Group 7-day waking average?

I’m eagerly awaiting someone getting a 5.2 as I’ve got a lovely house to give you. I’m not getting out myself though as I clocked a 7.3 this morning.

5.0 this morning, so I won’t get your lovely house @ColinUK Flu jab today, then grocery shopping, followed by knit and natter, and maybe preparing for making my chocolate and coconut cake for Bakeclub on Monday, the theme is desert island dish, the theme doesn’t have to be followed it is just for fun and can be interpreted any way you like, so if you ignore the fact I am type 2 and trying to lose weight, I decided I would want a giant sized bar of dairy milk to take to a desert island with me, and my hubby associated things like coconut with desert islands, so I am making almost a Bounty bar in a cake.

once again it’s Saturday and I woke up extra early.
Good morning weekend 7.9 today, 6.3 yesterday,

I’m picking up new specs this morning, haircut needed, but plenty of relaxation, staying warm & dry planned

the session I had with a physiotherapist a few days ago went really well, shes confident I will regain movement - ankle (in time) which is something to work towards 🙂
03:56 BS 6.4 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

“Long Waffle” warning:-

Oops! 😳 Rather lost track of how long it’s been since I last posted on here?o_O

I gave it almost 2 weeks on 72 tresiba & had decided it needs to go to up to 74 but, have stuck with it, would have gone back up on Thursday, as I had my double flu & covid vaccines on Tuesday night: the flu isn’t a problem; the covid one always lowers my BS while my body’s busy creating antibodies!

My BS went higher on 72 tresiba & just wouldn’t settle down so, the NR went higher too! Also, my estimated A1c went up from 66 to 69! So, from next Thursday I’m going back up to 74 tresiba &, of course, run it by my DSN!

As for my BS the last few days after the covid jab my BS is indeed lowering slowly & steadily on 72 tresiba & much reduced NR: took me 2 days to get the balance right; not going above 20 mmol initially & giving me a decent amount of time in between meals so as not to HAVE to eat early! But, still having to leave myself quite high at bedtime to give me a decent amount of sleep time!

I had to take off the libre sensor 2 days early in the middle of the night on Tuesday as my right arm swelled up SO much from the double punctures of the libre & the covid jab in my right arm: it was like those two spots exacerbated each other & joined up to form one BIG swelling! So, had a bit of a holiday from scanning & only doing FT tests when I felt low: in the middle of the night when sleeping the first couple of nights; leave myself in the 9’s & 10’s now after active dinner NR with extra biscuits before sleeping! Only stuck the new sensor back on the left arm on Thursday evening as my flu jab site had virtually all gone but, my right arm is still quite tender & sore especially, when on that side when I sleep!

I’ve been reading a lot these last couple of weeks with the following:- T. E. Kinsey latest Lady Hardcastle book “A Fire at the Exhibition”; Robert Galbraith latest Strike book “The Running Grave”; Felix Francis latest book “No Reserve”; the absolutely brilliant novel about a child, school girl, chess prodigy written by Walter Trevis way back in 1983 “The Queen’s Gambit” set in the 1960’s that was made into a Netflix mini series recently & highly recommend; which reminded me of the even more brilliant novel that I read in the late eighties, 1988/89 I think, by Katherine Neville “The Eight” which I also, highly recommend about two time periods, almost two hundred years apart, interwoven together about a chess set made of gold & silver set with uncut gemstones that holds a secret formula for The Philosophers’Stone and The Elixir of Life set in the 1790’s &, the then contemporary setting of 1973 (it took Neville a long time to write the novel) & I discovered that Katherine Neville wrote a sequel years later published in 2010. “The Fire” that also weaves two time periods together of the 1830’s &, the then contemporary, 2003 that’s pretty good too but, just doesn’t have the impact of the original novel!

Currently waiting for the next Kerry Greenwood Phyrne Fisher book “Murder in Williamstown” to be released next month!

Been enjoying Strictly on youtube & Angela Scanlan been doing very well with Carlos Gu but, Layton Williams & Nikita Kutzmann are still the best dancers by a country mile! Unbelievable that series 21 is STILL not on iTunes yet! 😡

Oops! 😳 Better stick a “Long Waffle” warning! Back in a mo……as I waffled on longer than I realised: good thing I had breakfast first!🙄:rofl:😉

NOW! For the pages & pages of posts that I missed during my absence! :D
Morning all, a nice 5.9 this morning after a number of days at higher numbers. So much so I tested again just to make sure I hadn't got water on my hand or something and got 5.8, so I'm going with it.:rofl:😛

Hope you all manage to have a dry and lovely Saturday.
Morning all. 🙂 7.8 here...FOTF doing a tango with DP. Strictly annoying!

There’s an Autumn Party for Welsh learners at a nearby Learning Centre this morning to close Welsh Learners Week. Board games, a sing-a-long and ukeleles (one of the tutors is a talented musician) plus free coffee n tea. We know how to have a good time here in Way Out West Wales!
Good morning! Identical to yesterday evening's finger prick at 7.4.

