Group 7-day waking average?

6.5 this chilly morning. Even chillier as I’d switched the heating to manual last night and forgot to put it back to automatic before bed.
Morning all on this beautiful frosty morning. Another nice round six for me.

Today for the first time in weeks I’ve nothing to do, unless I chose to. It’s a nice feeling.

Today is also our middle daughter’s third wedding anniversary. It was a lockdown wedding with only 12 of us attending ( including bride and groom) and 12 hours before the wedding Lancashire ( she got married in Blackpool) went into special measures and we weren’t allowed to have a reception, the pubs all closed so we couldn’t go for a drink. It was the best day ever, we made the most of it and went to the pier with the bride and groom in their wedding finery and ended up being in the national newspapers and magazines and being interviewed by ITV. It seems so surreal now.

Have a good day all.


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5.9 this morning, 🙂.

Got my eye test later and an interview for a new member of staff. Fun times. Have a great Tuesday.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5
The rest is ok

Back to the church later this morning to do some more sound system wiring. Yesterdays work there was very successful.

Other than that a quiet day

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
5.1 today

appointment for hubby is at 8.40 am Thursday.
Receptionist ‘ No you can’t use the car park unless you have a blue badge.‘
Me ’But he‘s had open heart surgery and has only been home 3 days, he can’t walk from the nearest public car park’.
Receptionist ‘sorry’
Me. ‘So am I’
After a short sojourn in the low fours, I'm back this morning to the middle fives with 5.6. 🙂
It'll soon be time, I think, to bring down the heated overblanket from the loft. 🙄
Keep warm everybody.

Good morning. 4.9 - go keto!

High thin overcast, wind fierce, bending even biggish trees, not all that cold though - need a fleece to sit in the house comfortably with no heating on. Doubt I will be doing much outdoors today.

3 offers of loan homs for Peachy. Best one seems to be in Wiltshire - they (driver and backstepper) are coming next Monday to meet her. Wish they were nearer but may be a good solution.

Hope everyone has a good day.
5.3 on a bright but chilly Berkshire morning. No frost, unlike yesterday, but it seems we have a storm coming in - later today for some (I think you're in the firing line @Pattidevans ) and tomorrow for the rest of us. Time to batten down the hatches then.

Car passed it's MoT yesterday with a handful of ambers but no reds. Pleased with that as it's a 64 plate with over 104,000 miles on the clock. Still running really well, though.

Swim day and some ironing otherwise nothing in particular planned, although there might be some laundry if our two boys ever get round to changing their beds.

@MikeyBikey sounds like that consultant got things right.

Have a good day, everyone.

an improved 5.1 today, but still convinced my eter is missing 5.2. Today is weigh day, but despite being good all weekend except for a couple of slices of hubbies pizza on Sunday evening (May have been the reason for a higher reading yesterday morning), I have been on plan, I just feel bigger today, but will just have to see what the scales say. I think it is because I am near to getting to my 1 stone mark it has made me anxious about having a loss instead of just accepting some weeks will be better than others. Also woke up with an asthma attack, not a bad one, but enough to use my receiver inhaler, starting to ease now after a couple of cups of coffee.

Like others we are considering puttig our heating on, but as we have those awful storage heaters they are so expensive to run and not the most efficient form of heating, so just adding extra clothing layers for now. Unfortunately we don’t have a gas supply to our end of the road so no options. We have gradually been changing the ones that were in the house to more efficient ones a couple each year, but still nothing like my old gas central heating was. i know I should be grateful as I grew up in a house initially with coal fires, and a coal boiler to heat the water, which we always used to keep a kettle on, then moved on to gas fires in the living room and dining room, still no heat upstairs and drafts single glazed windows.
9.4 for me this morning the first time I woke up, with a table top mountain graph but thankfully just in range all night. I jabbed my Levemir and 4 units of Fiasp and went back to sleep intending to have an hour but woke up more than 2 hours later on a lovely 4.9, so that is my offering for this morning as I didn't like the first reading. Interestingly I added half a unit to my Levemir last night instead of not injecting any as I had planned after my lows the night before and it was the right decision but should have been a whole unit instead of just a half. Some days it really is just guess work but at least I guessed in the right direction. Currently Libre says I am 99% in range for the last 7 days, so can't be doing too badly. My low carb batch cooking recently is clearly helping keep me on the straight and narrow..
Morning everyone.

Lovely sunny start to the day, and a lovely 6.1 for me earlier....

Have a great day all, and stay safe and stay warm as well... 🙂
Morning all - horrible day, rain and wind... @Martin.A hope your forecast for me will hold off until late afternoon as we have to go grocery shopping this pm after I get bloods done.

8.3 first thing with a flat line, but at least 97% in range for the 24 hours.

We had a yummy dinner last night - I looked in the veggie drawer in the fridge and there were a couple of red peppers and not a lot more.... took some salmon from the freezer and googled "Salmon and red pepper recipes". Came up with this recipe that we had with a packet of Spanish rice that was hiding in the back of the larder - only a year out of date... and some frozen peas + the last miserable few spears of asparagus. It was really good! Tonight making Jamie's chicken pie which will do us for 2 nights. Need to do a shopping list.

@Grannylorraine good luck at your weigh-in. The first property I owned was a flat with storage heaters, it was always freezing the first day or so I got home from a trip unless my neighbour happened to be home and had kindly switched them on. The next place was a house with gas hot air heating. All the heat used to go upstairs!

@MikeyBikey was pleased to see your news on the other thread... it sounds like you may well be on the mend now.

@Anji53 that receptionist sounds horrible. Can you drop your hubby at the surgery door and then go park and walk back? Pick him up again there after the appointment.

Have a good day all
Spookily enough I’ve just finished making the pastry for a chicken, ham and leek pie. It’s not Jamie’s. It’s mine! 😉 It will do us for tomorrow too.

I have never been keen on Jamie Oliver. Then went his restaurant chain went under owing millions but he main sure he kept his millions I lost any respect I had for him! When Peter Jones (Dragons Den) went under he ultimately paid everyone that was owed money. RESPECT!