Group 7-day waking average?

A close 5.3 this morning.

Will get moving in a bit to load the car with stuff for the boat, then drive up to the marina (about an hour’s drive from here) to get the boat ready for a start first thing on Tuesday, then back home for this evening. My wife has an early flight to Dublin tomorrow morning and will be late back tomorrow night after the funeral. By the time we get back to the marina tomorrow night I expect we’ll just crash out, but then at least 4 days of relaxing on the canals (all being well).

@ColinUK - hope you’re ok and not feeling too down today.

@Lily123 - hope the broken down coach doesn’t disrupt your travels too much.

Congratulations @42istheanswer and @Anji53 on your HS today.

Take care everyone.

An oh so near oh so far 5.3 today. A busy day today, starting with a walk with my friend who can’t run at the moment, then off to the crematorium as it would have been mum in laws 89th birthday, then to see my granddaughter who is 11 today, it was lovely that she shared her birthday with her great grandmother, then the chocolate and coconut cake to make. In between I need to sort out something for dinner tonight and sit down to watch the Grand Prix, whilst doing some knitting as I still haven’t finished the girls Halloween wreaths I am knitting. Wow I am exhausted just typing that.

@42istheanswer - congratulations on yesterday’s HS

@Eternal422 - sorry to hear the news of your wife’s aunt.

@Lily123 - hope they get the coach situation sorted quickly.

@eggyg - enjoy the tea with the family, we are doing next weekend for my granddaughter to combine it with the Halloween party for the grandchildren.
Snap! Our Poppy is 11 too today. We’re having our Halloween party on Friday. Just a mini one with the three youngest grandchildren and then a sleepover.
Morning all. Woke to a 3.6, treated and went into the shower. Came out to an 11.2!!! Finger prick was 7.2, bloomin' sensor predicting where i'll be i suspect.

Congrats to @42istheanswer and @Anji53 on your HS.

@Lily123 i hope the coach is sorted out soon and you enjoy your trip.

@ColinUK big (((HUGS))).

@eggyg looking forward to seeing the photo.

Have a relaxing Sunday everyone. I know i shall before the madness of work starts all over again tomorrow
Good morning. 5.3

Sunny (with shower clouds), not raining but a bit nippy.

Plan for the day - polish up Peachy so that potential borrowers fall in love with her tomorrow. Maybe make a run out for food - freezer down to some not very exciting fish - excellent for diet but poor for morale. BG does seem back under cntrol and my jeans are gettng looser.

@ColinUK Sympathy and virtual hugs over the mental health pain. Give yourself time and care - you have had an awful amount of stress recently.

Wishing everyone a peaceful Sunday.
Yeah it would if the dexcom one app worked with my phone but at least I'm still able to see time in range and know which way things are going.
Which will be practically useful in a few works when I start a new job for Christmas I'm going be a Christmas Elf which I'm am looking really forward to.
5.5 on this lovely, sunny Berkshire morning. Blue sky all around and barely a cloud in sight. Makes up for a thoroughly wet Saturday afternoon. My wife and a friend decided to walk into town for lunch and a bit of shopping but got absolutely soaked coming back. Don't know why they didn't just call me and ask to be picked up.

@GooseyGander yes, could barely believe what I was watching at the back end of South Africa's innings, nor the front end of England's for that matter. Also a big call from Pollard going for a 49-metre penalty that late. If he'd missed it they would be gone.

Congratulations @42istheanswer on your HS yesterday and @Anji53 on yours today.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear you're struggling

Nothing special planned for today but will be watching West Ham on Sky later and we'll go 5th with a win (I'm Welsh but I've been a West Ham fan for over 50 years). Sunday is towel change day, though not sure it'll be warm enough to get them out on the line. Tumble dryer on standby, then.

Whatever our plans enjoy your Sunday.
Morning all. Woke to a 3.6, treated and went into the shower. Came out to an 11.2!!! Finger prick was 7.2, bloomin' sensor predicting where i'll be i suspect.

Congrats to @42istheanswer and @Anji53 on your HS.

@Lily123 i hope the coach is sorted out soon and you enjoy your trip.

@ColinUK big (((HUGS))).

@eggyg looking forward to seeing the photo.

Have a relaxing Sunday everyone. I know i shall before the madness of work starts all over again tomorrow
I take it your half term is next week. It’s half term for our kids this week.
Morning all on this bright, sunny day.

6.8 this morning with a flat line most of the night for which I am thankful. I am definitely not having any bread today, as yesterday was a repeat of the day before, with a bacon and avocado sandwich ensuring high BGs nearly all day.

Not doing much today, maybe a small pile of ironing and making Mary Berry's sausage and spinach lasagna again as we enjoyed it so much last week.

Congratulations to @42istheanswer and @Anji53 on your HSs.

Hugs to @ColinUK So sorry you are suffering again.

Fingers crossed for @Lilly23 getting your trip back on track. Does it occur to your school to use a different coach company?

@Martin.A such a shame that England was knocked out at the last minute.

Have a good day all.

Struggling a bit with mental health. I’m ok but struggling to find the motivation or courage to do much.

