Group 7-day waking average?

Looking at some of these readings (amazing) would be interested to know what readings are before bed, I usually end up snacking just before bed hoping that my readings are 11,12 so my sensor doesn't alarm through the night . If I'm around the 8 or 9 mark I can expect to be disturbed where I will have something then wake up around 11 to 13 mark plus my foot on the floor then end up chasing numbers all day...
5.3 on this cold and - believe it or not - frosty morning. Had to take the car in for its MoT and had timed things so I could get the bus back (conveniently the dealer is on a bus route) but hadn't factored in having to de-ice it. Then, when I started the engine, the tyre pressure warning light stayed on so had to stop at the petrol station down the road and get some air. Got the car to the dealer and got to the bus stop with 2 minutes to spare - phew.

Bus turned up 14 minutes later.

@MikeyBikey hope podiatry went well today

Have a good day, everyone - Monday Blues permitting.
It was a 5.1 for me this morning but unfortunately that required 4 jelly babies through the night to get there despite a 3 unit Levemir reduction in my evening dose (down to 1 unit). My change to winter routine of hauling haylage and feeds up the big hill to the horses is obviously having a big impact on my night time levels, plus eating lots of low carb mostly veggie meals. I guess I will be having no Levemir tonight and then start reducing the daytime dose. One less decision on doses will be nice though when the evening Levemir is zero, as well as it being one less injection of course.

Looking at some of these readings (amazing) would be interested to know what readings are before bed, I usually end up snacking just before bed hoping that my readings are 11,12 so my sensor doesn't alarm through the night . If I'm around the 8 or 9 mark I can expect to be disturbed where I will have something then wake up around 11 to 13 mark plus my foot on the floor then end up chasing numbers all day...
It takes time to get the hang of balancing things and of course some people posting on this thread are not using insulin, so don't have the worry of dropping low.
Remind me which basal insulin you are using? If your levels are dropping through the night regularly that you feel you need to push your levels up into double figures before bed, then that suggests your basal insulin dose may be too high.

Are the alarms you are getting through the night genuine lows or are they possibly compression lows? Do you double check them with a finger prick before you treat them?
My basal is tresiba, dont think there compression lows ,usually finger prick test , got my sensor alarm set at 5 so have to wait till it gets back above 5 , when half asleep I think I sometimes over indulge which results in a high morning reading, going to reduce my basal see if it helps, Thanks
Dentist said there’s nothing wrong with my teeth and the fillings are all sound but a couple of deep cleans from the hygienist will remove some tartar below the gum line so that’s all booked in.

£165 today for the check up, two X-rays and for half of the first hygienist appointment.
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

New sensor warming up. The last few have been pretty good.

Waiting for advice from our visa attorney in the states re a couple of questions on the form.

One of the questions was have you ever commited genocide. I wonder if they've ever had a yes to that?

Have a good day everyone.
When I was a travel agent in another life, I often would help travellers to the US to fill in their visa application. The one that always made me laugh was “have you ever committed moral turpitude”. No one ever answered yes because we didn’t know what it meant!
NB it’s an American/Canadian thing, meaning being dishonest if I remember rightly.
My basal is tresiba, dont think there compression lows ,usually finger prick test , got my sensor alarm set at 5 so have to wait till it gets back above 5 , when half asleep I think I sometimes over indulge which results in a high morning reading, going to reduce my basal see if it helps, Thanks
How do you treat a low when it is only just below 5? It certainly doesn't need a full hypo treatment. For me one jelly baby would be enough. Any more than that and I would be high in the morning. 1 JB will raise my levels by about 1.5mmols, so if I was 5 when the alarm went off, that one JB will take me up to 6.5. 2 jelly babies and I would be up to 8. I personally don't use slower acting carbs on top as they just send me into orbit.

Remember, if you reduce your Tresiba, it will take 3 days to see the full impact of that change and your levels will end up being higher, so then once you get a reasonably horizontal line overnight, you will need to stop bumping your glucose levels up at night with carbs before you go to bed. If your basal is holding you reasonably steady a reading of 7 or 8 at bedtime should be fine although personally I like to be lower as I sleep best when my levels are in the 4s and 5s.
Also be aware that if you reduce your Tresiba, it will impact your daytime levels so you may need to compensate with your bolus insulin for any highs during the day with corrections or meal ratios.
If you are not confident adjusting your basal insulin, you should discuss it with your DSN. It is a bit of a balancing act and takes time and experience to get it right and even then it is a bit of a dark art, rather than science.
Looking at some of these readings (amazing) would be interested to know what readings are before bed, I usually end up snacking just before bed hoping that my readings are 11,12 so my sensor doesn't alarm through the night . If I'm around the 8 or 9 mark I can expect to be disturbed where I will have something then wake up around 11 to 13 mark plus my foot on the floor then end up chasing numbers all day...
I was going to say exactly what @rebrascora said, but I would add that you have the means (the Libre) to do a basal test quite easily. Plus, Tresiba isn't easy to adjust so it also may be an idea to discuss with your DSN whether it would benefit you to change to Levemir, which is a twice daily injection (morning and evening) that you can titrate to give different basals over the same period. I attach instructions for basal testing.

