Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning it was 9 when I woke up a while ago. From r she me reason I keep waking up early recently. I did have a a couple of jelly babies early on which may have not been needed but was in the 4s and sometimes feel that that's getting a bit close for me.

I did do a correction last night and it does appear that I'm quite sensitive to corrections again and at least night ones(there was a time where I thought I might not be anymore)
Good morning everyone.

It is so dark now at this time of the morning.

Joining @freesia with a BG 5.3

I made a beef stew yesterday and my friend came over for tea. My wife made a chocolate cake too. It was good. And later on my friend and I resolved 2 annoying problems with my sound set up. He also persuaded me to sing a song solo, unaccompanied at the church next Sunday (they're having a sort of 'show and tell bit of the service. A bit scary that but it, hopefully, will go ok.

Today exercise, practice, more stew followed by cake.
Good moaning! A none-to-good 11.3 after a very restless night disturbed by bizarre dreams.

So no podiatry yesterday as they had a staff shortage. My foot looks much the same as last week so I agreed to wait until next week's appointment and keep the salt baths up (every two to three days). I then got a Foot Clinic appointment for the same day come through at 9;00 which means Patient Transport from 7:00 . This is despite consultant requesting10:30 or later. Since Covid outpatient appointment clerks seem increasingly detached (quite a degree of home working) from medical staff and patients with this area having three appointment databases that I know of. Ophthalmology this morning so the dreaded drops! :(.

Very dark but no rain on the window...
Quiet day yesterday. Will head out for air today once it stops raining.
Morning all. 🙂 6.7 here.

I suddenly felt really down last night, which isn’t like me at all. :confused:I think it’s the creeping dread I get before a diabetes review with the scary nurse practitioner at the surgery. She’s so aggressive (some might say assertive) - I’m sure her motto is “The best form of defence is attack!” I’ve decided to say “yes” to all her suggestions and then ask a ton of pump-related questions...which she probably won’t know the answer to. Maybe I’ll just be honest and tell her how ground down I feel by diabetes. Sympathy is a very powerful tool, I hope she’s got some in her toolkit. 😉:D

Enough staring at my belly-button - half term next week and I’m off to visit family with my mum. Can’t wait! Have a super Tuesday folks.
Morning folks. 7.4 I’d didn’t get round to freezing the birthday cake, I have zero willpower!

Wet this morning after a beautiful autumnal day yesterday. We had a just under four mile walk along the river and incorporated a trip to Aldi, felt smug we hadn’t used the car for the short trip. Got home and unpacked the goodies to enable me to make the tea, hadn’t we forgotten we needed natural yoghurt, apart from the chicken the blooming main ingredient! Mr Eggy had to use the car for the short trip! Grrrr!

Nothing planned today, a wee bit ironing whilst catching up on last night’s Masterchef: The Professionals, my favourite format.

Have a splendid day.
Morning all

6.0 on a very grey and dark day here, I almost overslept. Apart from work and weigh in nothing else planned for today. But then I am off work u til Monday,
4.5 this morning, waking on the boat in the marina.

My wife’s day trip to Ireland went well and she made the funeral mass in enough time and was able to go to the wake afterwards and spend time with the family before having to head back to Dublin airport for the return flight to Birmingham. Unfortunately the flight was 30mins late taking off without any explanation - what happened to Ryanair’s pride of being punctual? So, it was nearly 10:30pm when I picked her up and we continued on up to the marina in Aston by Stone. In bed by around midnight, but slept really well and didn’t wake once all night (unusual for me!).

Having a lazy start to the day, waiting for the rain to clear before setting off. We only want to do about 5 hours today, so we have the luxury of waiting a bit.

Hope everyone is ok, take care.
A 5.7 for me today. 🙂 And a wet day ahead by the looks of it. :(

Good morning. 5.4

Borrowers fell in love with pony at first glance but I am not convinced that they are the right people - I quite liked the backstepper but the driver, who would be responsible for Peachy, didn't convince me - says her place is perfect then later says "Well, it may not sell, lots of friends would provide livery" etc. then lots of stuff about her having bred, shown, produced Welsh ponies etc but didn't know the breed standards. Halo not very obvious to me...Peachy, who loves to be admired, behaved with a degree of perfection of Oscar winning proportions.

On the good news side haven't been weighing myself recently but happy to report a 5 kilo loss - thought the jeans were getting looser. On the bad news front the met office is off its head - forecast a rain free day when checked last night - this morning overhead is a huge black cloud which is delivering enthusiastically. Think I need a bunch of seaweed or one of those little houses with a man and his wife popping out. So it will be Aldi and Tescos instead of building works.

Have a good day all.
Bit gloomy when I popped down to Morrisons at 8 o'clock this morning to pick up a newspaper and some bits & pieces. Brighter now and no rain forecast until this evening so I shouldn't get wet taking the bus for my swim later (no one WFH today so no cars). Our youngest has golf later so looks like I'm spending most of the day on me tod.

On a brighter note, a 5.2 this morning...!!

Have a good day, everyone.


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    HS 24.10.23.jpg
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6.9 for me this morning.
Can’t get my head round why 2 hrs after eating yesterday evening my reading was 6.3 ate nothing else but it was 6.9 this morning.
There is no difference between those readings and many people do get an increase in the morning as their lever chucks out some glucose in the absence of food to give energy for organs to function and give you energy to prepare breakfast.
There is no difference between those readings and many people do get an increase in the morning as their lever chucks out some glucose in the absence of food to give energy for organs to function and give you energy to prepare breakfast.
Thanks for your reply. I’m still really new at this and find it hard to understand
Morning all - The sky is mostly grey, but it's high pale grey clouds and no rain forecast, which will make a nice change. Yesterday it started tipping down just as the window cleaner started. So he cleaned the back but not the front and said he'd come back another day to do it. Just as well as the front is smirked with flying rat poo!

7.1 here. Nothing at all consistent this week so I don't know whether I need to tweak basal or not.

I'm going to get my ears microsuctioned this afternoon, which will be a huge relief. Right ear is completely blocked but I can still hear something with left ear. It really distorts the direction sounds are coming from. Talk about GP surgeries - I've just now discovered from Patient Access that I have a telephone appointment about my knee with the joint clinic on 31 Oct. No one has told me about that! I'd be interested to know what they are going to do about it over the phone!

@Bloden - hope you have heard the last of it from Omnipod.

@Martin.A congratulations on your HS!

@TinaD sounds like the potential borrower is prone to twisting the facts, some by omission and along with the 3.5 hour driving distance sounds much less than ideal!
Got home and unpacked the goodies to enable me to make the tea, hadn’t we forgotten we needed natural yoghurt, apart from the chicken the blooming main ingredient!
Oooh, what's cookin'?

Have a good day all.