week at GP see if they can help out .
If it helps (or makes it easier for your Surgery) my repeat prescriptions include:

NovoPen Echo Plus hypodermic insulin injection pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 0.5 unit dial up / range 0.5-30 units Blue (Novo Nordisk Ltd) as directed, 1 device - because this is my reserve pen AND
An identical description with Red instead of Blue .

If you really want to get this nailed down ask your normal Pharmacy if they can get these pens. That will confirm that the Pharmacy supplier has a contract with Novo Nordisk to supply these (almost unimaginable that they don't) AND that your regional Integrated Care Board (ICB) have these pens listed on their regional Formulary for medications authorised by them.

Then you can make it really easy for your GP to write the script, without the GP needing to refer to a Specialist Team. In practice, even if the Surgery doesn't have its own Pharmacy they will have a Pharmacist as part of the Surgery team [an NHS requirement]; that Pharmacist might be in house or a member of a Pharmacy Organisation, providing the Pharmacy Support as a dedicated sub-contractor. Both my previous Surgery and my recently acquired (after moving) Town Medical Centre referred prescription questions straight to their own Pharmacist [neither having in-house dispensing Pharmacies]. The Pharmacists have each contacted me, sought clarification (understanding) of my requirement and given the duty GP a "go-ahead". A couple of times they've actually written the script themselves and confirmed to me that the script is now with my chosen supplying Pharmacy.
Anyways the diabetes side was spot on never been so good .then she dropped the bombshell bloods had shown up low white cell count and it could possibly be anaemia said I had been feeling tired but put it down to all the walking I'd been doing .Just rang have to get more bloods done tonight.Gp said it is common with diabetes.Any of you good folks have it would appreciate some feed back.Thanks
Yes, I have pernicious Anaemia. It's another autoimmune disease, so to be expected along with T1. I have B12 injections every 8 weeks to address this. See Do not let the Dr try to fob you off with B12 pills, they do not work because your stomach cannot process B12 that normal folk get from food.

Good luck - I know when I need my injection, I start dragging my feet and tripping over everything + my legs feel heavy. Within a few days of the injection that all resolves itself.
Here you go @Pattidevans knew exactly where to find it.
I’ve honed it over the years and now it’s perfect. I only use chicken breasts and I use lime juice instead of lemon. I also do it in the oven not on the stove top. 180 degrees for about 45 minutes, depending on the size of the breasts. I use one large one for two of us. I always make too much “juice” on purpose and I freeze it, it does curdled a wee bit but it tastes fine. I just add it to browned off chicken breasts. I like to use loads of fresh coriander ( 3 pots) as not only does it tastes good it brings a lovely vibrant colour to the dish.
This is where you tell me you don’t like coriander! Apparently it’s like Marmite you either love it or hate it. If you do like it, I can guarantee you’ll love this. Simple but tasty. I must have cooked it hundreds of times over the last 30 odd years.
Edited to add. I’ve just read the recipe , what do they mean “coriander” peeled? :confused: I put all the coriander, stalks and all , lime juice and fresh ginger in my processor and just whazz!
Thanks for that @eggyg I've downloaded the photos into my "cookery" folder on the laptop. I shall try it very soon. I don't know what they mean about peeled coriander either. Though I suppose Coriander must come in a form (probably root) other than leaves. I do have some ground coriander.

Talking about things being delicious - I've discovered Lidl Gelatalli white chocolate and almond ice minis. They come 12 to a box for £2.99 and are only 13g each. Just had one as dessert after my lunch. They also do a mixed box of flavours at 11.8g carb each. Perfect for a diabetes-friendly dessert.

mixed mini lollies.jpg white mini lollies.jpg
Yes, I have pernicious Anaemia. It's another autoimmune disease, so to be expected along with T1. I have B12 injections every 8 weeks to address this. See Do not let the Dr try to fob you off with B12 pills, they do not work because your stomach cannot process B12 that normal folk get from food.

Good luck - I know when I need my injection, I start dragging my feet and tripping over everything + my legs feel heavy. Within a few days of the injection that all resolves itself.
Thank you pattidevans .I do take over the counter b12 d3: iron potassium magnesium calcium and zinc have to stop reading some of these you tube reports Thanks again chuck xx
Thank you pattidevans .I do take over the counter b12 d3: iron potassium magnesium calcium and zinc have to stop reading some of these you tube reports Thanks again chuck xx
Unfortunately the over the counter B12 pills won't do anything for you as you will not have the intrinsic factor which allows you to absorb them. I also take D3 capsules, 4000iu except when it's really sunny or I'm on holiday abroad.

🙂 You're welcome.
Very happy with a 5.6 this morning. Did a half unit basal decrease last night but then needed a 1.5 unit correction as I climbed into bed. The result was a slow steady decline from 9.6 down into the 5s by 5am and then it leveled out nicely, so I am taking that as a win. Also nice to wake up to a warm house this morning and definitely makes it easier to get up than it being freezing and the warm duvet not wanting to let me go.

Congrats to @Martin.A on your House Special this morning.

@TinaD Sorry to hear you have reservations about the borrower, but can totally understand. You don't want Peachy going to an unstable home situation. Have you considered advertising for someone to help you drive her yourself. I know you said mobility is part of the issue. We have a couple of exercise carts where the access is really easy as oppose to my Polish marathon vehicle which is more challenging to climb up and needs more agility/mobility.... Ian really struggles to get up and down with it but the old 2 wheel Bellcrown we have is much lower and lighter to handle and actually provides a surprisingly comfortable ride, even with Arthur who does not move smoothly! 🙄

I am wondering if I should try advertising again, particularly now that the BDS require a groom to be up for insurance purposes. I personally prefer driving single crew as I can then devote all my attention to the horse and thinking about my driving position and posture etc (and I am probably rather antisocial), but I am trying to think of ways that we can encourage more people to drive and it seems that advertising for a volunteer "groom" may be the way forward. Someone who is interested and can learn the ropes from you and provide a bit of support and is just happy to be messing around with horses because they don't have one of their own. I have done it a couple of times over the years looking for riding companions, but not driving.... yet!
Thanks - I did advertise,put messages on facebook and asked around local (ish) driving group but no luck. I live in a very low population area with a high number of retired people - maybe they are too old to take up a new hobby? Youngsters round here all want well over minimum wage to even look at a horse. Me getting in and out of Bennington Buccaneer is like watching a sloth on anaesthics climb a tree. The old girl will have to find a borrower, be put down,or become a lawn ornament living in for most of the 24 hours to keep her figure under control. As long as I can manage the mucking out she will stay at home unless I can find a borrower. It will cost me between £400and £600 to get her restarted so I am anxious to find a really good borrower and not one who tells an iffy story.
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