Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A round 6 today. Not frosty but only 3c! Brrr!

Covid booster done yesterday, no flu jab offered. In the end it was only me that had it done. A couple of hours before leaving I read Mr Eggy’s confirmation email, we couldn’t understand how I’d had a text reminder and he didn’t. He’d booked it for the 29th! I despair sometimes. He doesn’t know why he said, I do, he really is hopeless with dates and days since he retired. 🙄

Got the whirlwind this morning, first child care duties for over three weeks, think we’ll be shattered by 5.30! I’m off to GP surgery to see a nurse for full bloods, this is to rule out ( or in) a B12 deficiency. I’ll make a pan of leek and potato soup for lunch, it’s getting to that time of year and the leeks in the garden are looking good, the best we’ve ever grown. Looking forward to that. Zara loves Grandma’s homemade soup. She calls it slurp! :rofl:

Hope you all have a Happy Monday.
Wouldn’t they have just done his at the same time if you’d asked?
Wouldn’t they have just done his at the same time if you’d asked?
We did consider that, but I just went myself and he went to his mother’s who just lives five minutes from the community centre. It was really quiet when I went, I was in and out before my appointment time! Apparently, according to the steward they’d done over 550 vaccinations since 10am, my appointment was 2.50. I think they were maybe finishing as there wasn’t anyone behind me. It was a young female doctor who did mine and she looked and sounded absolutely shattered, she might have had a melt down if Mr Eggy had been with me! When I left, a nurse came out too, yawning her head off. They do a great job.
Anyways, Mr Eggy now has a “day out” to look forward to. 😉
Morning all, 6.2 here. The lawn is white and frosty. Hope the dahlias and cosmos have survived, because it’s meant to warm up again tomorrow. Its always galling if the late summer flowers get blackened, and then we continue to have mild weather for a few more weeks.
Morning everyone, 6.8 for me today. Bright and crisp start here.
A 4.6 for me on this cold and frosty morning. 🙂
Covid booster done yesterday, no flu jab offered.
@eggyg My jabs are on Wednesday. The appointment letter said it was for the flu vaccine and I would be offered a Covid booster if I wanted it.

It was 8.6 after the my seasor expired yesterday I found myself missing it already even though. I was only on it for 10 days.
Good morning. 5.7 and feeling grumpy.

Why the frown, whence the glower? Woken by an excited woman with a mobile in a poor location wanting to borrrow Peachy...Then before I could take my morning pills (which usually follows taking blood, Wolf out and fed, Peachy done) another phonecall - from Bedfordshire on the same quest. Sounded quite sensible but Bedfordshire is a very long way away. I would prefer local so that I can drop in and see all is well from time to time. I'll talk to her trainer before deciding. It is going to be very odd without her. She is a chatty pony and nickers to me wheever she hears me around. I tell myself she is saying "Hello Mum" but suspect it is "Any chance of more food?"

Lovely day yesterday building a section of the edge wall to part of the great concreting works and today looks nice so may get a bit more done. At least the spring has dried up so not needing to position my kneeler over a temprorary canal. And I am having a remission from serious pain and gasping, the latter of which I attribute to the reduced humidity - although I do wonder if the recent foul infection, followed by covid and flu jabs, has boosted my immune system. Whatever the reason I am glad of it.

Off to have some breakfast now - very strictly keto as I want to stay in the 5s. I do get bored with protein.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all.4.8 for me this morning.Spent all-day yesterday in the 4 range so a lot of alarms going off when it got to 4.1 . I was very active yesterday may of been the cause .I did have a good chunk of dark chocolate at 9 last night expecting it to rise and me to correct it .Didn't happen it peaked at a 6 .so no insulin required was soon back down in the 4 s . Alarm went off 3 times during the night at 4.1 more jelly babies would imagine it's going to shoot up just now. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

New sensor warming up. The last few have been pretty good.

Waiting for advice from our visa attorney in the states re a couple of questions on the form.

One of the questions was have you ever commited genocide. I wonder if they've ever had a yes to that?

Have a good day everyone.
One of the questions was have you ever commited genocide. I wonder if they've ever had a yes to that?
I remember that question is also on the visa waiver application, it amused me, because if you had committed genocide, surely telling a little fib on your application wouldn’t bother you at all! I decided in the end, that should they discover you’ve lied, it’s probably a much easier route to deport someone for lying on their application.
My parents went to the US twice as tourists and they told me about those questions, like "do you plan to kill the US president?" 😳
5.6 for me...
5.6 pops up a lot.
During the day, in the morning, in the evenings.
Some days I get 5.6 all day.
In the US 5.6 fasting is the 'pre diabetes' threshold.
I have read the average fasting level is 5.5.
Good morning everyone. A very restless night thinking about my daughter, and now my wife is upset about our daughter too. Aghhhhh!

Been out to the church this morning to rewire stuff and get an extension speaker up and running in the far reaches of the building.

BG 5.4 on getting up (for the second time) at 6am.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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