Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.6

Quite chilly this morning, full grey overcast but no wind and not yet raining. Hoping I have some fire lighters in the barn or I'll be turning on the CH which badly impacts my meanness gene.

Well done @eggyg on your HS Hope you find something to entertain Zara despite the weather.
5.7 this morning. Does having a heavy cold affect BG?

forgot to take reading yesterday morning until after breakfast
- too busy getting ready for hubbys doctors 8.40 appointment .
Used taxi as planned which worked well, except for cost, although some anxiety about them turning up on time.
A jelly baby induced 4.4 for me this morning with several hours preceding it spent on an horizontal red line just below range. :( I slept really well though so only complaining about it ruining my stats. Shot up to 6.2 within moments of getting out of bed despite the 5 units of Fiasp I injected whilst still horizontal but I was back down to 4.4 half an hour later so not too long to wait for breakfast again.
We had an eventful evening last night when on our way home from the driving club meeting/social event... without horses thank goodness... we stopped for a late fish and chip supper. I only have a small portion of the single fish and chips we share, mostly just the fish, so when I had finished, I went to start the car to drive home only to find the battery was flat. At 10.30pm it was too late to be ringing friends or family for help, but we managed to push it up an incline, shunt it back and forth to get it turned around (no power steering so pushing and steering was not easy and then bump it going back down the incline. Note to self to keep a pair of old trainers in the car as trying to push a car in high heeled boots is inefficient and challenging! Thankfully, it bumped first time and drove home without problem. I only use it once a week or so which doesn't do the brakes or battery much good and it is now 20 yrs old so not totally surprising but pleased I had Ian with me as I couldn't have managed to push and steer it on my own. It was interesting that I didn't need a correction an hour or two after the F&C supper as I normally do and in fact I needed a JB before bed and then another an hour before I got up!

Congrats to @eggyg on your House Special this morning and good luck to @Lily123 for a safe journey and interesting trip. I imagine the crossing might be a little choppy. 😱
Morning yawning, a drum roll please…….5.2!!!
Wow! Can’t remember when I last got one of those. I actually checked on my meter as I didn’t believe it, and that gave me 4.9 so it is true! Biggest advantage though is not having to wait an hour before eating. Yippee!

Early doors as it’s Zara day today. Third one this week but as we hadn’t seen her for over two weeks it’s fine. Other grandparents arrived home last night so back to normal next week. No walk to the park today, Storm Babet just warming up now, the wind is howling through my window vents at the moment and we’re forecast gusty winds from 7am-7pm. A nice “quiet” day, maybe a bit of painting and craft, that’ll take all of 10 minutes! Two year olds have a very short attention span! 🙄

@Lily123 hope your trip goes well, enjoy isn’t the right word I don’t think, I’ve visited the war graves in Thailand and been over the River Kwai on the train, it gives you food for thought though, especially with what’s going on in the Middle East and Ukraine at the moment. :(

@Robin hope you manage to get out of dock soon.

Everyone else have a fab-u-lous Friday.
Fantastic, keep it up...
Morning all

4.8 on this grey day, think we are due rain, but nothing Like some areas are forecast. have a cold now, so that might account for some of the higher numbers earlier this week.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS.

@Lily123 - have a safe journey, and hope the experience of the trip is a valuable one.

@Ditto- pleased to hear your sister is home, but not good that she is in a lot of pain, hope that gets sorted soon.
Morning all and 6.3 for me although 8 dextrose tablets were required during the night. I blame the US online visa application website. It really is the flakiest site I've ever encountered. Five of us swearing at our laptops but we got there in the end. Now we wait with fingers crossed.

Need to brave the outdoors as supplies are required. Wind and rain seem to have moderated slightly.

Have a good day everyone
Opened the curtains this morning expecting to find we'd got a soaking overnight but it's quite dry and not even very windy. Our yellow weather warning seems to have disappeared, too. Who'd be a weather forecaster, eh?

Wife and I did something yesterday evening that we hadn't done since just before the first lockdown, we went to the cinema - Michael Caine & Glenda Jackson in The Great Escaper. Thoroughly enjoyable movie, I thought. My wife asked me if I wanted an ice cream to take in but I decided to be good and declined, until I saw that they had one of those multiple flavour stations with one of the tubs displaying those magic words Rum & Raisin. Only one scoop though and I got a 5.7 when I tested on returning home a couple of hours later, so it seems no harm done.

Friday, so as usual it's Big Shop at Sainsbury's and a trip out to the garden centre for fruit & veg. First Rugby World Cup SF tonight so looking forward to that, even though Wales didn't make it through.

Weekly BP check 109/68 so no issues there, and I'm pleased to be joining @eggyg on the HS step this morning. First one in weeks.

Hope no one's in the way of the horrible weather that's forecast for some parts today.


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Well done @eggyg on your HS Hope you find something to entertain Zara despite the weather.
In the first hour she’s climbed up the step ladders and moved all the fridge magnets about, emptied my 45 year old jewellery box, she likes me to wind it up and watch the ballerina go round. Played shops with Gaga and dressed up as a pirate! She’s now having a story read to her whilst eating a ginger nut! Is it bedtime yet? 😉


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And it was a 5.9 for me earlier this wet morning, looking forward to a quiet day today a wifey is going to be
out for most of it. Unfortunately, I will not be venturing out on my bike today...

Have a good day all and stay safe and dry.... 😉
In the first hour she’s climbed up the step ladders and moved all the fridge magnets about, emptied my 45 year old jewellery box, she likes me to wind it up and watch the ballerina go round. Played shops with Gaga and dressed up as a pirate! She’s now having a story read to her whilst eating a ginger nut! Is it bedtime yet? 😉
And you love it!!
Late afternoon already. It was actually nice today until this afternoon when it turned gloomy and wet.

7.8 at 8am after a rotten night's sleep. Woke at 4 am and that was it until gone 7am when I dropped off briefly.

Met a friend and we went to the local catering college restaurant for lunch. The food was really good. We had Arancini with truffle aioli, and parmesan £6. My friend had paupiette of lemon sole with clams and mussels in a Bearnaise sauce - came with roast new potatoes £12. I had the Merguez sausages with garlic mash and seared hispi cabbage £10. Prices have gone up since we last went, which was admittedly before lockdown, when it used to be 2 courses for £9 or 3 for £11. It's still darn cheap for a restaurant meal. The poor kids serving were first years and it was only their 2nd meal service, they were trying very hard but all looked terrified! The girl who brought our coffees (in overfilled cups) was shaking like a leaf, I really thought she was going to drop them. We tried to put them at their ease as best we could since we were both in the catering trade for years! They're really only school leavers still. They will gain confidence as the weeks go on.

The meal pushed me up to 16.3 but I started on 12.4 due to a miserably small piece of toast with a smearing of my Apple jelly. Bread eh?

Congratulations to @eggyg and @Martin.A on your HSs. @eggyg Zara is just gorgeous!

I should think @Lily123 is there by now. Hope you have a good trip @Lily123
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.3

Minor disaster this morning. Got up at 5am. Made a hot water bottle. Settled on the couch and about 30 minutes later something didn't feel right. Sure enough on investigation I found that the hot water bottle had slowly leaked onto the couch. So lots of trying to dry it off whilst I was getting cold. Doh!!!

Today, nothing, except exercise, rest, oh, and another practice at the church thid evening. Again I will be looking after the sound system. Yesterdays practice went really well.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing