Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 3.4 here, oops, and that was a double check with a fingerprick. Bit of a disrupted routine. I’m in Croatia island hopping on a smallish boat (holds 35 passengers and 8 crew). Yesterday was a long day. We had a whistle stop tour of Dubrovnik on the way from the airport, fortunately I’ve been before, so didn’t feel I’d missed out, then sailed overnight to Korcula, to outrun the incoming storm, so I didn’t sleep very well with the engine noise and a few sudden lurches of the boat. Now holed up here for two days until the storm has passed.
Morning all. 6.3, considering I went to bed on 12.2, and no correction, I’m happy with that.

It has rained all night and been very, very gusty but tomorrow is Babet day here I believe with 50 mph winds. Glad it’s today I’m going for my hair cut!

Yesterday I had a stomach flair up, ( hence high numbers). It’s been a while and I’m not certain what brought it on. One minute we were out walking with Zara to the park and I just started to feel very unwell, lower back pain, nausea and extreme bloating, I could actually feel my stomach getting bigger and bigger and had to unfasten my coat. BGs were 5.1 going down. Luckily, we were only 15 minutes from home and after a rest on a seat in the park we came home. BGs 4.2 on Libre 4,2 on meter. I couldn’t face any lunch so I waited a while and BGs stayed the same. I did eventually have a one slice of bread sandwich and half a packet of crisps and only bolused for the bread. Had a massive rise to over 13. Still awaiting an appointment with colorectal surgeon after being referred back in July, for the second time, “chose and book” letter I was sent in August was a can’t “chose and book” letter as all four choices of hospital didn’t have any appointments! I had to chose one and they would make me an appointment, if I hadn’t heard by October 27th I was to call! That’s next week, I think I’ll be calling. Anyways, I feel ok so far today but will be eating sparingly ( I don’t each too much at the best of times) for a few days until it settles.

Congratulations on @Pattidevans and @Anji53 on your HSs yesterday.
@Robin hope you manage to miss the storm.

Have a good day folks.
This was my day yesterday. Totally spoiled my TIR.


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5.4 again, for the third day in a row. How come that never happens with HSs? Have woken up to a thoroughly wet morning and by all accounts we're in for a thoroughly wet day, although that's nothing compared with what's said to be heading our way tomorrow. No one WFH today so it's the bus when I go for my swim. Hope the rain's eased off a bit by then.

Delicious anniversary meal at our local Italian restaurant last night. I even had dessert, though played it (reasonably) safe by just sharing profiteroles with my wife. Midweek, so they weren't that busy, which meant the service was excellent too.

Have a good day if you can. Hope no one's having to mop up after Babet.
Morning all

5.7 today, didn’t run yesterday due to the weather, yoga tonight.

@Pattidevans congratulations on your HS yesterday.

@Martin.A - belated wishes on yesterdays Wedding Anniversary.

Still missing @Lanny
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5.3 for me today.

Hope everyone in the North of the country stays safe in the storms, rain and wind 😱
Running high this morning with an 8.8
Also running around like a blue-arsed fly so I’ll catch up with you all later x

Ooh saw The Creator in the cinema yesterday. What a beautiful and at the same time utterly pointless bit of self indulgent twaddle it was.
was around 10 today
Tummy still doing naughty tummy things 🙄. Fed up moaning about it to be be honest. Tummy unhappy = bloods unhappy.
Have stopped being so hard on myself about it though. I can't do any more than I am doing and trying to be very cautious with basal adjustments as things can turn around quickly.
Answers would be nice.

Todays epic plans are nip into boots to collect a bumper bag of prescription refills and get daughters script picked up from the other day, then home for tesco food delivery.
After that need to pull out suitcases and start sorting out things for our (mini) holiday (1 week to go). Daughter keeps stressing over it and I think she needs to do it properly as her anxiety is kinda up there about it all.

hope you all have a good day x
A 4.3 for me today. 🙂 Got my double jabs yesterday, in and out in a couple of minutes. Just a slight ache in both sites this morning.
Stay safe and well everyone.

was around 10 today
Tummy still doing naughty tummy things 🙄. Fed up moaning about it to be be honest. Tummy unhappy = bloods unhappy.
Have stopped being so hard on myself about it though. I can't do any more than I am doing and trying to be very cautious with basal adjustments as things can turn around quickly.
Answers would be nice.

Todays epic plans are nip into boots to collect a bumper bag of prescription refills and get daughters script picked up from the other day, then home for tesco food delivery.
After that need to pull out suitcases and start sorting out things for our (mini) holiday (1 week to go). Daughter keeps stressing over it and I think she needs to do it properly as her anxiety is kinda up there about it all.

hope you all have a good day x
Same here Lou. I’m sick of waiting for answers, over 18 months since I first spoke, not saw, a doctor about it. I’m sure I get put to the bottom ( pardon the pun) of the pile everytime another dept gets my details. “She’s too complex, pass her on.” I’m the same as you can’t do anymore than I’m doing and whilst it’s mostly keeping the flare ups away, I’m still getting them on occasion. It’ll get to the stage when I’ll only be consuming water and fresh air!
A 6.8 this morning, went to bed and it was 5.6.

Going to the market fabric shopping for a new upholstery project. Hopefully I don’t get too wet (joys of an out door market).

Have Babet-autiful day!
It was a very nice 4.4 the first time I woke but surprisingly the trend was slightly downward from a very gentle mound on my graph overnight. I didn't have any carbs because I knew it would rise now that I had woken up... but I dropped straight back off to sleep for what I thought was just a few minutes but quite shockingly was an hour and woke up the second time on 3.9. I still didn't eat any carbs but injected my basal and bolus insulins and got up and I was 4.1 a few minutes later. Only needed 15 mins prebolus time this morning for breakfast though! I think that may be a record for me. Nice not to have to sit and look at my breakfast for 45 mins before I can eat it. :D Had my Flu vaccine last night. Not sure if that is having some impact or it was walking along to the surgery and back so late that affected my levels. Very happy with those results though.

We got a bit of rain overnight. First for quite a while. Don't think it was windy although I slept really soundly so wouldn't have known.

@eggyg and @gll Hope your digestive systems ease up on you a bit today. So horrid having persistent upset digestive system and particularly for you Elaine when a blockage is an emergency situation. Really hoping you can get an appointment soon.
Good morning all, 4.9 today for me.

Busy day at work with back to back meetings, oh well, looking forward to a week off next week on the boat, so even if it rains all week we’ll cosy up with the fire and chill out!

@eggyg and @gll - take care, hope you both get better soon with your digestive problems, must be miserable.

Stay safe everyone, keep dry from Babet!
Good morning. 5.4

Remarkably little rain yesterday until tea time when it hammered down for half an hour and then went back to drizzle until catching me on the evening scamper round Peachy's and Wolf's dinner. Judging by the amount in Wolf's bowl (so much more accurate than the met office) the weather dragons had a busy night but think they have retired to bed now. It's just grey, fine drizzle and a mild breeze. I gather Babet has a relative coming round tomorrow...

Would have posted earlier but had a Robin to evict. He may have popped in to complain that I have stopped feeding the fish as he usually nicks a few pellets. Water temperature is hovering a bit too low so they are into their winter regime now. I shall have to look carefully through every room to see if he has left any presents. Sure to have done as I spent yetserday on house cleaning.

Hope everyone is having a good day and staying dry.