Group 7-day waking average?

I like a mashed carrot and swede topping, a bit sweeter than cauli but delicious too.
That sounds good! Thanks for the idea. Last times I went to the supermarket I've been thinking about getting some swede or celeriac to try. I haven't cooked them before.
4.8 for me this morning but unfortunately I rapidly started to feel unwell with a migraine which always starts with a stomach upset for me. Thankfully I had my suspicions when I first woke up and decided to just inject 2 units to cover FOTF and coffee rather than include my breakfast bolus and I got some paracetamol into me straight away. Half way through my coffee I had to head back to bed and was horribly ill for a couple of hours added to which my levels dropped but I was so horrendously nauseous I really struggled to eat carbs. Spent a good half an hour just slowly chewing a JB whilst box breathing and trying not to panic or throw up. Thankfully feeling much better now but really disappointed that I am getting these migraines again when I've had a good 4 years clear of them after my diabetes diagnosis and change of diet and can't think of anything at all yesterday which could have triggered it.

I have given in and put the heating on this morning because when ill like that I need to keep warm and whilst it's not so bad if I can stay under the covers in bed, if I have to spend time in the shower room when I am ill, cold like this is going to make me worse!

Pleased to report we had a lovely drive out in the autumn sunshine with the lads yesterday afternoon. We did about 10 miles at a steady trot which is good fittening exercise. Saw a few more cars than usual but probably no more than about 10 over 10 miles which we can't complain at and they were all considerate. We are so lucky to have such quiet country lanes.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @MrPixels on todays House Special achievements.

Pleased to see that your cooking experiment was a success @Elenka_HM and you enjoyed it. I see from Food ideas with photos thread that you added red wine which sounds like a great idea. Do you want to share any of your other adaptations. I am always interested in experimenting.

Good luck to @Grannylorraine with your weigh in.

@TinaD Really wishing you luck with these people coming to see Peachy. I can only imagine the wrench it will be parting with her even just on loan and especially when she will be so far away. Hope they have golden gowns and wings as well as well polished halos!! Will you draw up a loan agreement? ... I imagine you will considering your legal background.
5.4 this morning when I took my wife to the airport at 5am for her flight to Dublin for the funeral today. I watched the funeral mass online, quite surreal to see my wife and other of her relatives that I knew on the live stream. Needless to say it was quite moving and sad.

Running out of steam now so will relax for the rest of the afternoon and get ready with the last few bits to take up to the boat tonight after picking up my wife from the airport. We won’t get there until around 11pm, but at least we will be able to set off straight away in the morning. Looking forward to some time to chill out for the rest of the week.

Congratulations @Gwynn and @MrPixels on your HS today.

@ColinUK - glad to hear you did a bit yesterday, hopefully you’re feeling a bit better today.

Take care everyone.
Thankfully feeling much better now but really disappointed that I am getting these migraines again when I've had a good 4 years clear of them after my diabetes diagnosis and change of diet and can't think of anything at all yesterday which could have triggered it.
So glad you're feeling better, Barbara. I suffered with migraines myself when I was younger, sometimes 2 or 3 times a week, though not debilitating. I never went anywhere without painkillers on me, as well as keeping a pack in my desk at work. Don't know what changed but mercifully I rarely have even a headache these days.
I use the Ivy's shepherd pie recipe which I got out of my Delicious magazine. It's definitely the best shepherd's recipe I've ever made. Though I sometimes use all beef mince as lamb mince had become blooming expensive. Last time I made it with Venison mince and it was divine! You could use alternative mash on top.

So sorry to hear about your debilitating migraine @rebrascora. They are awful, my Dad suffered like yourself, on almost every day off he had.
Congrats on the HS @Gwynn and @MrPixels.

@Elenka_HM the cottage pie looks yummy. I've used swede mash and celeriac mash on mine. The celeriac mash i usually mix with lots of black pepper and a small handful of grated cheese.

@rebrascora glad you're feeling better now.

@ColinUK i hope you've had a better day today.

@eggyg aahhghhh! Don't mention Christmas o_O:rofl:!! From the 1st December it will be practising Nativity/carol concerts, making cards and gifts, trying to calm over excited little ones who would prefer to talk about the Naughty Elf than anything else. Thats on top of all of the everyday learning we have to get through. We don't finish until a couple of days before Christmas so it will be a rush to try and get myself sorted. I'd better start now. Oooh i sound like The Grinch :rofl:
That sounds good! Thanks for the idea. Last times I went to the supermarket I've been thinking about getting some swede or celeriac to try. I haven't cooked them before.
I cube my swede and slice the carrots and cook it on a low heat for about an hour, only because you need it soft for mashing. Celeriac is a much stronger taste and I’m not a massive lover of a lot of it.
@Elenka_HM i don’t know if you have freezer space in your house share but if you do I can recommend freezing any left over carrot and swede, I do as I always make far too much depending on the size of the swede. Then you’ve got it handy for another day.
I had cottage pie last night but with mash, which sends my BGs sky high if I’m not careful, it’s a lovely comfort sort of food. I sometimes make shepherds pie with lamb mince but it’s a lot greasier I find and more expensive as @Pattidevans says.
I had the same performance with a holiday loaner from Omnipod
When I asked for it in June I had a feeling there'd be a problem. I spoke to someone sensible (yippee!) and have emailed a copy of the receipt to them. It's bilingual, of course, which might give them a headache - who cares, they've caused me enough headaches!
Is that a one of?. Don't beat yourself self up about a one of 16(I have to tell myself this sometimes too) alot of things can effect blood sugar and we can't get it right all the time. If it's not a one of you can look at things which might be effecting and try makes changes that may help still don't beat yourself up though it's all a learning curve

For those on this thread who responded to @Acomblad1 ’s posts about starting on insulin, and the possibility of being a different diabetes type, those posts have been split into their own thread so they don’t get lost here.

You’ll find them here:
When I asked for it in June I had a feeling there'd be a problem. I spoke to someone sensible (yippee!) and have emailed a copy of the receipt to them. It's bilingual, of course, which might give them a headache - who cares, they've caused me enough headaches!
They STILL kept emailing me even after I had sent the receipts. I rang and they told me to ignore the emails. I did - not heard any more of it.
They STILL kept emailing me even after I had sent the receipts. I rang and they told me to ignore the emails. I did - not heard any more of it.
Good grief! o_O They’ve got back to me, saying the matter has been “resolved”. I hate doing business with them - it’s either “computer says no” or absolutely first class. I just hope the matter really is “resolved”.:confused:😳😎
Morning folks. 18
Had a snack before bed and pretty sure I forgot to bolus for it. Correction is in and coming down now (in the 12s already) 🙄

Got to get to packing today, I'm away on Thursday and not really organised yet apart from I making sure I had enough meds ordered. One thing though, went to pickup my script and no one can get needle clippers at the moment so have been switched to a sharps bin (idk why they didn't just give me one when I went on insulin). At least I have 1 clipper still in action that I can take away with me :D.

Hope you all have a wonderful day today. x