If you haven't already, it would be worth you purchasing "Think Like a Pancreas" by Gary Scheiner. It helped me understand an awful lot regarding insulin management.

Also I think it's worth pointing out that a lot of those consistent levels in the 5s are T2s not on insulin, which is a different kettle of fish altogether - you will get there! 😉


Morning all on yet another grey day. At least it's not raining. Wish it was really, as windows both back and front are covered in Seagull poo!

4.9 this morning after a mostly sleepless night - no reason I can pin down and at least I got most of the week's menu planning done in my head - I'll probably forget most of it by tomorrow! LOL! Finally fell asleep around 7:30 and then overslept, only waking at 10 am.

All the grapes are now grape jelly and potted up. I have an absolute cupboard full of jars of jam/jelly and really we eat very little of it! Friends will be the beneficiaries.

@eggyg there's a very interesting page on Moral Turpitude here Cruelty to animals isn't but cruelty to children is. IMHO both should be.

@Gwynn sorry to hear your daughter is causing you such upset. Is it worth actually talking to her to iron things out?

No HS's today?

Have a lovely day all.
Very late for a morning reading but dashed out for a coffee with a friend.

Mine was 6.1 this morning. Lowest it’s been for a week or so.

I tested before going out for a meal last night (no dessert, just started of prawn cocktail and main of pork belly with broccoli, mushrooms and creamed spinach with a large Merlot) and it was 6.5 and then when I got back 2 hours after the first bite and it was 5, so treated myself to a piece of 85% chocolate and a Brandy. All in all a good night with the other half!

Have a great Monday!

@Martin.A with all that looking up you’d trip over something :D and the only exercise you’d get would be huge neck muscles lol!

@Leadinglights DESMOND felt like being back at secondary school and them trying to get you to answer things when I just wanted the information, not acronyms and cartoon characters with sugar cubes in their veins, but each to their own. I also think they didn’t believe in the low carb thing either (like my DN).
Could murder a bacon sarnie now you’ve mentioned it…
When I was a travel agent in another life, I often would help travellers to the US to fill in their visa application. The one that always made me laugh was “have you ever committed moral turpitude”. No one ever answered yes because we didn’t know what it meant!
NB it’s an American/Canadian thing, meaning being dishonest if I remember rightly.
If I recall correctly they also asked questions about whether or not you were engaged in, or planning to be engaged in:
Arms smuggling
War crimes
Drug smuggling

The mischievous imp in me always wanted to tick one of the Yes boxes just for the hell of it
8.4 for me and already shot up to 11s 🙄

Called about libre yesterday and they didn't even want me to jump through hoops (since I said previous sensor was connected fine) so sending out a new one and I wont need a sensor change while I am away now (woo).
Was going to delay putting a new one on for a few days (since I am running high-ish and can still scan) but noticed significant dips when bolusing for meals (again) before seeing a rise (without prebolus time too) so will get it on after a shower this morning for the sake of alarms. Would love to know what tummy is doing with food to cause the food not to hit right away.
Maybe I'll get answers one day.

Taking kiddo to GPs today. She was referred to the pain clinic for the mental health team ages ago but the denied her because she was waiting on a 2nd opinion for her knee so wasn't technically under a hospital at the time.
She wants to get a new referral done since she is now under a new consultant (and has been for a while) and the gp mental health team have basically said so much of her stuff is rooted in the fact she's in pain 24.7.
We also need a med review for her.
Ideally pain clinic will take over if she gets in with them and try and find a better pain management plan but until her operation, it will likely still be an issue.

Hope you all have a great day, I'm off to shower and get a new sensor going :D
Good morning everyone! 6'8.

Last night I put the duvet in the bed. Had been alright just with a blanket so far, but the previous night I was freezing. Now will be harder to get up from bed :D Next step will be substituting the light jacket I wear around the house for a proper winter robe. For some reason I'm resisting to wear it yet, maybe I don't want to accept the temperatures are dropping, but they definitely are. It's been quite a sudden change, at least here in Devon! I feel hats and gloves will come out from hiding very soon...
7.2 fell asleep before I meant to again so got to watch out for that
GoodMorning 6.9 today

turns out my GP appointment yesterday wasn’t to see a GP at all
having waited about a month for that appointment was surprised to see not a DR but a nurse
who said basically you need to see a GP regarding that :rofl:
ok it isn’t a urgent matter, and an appointment is now made for Friday.

I have my second session with physiotherapist at the hospital today,
will have to admit haven’t done the ankle exercises twice a day everyday
but the first session was definitely a help (in between everything trying to work)

Have a great day everyone 😎
Good morning/moaning! Woke at 5:00am with Low Glucose Alarm but as it scanned 4.2 thought "That's OK". It wasn't for asci made a cuppa and started Wordling it was clear my thinking was impaired. So had a single JB (rather than a married one) and a biscuit. Now a better 6.1. As I had Sundays leftovers why did I go hyper yesterday morning and hypo today? Answers on a postcard (ideally with a nice scenic view)...

Blue sky in far distance but very dark cloud overhead!