Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - horrible day, rain and wind... @Martin.A hope your forecast for me will hold off until late afternoon as we have to go grocery shopping this pm after I get bloods done.

8.3 first thing with a flat line, but at least 97% in range for the 24 hours.

We had a yummy dinner last night - I looked in the veggie drawer in the fridge and there were a couple of red peppers and not a lot more.... took some salmon from the freezer and googled "Salmon and red pepper recipes". Came up with this recipe that we had with a packet of Spanish rice that was hiding in the back of the larder - only a year out of date... and some frozen peas + the last miserable few spears of asparagus. It was really good! Tonight making Jamie's chicken pie which will do us for 2 nights. Need to do a shopping list.

@Grannylorraine good luck at your weigh-in. The first property I owned was a flat with storage heaters, it was always freezing the first day or so I got home from a trip unless my neighbour happened to be home and had kindly switched them on. The next place was a house with gas hot air heating. All the heat used to go upstairs!

@MikeyBikey was pleased to see your news on the other thread... it sounds like you may well be on the mend now.

@Anji53 that receptionist sounds horrible. Can you drop your hubby at the surgery door and then go park and walk back? Pick him up again there after the appointment.

Have a good day all
Unfortunately not possible. I had the same thought so went and scouted it out today to see what is possible. I would have to drop him at the bottom of a flight of steps and couldn’t park to help him up, it would take me a good half hour to park and get back to him I think a taxi is the only answer We would normally walk there, so never had this problem before.
it was the lack of compassion/helpfulness that struck me
What a PITA @Anji53 - sorry to hear about the way you are being treated.

Well, the pie is in the oven and it's my recipe - not J Oliver's. In other words I just threw stuff together (Onions, chicken thighs, a leek, some mixed mushrooms, a couple of teaspoons of mustard, cream and sone tarragon from my herb trough) and the sauce tasted absolutely fine - lovely even! Meantime we shopped in 3 supermarkets and B&M for some patio cleaner now our SW hose ban is off! Changed the bed and washed all the towels. I am shattered!
I've woken up and can't back to sleep so I'm going post what dexcoms saying now which is 6. A little bit ago it alamed I was 4.7 and heading down but wasn't but as it had just been accurate(when I had washed my hands) it must have been a compression thing after a while it did catch up to close enough to what the meter said.

This seasor even though I put on stomach is actually off to the side(I kind of did that accidentally so compression lows are still possible(plus I sleep weirdly sometimes haha so it would probably still be possible anywhere 🙂).

I have to try to avoid sleeping on that side for next 9 days athough might be difficult difficult because I had my COVID vaccine in the arm on the other side and it hurts haha. 🙂
Good morning and for the third day running a nice round 6.

It’s 11c today compared to yesterday’s -0.5.

Nice quiet day yesterday, today we have an extra day of Zara as her other grandparents are on holiday, today won’t be quiet!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Morning all. Woke to a 9.0 which went to 11.2 within a minute of thinking about work! Its very stressful atm and most days i'm absolutely exhausted.
Good morning/moaning! I woke with phantom pain again and my left hand affected by trigger finger. My BG was 7.2. Once I got to the kitchen, and had a painkiller for and made a cuppa I took a photograph of my hand. It eases as the day wears on but makes things awkward with the ring and middle finger being quite painful!

Weather - dark with no rain on window!

Good morning 4.6

Quite a rough night weatherwise with wind and rain waking me from time to time but I was "cream crackered" that I went straight back to sleep.

I was determined yesterday to finish digging out the footings for the sandstone edge to the next area of concrete. Managed it but with more determination than wisdom and made myself riskily poorly by the end. Made it back to the house like a shambling zombie, clutching chest and wambling about dizzily - not a good look I suspect. Eventually, after sitting head down and anxious for an hour, felt well enough to make a cuppa and after 3 hours was just up to feeding Peachy and Wolf. Went to bed early and feel fine this morning but have made mental note not to be such an idiot again. No fool like an old fool so I expect I will forget! Problem is - brain 18 - body 76.

Had some good news from my neighbours on Monday when they asked me to witness their signatures to a deed - their horrible neighbour, who has been persecuting them by driving through their garden to access his fields, relying on an ancient easement, despite having a much better access literally 5m away, has at last had his solicitor send them a deed of release. Not exchanged yet but fingers firmly crossed - he has been playing cat and mouse for over a year much to their mental distress. Not the best drafted document I have read but should satify the registry and I was asked as a witness not as a lawyer (although I did tell them to query their own solicitor about 2 clauses). I sincerely hope the b*st**d neighbour developes piles and constipation for causing such unhappiness for so long.

Finding watching the news almost impossibly distresssing. I remember the 6 days war only too well but at least it was over quickly. This one doesn't look as if it will have a quick end or any kind of easy solution. Difficult to think about whilst grieving for innocent famiies on both sides.

Hope everyone has a good day and avoids flooding.
Morning all, 4.3 here, and Libre has had me scraping along the top of the red all night, I suspect it’s because I’m dehydrated, not because I’ve been hypo on and off, and it’ll shoot upwards once I’ve drunk my tea. I hate it when that happens because it ruins my time in range.
Good morning. Sister still in hospital. I'm exhausted, too old and decrepit for helping out really. 🙂
Good day all. Sister has had another heart attack, not too bad but cholesterol off the scale, Consultant says highest ever recorded, maybe just by him? All the family have to go and be checked out, it's all go. 🙄

Stay warm all. 🙂

I just saw your post this morning and skipped back to this post. When was her first HA? Apologies if I am asking a stupid question but my cholesterol has been checked a minimum of annually for years - nearer twice annually since bypass surgery.
Good morning everyone, 4.7 today for me.

Tough, bittersweet time in Ireland Sunday and Monday at my wife’s uncle’s funeral and wake. Felt so sorry for the aunt left alone now, but at least she has one of her sons and partner really close by taking good care of her. They were so pleased we had gone to support them which made it all worthwhile. There’s no way we wouldn’t have gone over, family really is important.

Back in the day to day world now of work whilst feeling tired from the past couple of days.

Not really had chance to catch up on the chat here, but hope everyone is ok.

@Ditto - hoping your sister is ok.

@Anji53 - congratulations on today’s HS.

Take care everyone.
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A disappoint 6.1 today. Lost 1/2lb yesterday, was pleased with that as thought it might be a gain, and now over 1/2 way to target. Hoping to run with the group this evening willl really depend on weather we get the storm or not.

@Anji53 - congratulations on your HS.

@Michael12421 - hope those numbers are up now.

@Ditto - hope your sister comes home soon

@TinaD - I was exhausted just reading what you had done, try and have an easier day today.
7.1 this morning.

It fell reasonably quickly to 5.6 and had stayed roughly level since.
Well done @Anji53 on the House Special. A nice round 5 for me this morning. 🙄
Hope everybody isn't troubled too much by Babet.
