Group 7-day waking average?

Not quite caught up with the past week or so of messages yet but wanted to post while it's still today to say that I achieved 5.2 this morning, despite cake and wine and mead and quite a bit of cheese last night....
Good morning - 5.5

One of our coaches broke down yesterday, as one always does when it comes to my school and trips :( . So the teachers and tour guides are having to rethink everything

Have a great day everyone
Morning all, 3.9 here, oops. That’ll be the extra glass of wine in the restaurant last night. We had to wait a while for our food, not excessively so, but I did notice another table who came in later had been served before us, anyway, the water arrived bearing fresh glasses of wine, saying Thank you for your patience, have this on us!
Morning 9.3 I did have some jelly babies in the middle of the night which obviously wernt needed. oh well it's not too bad. I had done a correction again when I had claimed into bed as it seems I got carbs wrong for dinner last night I might end up having the sort of thing tonight so illl give myself more insulin)

Weakly time in range is 73%. I decided to change to my intaitanlly looking at time in range every Sunday because of the 2 days this week without a seasor. Again if I do myslef looking at in between not really taking note of it(dexcom do offer a 3 day report too but that's not really alot of time.

I seem be getting some more side pain again which could be do with my normal issues but might not be so wondering if if would be worth another trip to the doctors.
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Morning all. 6.3 for me today.

Does the Dex 1 work with Dexcom Clarity @rayray119 ?

That offers more reports and analysis for the G6
04:30 BS 6.8 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Snoozed for a bit before DP sent me seeking breakfast 06:39 BS 8.2.

I think the BS lowering effects are starting to ease off a bit but, not completely sure yet as I was left in the 14’s after active dinner NR! So, had a bowl of soup & 20 NR, had 32 as carefully worked out 4.5 hours *earlier for soup as well, & seemed to have it right?

Had a bit longer lie in today & have yet to check youtube for last night’s Strictly dances: just finished breakfast & posting; will check out the dances once I’m done posting! 🙂

Edited to correct an early morning before my brain is in gear grammar mistake:- * changed “ago” to “earlier”! 🙄o_O:rofl:😉 A typo I could let slide but, that was terribly confusing grammar!😉:D
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Morning all. 6.3 for me today.

Does the Dex 1 work with Dexcom Clarity @rayray119 ?

That offers more reports and analysis for the G6
Well supposedly yes but I only have recover at the moment and I actually don't have a laptop at the moment(mine broke ages ago and can't afford another note one or a compatible phone) I thought I would be able to upload it when I went to the library but hadn't realised you needed to download software on the computer for it. So yeah not ideal really. Of course there be able to upload it when I go to appointments but that's not very often
Well supposedly yes but I only have recover at the moment and I actually don't have a laptop at the moment(mine broke ages ago and can't afford another note one or a compatible phone) I thought I would be able to upload it when I went to the library but hadn't realised you needed to download software on the computer for it. So yeah not ideal really. Of course there be able to upload it when I go to appointments but that's not very often

I was meaning the Clarity app really? I confess I‘ve never uploaded my Dex, and can’t remember the last time I uploaded my pump either.

With the G6 app sending stuff to the cloud it doesn’t seem necessary any more.

But the Dexcom Clarity app on my phone allows me to see longer trends and create reports (which I hardly ever do!)

I guess if you are relying on the receiver alone, that would make things trickier :(
Morning all. 6.8 this chilly morning.

Apart from the hordes coming later, a nice quiet chilled day. Tea already made so once the cake crumbs are hoovered up we’re good to go.

Have a great day.
I was meaning the Clarity app really? I confess I‘ve never uploaded my Dex, and can’t remember the last time I uploaded my pump either.

With the G6 app sending stuff to the cloud it doesn’t seem necessary any more.

But the Dexcom Clarity app on my phone allows me to see longer trends and create reports (which I hardly ever do!)

I giess if you only have the receiver that would make things trickier :(
Yeah it would if the dexcom one app worked with my phone but at least I'm still able to see time in range and know which way things are going.

An oh so near oh so far 5.3 today. A busy day today, starting with a walk with my friend who can’t run at the moment, then off to the crematorium as it would have been mum in laws 89th birthday, then to see my granddaughter who is 11 today, it was lovely that she shared her birthday with her great grandmother, then the chocolate and coconut cake to make. In between I need to sort out something for dinner tonight and sit down to watch the Grand Prix, whilst doing some knitting as I still haven’t finished the girls Halloween wreaths I am knitting. Wow I am exhausted just typing that.

@42istheanswer - congratulations on yesterday’s HS

@Eternal422 - sorry to hear the news of your wife’s aunt.

@Lily123 - hope they get the coach situation sorted quickly.

@eggyg - enjoy the tea with the family, we are doing next weekend for my granddaughter to combine it with the Halloween party for the grandchildren.
A 5.1 this morning whoop whoop! And this was going out for a meal with the in-laws last night too.
Today is doing prep work for a new job tomorrow so nothing too strenuous.

@eggyg How did the cake turn out, was it shiny? Will we see you on bake off :D

@Martin.A pretty dismal day sport wise for England. The cricket they didn't turn up, and gutted for the rugby team, so close. Just watching the highlights of the F1 so the sport continues.

Struggling a bit with mental health. I’m ok but struggling to find the motivation or courage to do much.

Intellectually I understand that the emotions of the investigation and external matters have combined to derail me somewhat. I get that it’s an understandable reaction. Emotionally it sucks however.
It will pass though.
Well done @42istheanswer on yesterday's HS. A 4.6 for me the cold Sunday morning. 🙂


Struggling a bit with mental health. I’m ok but struggling to find the motivation or courage to do much.

Intellectually I understand that the emotions of the investigation and external matters have combined to derail me somewhat. I get that it’s an understandable reaction. Emotionally it sucks however.
It will pass though.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear you are struggling but totally understandable with everything the past few weeks, with the investigation and the terrible terror attack. We are all here for you, I am off work next Thursday so if you need someone I can hop on a train and meet you for coffee and a chat.
Morning all. 🙂 7.9 here. Basal’s been tweaked so hoping for a lower figure tomoz.

Well, what fun! Yesterday’s Welsh learners bash was brilliant - after coffee and a bit of clonc / chatting with other learners, we had a proper ukelele lesson, in Welsh of course. Tough going on the fingertips, but it felt really good to play real notes while we sang a bunch of traditional songs. My neighbour, who’s usually quite serious, almost wet herself when the plectrum ended up inside the ukelele (you had to be there).

Usual Sunday routine here - walk the dog, out for coffee, change the bed, lesson planning. 😛

(((Hugs))) @ColinUK.
Good morning! A 4.5 when I finally got blood out of my finger this morning.

The stress continued yesterday . After the issues with my provider I ordered a smartphone off Amazon. But it's a return and refund (hopefully before Christmas) as the phone was not UK spec so could not support payments and in particular Libre. Totally frustrating! After that I managed to connect to my provider. I am on a SIM only deal but to get out of it I have to pay off over £260! But when I had payed off my phone I went onto a rolling monthly contract and with an older phone would not have taken out a long term deal. It smells of manure. The shop I used for years closed pleasantly at the tail end of the Delta variant. I suspect some dodgy people got hold of records as I started getting lots of calls from London to Glasgow about upgrades. I always said not interested as I was suspicious. I suspect a contract was put through for the commission as Trust Pilot has stories of upgrades that were never requested with no phone ever having arrived, etc.

Al least there is a blue sky with fluffy bits today...