Group 7-day waking average?

Well done to those who got HSs!

They managed to get a French coach arranged to replace coach two temporarily. We went to some Australian memorials and also Riqueval Bridge. On our way to Calais. The second coach are having to switch from a French to an English coach.
@Pattidevans it is a different coach company, we just have bad luck
You do seem to! Glad they got another coach though.
This time I’m coach one and it’s always coach two that goes wrong. Hopefully it’s smooth sailing now,pardon the pun
16 this morning:(
Is that a one of?. Don't beat yourself self up about a one of 16(I have to tell myself this sometimes too) alot of things can effect blood sugar and we can't get it right all the time. If it's not a one of you can look at things which might be effecting and try makes changes that may help still don't beat yourself up though it's all a learning curve

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04:53 BS 3.9 & an immediate JB before going to the loo! o_O

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

A better 05:15 BS 5.6 sitting up in bed. 🙂

Had wanted a lie in but, need to eat now so, will get up & have the last of the current batch of vegetable soup before I cook a lamb casserole later in the pressure cooker! 🙄

The BS lowering effect is tailing off as I swung a little bit yesterday adding back in some NR but, got the dinner dose slightly wrong & the filled in graph shows me scraping along in the red for about an hour/90 minutes at 3 mmol before climbing up a bit to 3.9 just before I woke.

I’ll call DSN later after 9am but, I think it could be too early to up tresiba, yet, & I’ll have to play it by ear today in terms of NR doses? Finally my right arm is back to normal, I think, as I’m currently tingling like mad on my left side & my right side is numb so, I can’t feel my upper right arm just now when giving it a rub! Still have the tingles but, has calmed down from the sharp intermittent pain & no longer constant so, hopefully it won’t last for much longer? :confused:

Ah! If I pressed really hard with my left hand, still can’t feel anything over the tingle in my hand, over my right arm I CAN feel, on my right arm, a slight tenderness! My left hand is tingling like mad because it’s holding the iPad & if I let it go & give it a shake it eases so, it’s a blood circulation thing! 🙄:confused:

So, signing off now & giving my left hand a proper shaking to restore the blood flow!
Good morning. 5.8 at silly o'clock this morning (05.22hrs)

Expecting the pony viewers at lunchtime. Finding the idea of Peachy being 3.5 hrs away very unsettling. Unless the prospective borrowers have haloes (and very good references) it will be a no. WIsh my walking was better so that I could just long rein her every day.

Neighbours think they may know somebody to come and help with the great concreting works. Please everyone cross fingers, hold thumbs or send helpful vibes - whatever floats your supersticious boat...

Forecast for dry day so expecting downpours.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 8.1. Yesterday had a day and night of unexplained spikes despite lots of walking over the weekend (my legs ache) and lots of corrections. After last weeks stressful week at work i'm feeling a bit sick about going in today. I need another job but ideally i want to retire. I'm just so tired.
Good morning 6.2 it's now saying 7.2 . I did want to originally get a background test done but now I might need to visit the dentist again what they tried to temporarily fix a few weeks is starting to bother me again.(difattly). need to try and get started on those sometime this week though and of course whatever the result it might change in a couple of weeks when I start work(although I won't be working everyday)

Just over half though my second dexcom one sensor and it usually within the 20% unless I'm falling too fast(like yesterday when I it was saying 6.4 and falling it but was actually 4.6 but it did seem it was just because I was dropping to fast for it to realise because it was fine afterwards because of the lag time and it only updateing every 5 minutes if I'm dropping and I deal with it fast enough there obviously will some readings It misses

This sensor maybe not quite as sport on on higher levels as my first one seemed to do but still okay last night it was saying 12.7 when finger prick said 10.7 but I could have easily got those too numbers with 2 different finger pricks(admittly I haven't alwaysed double checked). And neither of them has clonked out on me. Sometime it can be a laggy but a cgm thats sometimes laggy that stays working is better then one that's fails all the time.
Good morning everyone.

And it's a 5.2 for me. Yessss!

Yesterday was very good. Wife was happy and relaxed and played her new keyboard. The church service was great. Some new lyrics that I really like. A very pleasant walk in glorious sunshine. Yessss!!!

Cakes. Hmmm personally, I do like chocolate cakes and went a bit overboard creating this one some time ago. All the chocolate bits were hand made. Great fun but messy to do. Talking of mess. I didn't quite get the hang of the icing around the base of the cake. Still remember it all tho... it tasted great!


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 6.4 today

congratulations on the HS @Gwynn, good to hear your wife was happy and relaxed at the weekend
I’m sure our resident “house awarder“ will be along shortly to award you with something fitting

Have a fabulous day everyone 😎
Morning all. 🙂 5.8 here, that’s better.

Another email from Omnipod saying “you haven’t sent back your Holiday Loaner PDM”. Yes I have, in September. I hate phoning them cos frankly some of their staff haven’t got a clue - I hope I get someone who’s on-the-ball - if the package can’t be tracked, it could cost me £250. I won’t be getting a Holiday Loaner again. Pens are a good enuff back-up.

Ah, Monday! Roll on half term (next week). :D
Morning all. 7.2, that’ll be the chocolate birthday cake and my nemesis, mashed potatoes. Not at the same time I hasten to add! In for a penny……

A wee bit frosty today, it was a lovely day, weather wise, yesterday, and today forecast to be the same. Perhaps an autumnal walk is called for later.

Cake went down well, although I’ve decided I’m employing @Gwynn to make the family birthday cakes from now on. Still got half left as it’s very rich, meant to send it home with the birthday girl but in all the excitement we forgot. Think I’ll freeze it. It’s dangerous just sitting there looking at me!

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS today.
@freesia just another week to go, then it’ll be Christmas.
@ColinUK hope you’re feeling somewhat better today. Big hugs. One day at a time.

Have a Happy Monday folks.