Here's what I wrote in the evening thread. After an even more stressful day (I will write this all up once I have a SmartPhone with my number and Libre). I had a cheap basic Nokia with a SIM delivered overnight by Amazon so I could ring my provider who would only let me access my account if I could enter a security code sent to a dead mobile! Anyway I finally got through and after explaining the situation was transferred only to have to repeat the whole security palaver again . Anyway the stupid person said to proceed I needed to give them the security code they had sent to my mobile after I had explained the screen had fallen off. After repeating myself they said they could send it to the email address connected to the account. After three attempts no email in my Inbox or Spam. I asked what email they were using as the one I was checking was the one where I receive my monthly bills. They would not confirm if this was the one for security reasons! I then asked to speak to a supervisor as being disabled my phone is my lifeline. Said she would transfer it and cut me off! What a female dog! Me angry, I am totally livid as a customer of decades!. Why note you are vulnerable if you are just going to ignore it. Mind you I know two vulnerable people who had similar treatment from their gas and electric providers. One even has two vulnerable disabled adult children. Total incompetence!

Weather - drizzle...
9.7 I woke up at sometime between 2 and 3 with dexcom saying 2.9 a finger prick said 3.5 so it was right(it seems dexcom is hardly ever wrong unless I haven't drunk enough or things are happening too fast for it). After treatment a second finger prick said 2.6 according to dexcom I had be low for ages which isn't great so I'm not sure why the alerm hadn't woke me up earlier perhaps I was too much of a deep sleep. I had done a correction at midnight when it said I was 11 and riseing but perhaps it wasn't needed or less of one was needed
5.1 on this rather damp Berkshire morning, although we've been spared the worst of Babet. My sister in Lincolnshire said they got a good soaking up there. Hope no one has any horror stories. Some of the places on the news last night looked to be in a bad way, especially in Scotland.

Argentina might have done Wales a favour by beating us in the RWC QF as they got a pasting from the All Blacks last night. I suspect we would have got the same, or worse. England up against South Africa tonight should be much closer. Hope so - don't enjoy watching a team thrash the other side, unless it's Wales doing the thrashing.

Crucial match for England in the Cricket World Cup today too, so the tv will be going on shortly, and the Premier League is back after the international break. Wall-to-wall sport for me today, then.

@Anji53 my BG started climbing after I stopped my Metformin but after a few days it plateaued and then started going the other way, where it's thankfully stayed.

@goodybags good that hear that your physio session ended on a positive note

@Paul Gibbins get well soon

Have a good Saturday everyone, weather permitting. Looking good here - the sun's just broken through.
And it's a 5.0 for me today. Have a good weekend everybody. 🙂

Morning all. 6.3 and a lie in! I must have needed it, went to bed at 9.30 last night.

Babet didn’t hit us too bad, yes, it rained but not torrential, yes, it was windy but I’ve seen much worse and my bird feeders are still where they should be. That’s a win in my books.

A few quiet days ahead, apart from the hordes coming tomorrow for birthday cake for one of our granddaughters. 11 tomorrow, she’s going to one of those trampoline places in town so instead of us all trailing 40 miles to the farm to exchange presents, I suggested the family come here. So today I’m making a chocolate cake with a dark and white chocolate marble glaze. In my head it will be all shiny and smooth and perfect ( the cake itself will be delicious, it’s tried and tested) but in reality it’ll look rubbish! I’m no @Grannylorraine. 😉

Have a super Saturday.
Good morning. 5.4

A few breaks in the cloud and slight breese after a wet night. Despie the weather my enormous fuchsia bushes are in full flower and look magnificent - no sign of the ruddy Imperial dahlias making any effort at all.

Went to bed early to be woken by kindle ringing which, on startled investigation since I didn't know it could do that, found good friends name - asking for a video call. Rang back but no reply - a bit worried but he has family at the top of his drive and lots of people who would be more use in an emergency. Woken this morning with him anxiously ringing me on phone worried the emergency was at my end...Neither of us have any idea what our technology was up to! Funny, I thought it was intended to make our lives simpler.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Morning all - windy and wet. Forecast to dry up about 11am. I hope so as we will be going into town on the bus for our regular Saturday afternoon "date" with 4 friends and there is no bus shelter at the bus stop for buses going towards town.

8.4 this morning and only 26% in range for the last 24 hours. All started by the tiny bit of toast yesterday morning that spiked me up to 12+. Then lunch made it worse and I agree - having Pizza last night was inadvisable to say the least! I'd said to hubby that dinner was his choice as I'd been out for lunch and he'd had sandwich and soup at home. He chose pizza... I bolussed for 2 slices and only ate 1.5 - it was a mistake anyway however little I ate.

@Martin.A Julian said the rugby last night "could have been better". He feels the groups weren't put together well. I shut myself in the "study" aka 3rd bedroom and watched Race across the World on the computer screen. Or to be more accurate I watched it again as we'd seen it the other night, but I'd snoozed through it on and off and missed half of it!

No one got Colin's amazing house yet?

@Michael12421 sorry to hear your hospital appointment did not go well. Hope you are OK.

@MikeyBikey what a palaver with your phone provider. Hope it gets sorted soon.

@eggyg good luck with the cake decoration.
Julian said the rugby last night "could have been better". He feels the groups weren't put together well.
He's right on both counts. The 4 current best teams in the world ended up on the same side of the draw, so 2 of them would be going out at the QF stage. Hope they come up with a better system for 2027.