Intellectually I understand that the emotions of the investigation and external matters have combined to derail me somewhat. I get that it’s an understandable reaction. Emotionally it sucks however.
It will pass though.
Of course it's an understandable reaction. I hope the dark clouds float by soon.
Very happy with a 4.9 this morning. Went to bed on 7 so a slight steady decline throughout the night which I am guessing is still down to the Covid vaccine but who knows. Might just be that I had half a unit too much basal for my needs for that particular night. I did wake up earlier with a 3.8 but I was switched on enough to realize it was a compression low which I very rarely get but I woke up on that side and there was a slight dip on an otherwise steady line so I ignored it and turned over and went back to sleep and sure enough it has more or less vanished from the graph.

Congrats to @42istheanswer for your HS yesterday and to @Anji53 on achieving another one this morning. That seems to be 2 in a week so you are obviously quite good at this diabetes lark, despite being a relative newcomer!

Sending (((HUGS))) @ColinUK

@Lily123 Hoping your bus is fixed soon or a replacement found and that the teachers find an alternative and interesting schedule to fill the gap.

We are going to take Ian's 2 horrses out for a drive in pairs formation this afternoon. It is probably 2 months since we drove them together. Hopefully the frost will have burned off and it will have warmed up a bit. My over trousers made their first debut of the season along with my new wellies yesterday. Think I will be wearing them this afternoon too. Sitting up on the carriage for an hour at this time of year is a bit nippy and my joints seize up easily with cold and inactivity these days, so keeping warm needs to be more of a priority when I have to sit still out in the cold and I am not fit enough to jog along with them and definitely not going to try to jog in wellies!
Morning all.5 1 for me this nippy morning.High alarm went off at 3 am this morning 12.3 think I may need to increase my tresiba by a unit see if I can get it right .Well get this house work done .bed stripped and changed.Dog out for two good walks Might get a sit down about 9 pm Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Very happy with a 4.9 this morning. Went to bed on 7 so a slight steady decline throughout the night which I am guessing is still down to the Covid vaccine but who knows. Might just be that I had half a unit too much basal for my needs for that particular night. I did wake up earlier with a 3.8 but I was switched on enough to realize it was a compression low which I very rarely get but I woke up on that side and there was a slight dip on an otherwise steady line so I ignored it and turned over and went back to sleep and sure enough it has more or less vanished from the graph.

Congrats to @42istheanswer for your HS yesterday and to @Anji53 on achieving another one this morning. That seems to be 2 in a week so you are obviously quite good at this diabetes lark, despite being a relative newcomer!

Sending (((HUGS))) @ColinUK

@Lily123 Hoping your bus is fixed soon or a replacement found and that the teachers find an alternative and interesting schedule to fill the gap.

We are going to take Ian's 2 horrses out for a drive in pairs formation this afternoon. It is probably 2 months since we drove them together. Hopefully the frost will have burned off and it will have warmed up a bit. My over trousers made their first debut of the season along with my new wellies yesterday. Think I will be wearing them this afternoon too. Sitting up on the carriage for an hour at this time of year is a bit nippy and my joints seize up easily with cold and inactivity these days, so keeping warm needs to be more of a priority when I have to sit still out in the cold and I am not fit enough to jog along with them and definitely not going to try to jog in wellies!
Thanks. Don’t feel good at it! most of the time very uncertain. just over a year ago I was diagnosed type 2 with an HbA1c of 117 Prescribed metformin and dapaglioflozin.
I’ve gradually reduced it by following low carb as suggested on this forum and have found Freshwell very helpful
(grateful thanks to everyone on here who suggested it)
last review in September my HbA1c was 38 and metformin was stopped
Since then I have been testing so gradually finding out what is best for me to eat.
And it was a happy 5.7 for me a bit earlier this morning, and it's a sunny start to the day.
Thought this would make you all laugh and show you why @GooseyGander why I wouldn’t even get a sniff of the GBBO tent.

First photo, what I wanted to make.
Second photo. What I’ve made. At least it’s shiny.
Number 3. The reality! It’s lopsided and the buttercream is running out the middle because it’s not thick enough! :rofl: Glad it’s just for the family.


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Thought this would make you all laugh and show you why @GooseyGander why I wouldn’t even get a sniff of the GBBO tent.

First photo, what I wanted to make.
Second photo. What I’ve made. At least it’s shiny.
Number 3. The reality! It’s lopsided and the buttercream is running out the middle because it’s not thick enough! :rofl: Glad it’s just for the family.
That looks great to me and I would have demolished it pre diagnosis! I’m sure it’s all in the taste and will be amazing. I have definitely seen worse on bake off. I’m impressed and better than I could do! Well done, love the shine!!
I take it your half term is next week. It’s half term for our kids this week.
Yes, we have another week to go. I'm so looking forward to half term.

The cake looks lovely!
Good afternoon everyone! 5'9 this morning in the meter, Libre sensor ended and I decided to go a couple days without. I'm off work today and tomorrow so not that inconvenient to do finger pricks.

Lovely sunny day in town, I went out for a little walk and I just had some lunch I brought from home, sitting near the sea. May go for a coffee or ice cream later. I've got a book and a notebook with me and plan to relax for a bit here, have to enjoy the outdoors while the weather is not too cold!

My parents, one of my aunts and her husband are coming in November from Spain and the 5 of us will spend a few days together in London. Looking forward to it. I confess I'm in full tourist planning mode, reading blogs and watching videos and thinking of posible itineraries... It keeps me busy and I enjoy it, though sometimes I miss the "old times" family travels when my parents organised and paid for everything. Well, mostly the organising and mental effort part. Can't complain about the money because they hardly ever let me pay for anything when I am with them! :D