Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A puzzling 8.4 on this frosty morning, until I got up and went to do my basal. I always leave my kit out after my evening basal, it wasn’t there, still in the drawer and on checking the end of my pen it told me it was 24 hours since my last dose! Ah, well, never mind there’s worse things going on in the world. I’ll survive.

Got our Covid boosters this afternoon and maybe our flu jabs too. Booked this through the NHS app after they sent us an email, and text, to say we were eligible and we may also receive a flu jab. Our GP surgery normally arranges all this but we haven’t heard a thing from them. We were lucky to get in, only booked it Friday afternoon when we got home, when we received the email on holiday the only date we could get was end of October, of course I didn’t have my diary with me so we didn’t dare book anything. Looks like they put an extra clinic on. Hope we do get flu jab too saves us having to trail back another day.

Congratulations to yesterday’s HSers @Robin and @harbottle.
Sorry @Eternal422 that there’s been a death in the family.
@Gwynn sorry there’s dissent in the family. That must be upsetting.

@ColinUK that is a lovely saying.

Hope you all manage a lovely day.
8.7 today did end have jelly babies again in the middle of night(a few to many mayi think it was peherps in the 5s when I went to went to sleep so perhaps should had stack then although I think I fell asleep before I intended to.

After my Frist 10 days on dexcom one. I'm going to have to have at least day without one nothing to do with tech this time .the suiipers of my pharmacy didn't deliver the sensors when they should have so I won't get them at least tomorrow(could even be later) and this one expires just before half 1 today.
Morning all. Well, well...


Had a fab day out yesterday. After lunch in Aberteifi / Cardigan and a pootle around the town, we went down to Poppit Sands (wild and beautiful), drove on to Trefdraeth / Newport (narrow country lanes, eek!) and wandered along the coastal path, checking out the holiday lets that are right on the wild n windy seafront (when we win the lottery, we’ll buy the lot, LOL). Gwen was a very happy dog - three walks in one day - and I managed to keep in range with a random selection of TBRs. Phew!

Sunshine again! Gardening before today’s lesson planning, methinks.
5.7 on this bright & sunny Berkshire morning. Chilly though - our garden thermometer is showing 1.6 degrees at the moment - and forecast says temperatures are likely to stay in single figures for most of the day despite wall-to-wall sunshine. Unsurprisingly, our central heating fired up this morning.

Not the Rugby World Cup day I wanted yesterday. Gutted for Wales but we weren't at our best and the Pumas came good when it mattered. Also gutted for our Celtic cousins from across the water.

Our eldest changed his mind about going to his girlfriend's in London yesterday so I didn't have a Billy No Mates day after all. She might be coming here today instead. As is often the case with Uni relationships they've ended up living and working in different places. At least it's a little easier for them now that she's relocated from Manchester to London.

Congrats on the HS @Bloden

Whatever your plans have a good day everyone.

Oh, almost forgot - I finally got round to painting the kitchen ceiling yesterday....!!
think it was peherps in the 5s when I went to went to sleep so perhaps should had stack then although I think I fell asleep before I intended to.
Actually know now I was wrong about this think that was the other night not last night looking at dexcom 12 hour graph I looks like I might have been in 8s around midnight. I perhaps need think about changing my evening levimer if that's a drop which seems to continue I'll make sure to look at the 12 hours graphs when I got the dexcom sensors one.
Good morning everyone. Suddenly it is really cold, and very dark. No rain tho 🙂

BG 5.3
The other readings are fine...

Upsetting, hurtful text from my daughter yesterday. as if I don't have enough to deal with already! Sigh.

Today church, exercise, working on some lyrics.

Had to put the heating on this morning. Temperature in the house dropped to 14.5C. Too cold. And our double electric blanket failed to work on one side Last night. We only normally put it on for a few minutes before bed and it makes such a difference. well, it used to. Sigh.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 6.3 today,

I didn’t test or post yesterday, as woke up late for an appointment at the optician (or so I I thought)
rushed into town to collect new glasses, only to find I was actually there a week early :rofl::rofl:

Like others, we put the heating went on for a few hours yesterday evening
very different to a week ago, it’s suddenly very autumnal.

Congrats on the HS @Bloden
Have a Super Sunday everyone 😎
Well done @Bloden on that HS. Another low for me this morning with 4.1. 🙂
Cold and frosty this morning at 2 deg outside.

A cheeky 6.4 for me. I am hovering around that mark each day for a little while...

I went to the DESMOND Diabetes seminar yesterday, had some useful info but lots of conflicting bits and some I feel people on here would have disagreed (and rightly so) with. My favourite bit was the leader saying to stay active and and that every 30mins we should be getting up and moving around, I did point out that they had made us sit on the zoom for 4 hours pretty much continuously by that point :rofl:.

Sunny with a chill this morning. Off to see the in-laws and nephews today before a meal out with the other half which will be good.

Have a Super Sunday all!
Good morning 5.2

I feel as if a corner has been turned - an HS and the sun has come out.

@Bloden was about 20 miles away yesterday enjoying sunshine whilst here it drizzled gloomily until mid afternoon. Somehow the coastal strip enjoys less rain - the clouds hang on to it until they rise over the first hills. However my filly loaded like a saint and went off happily to her new home. So I counted that a success as I dug out a surface drain to capture a spring which had newly emerged...

I slept like a log and woke with only the normal old age stiffness. Even the breathing is easier. Looking forward to a day building a bit more wall. Oh, and the kids have decided not to move to Devon so Grannie Wales can stay here for the foreseeable.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.
4.6 this morning.

Got taxi, flights, car hire and hotel all booked yesterday evening to go over to Ireland this evening for the funeral tomorrow. @ColinUK - thank you for the saying, it is lovely and really helped yesterday.

Congratulations @Bloden and @TinaD on your HS today!

Take care everyone.
Hi guys. Sorry to be away so long. Just been feeling a bit antisocial, as I am want to be from time to time, particularly at this time of year as the seasons change and I feel like I want to hibernate. Really kind of you all to miss me and send good wishes and I really hope you have all been doing well in my absence. I am afraid I am too far behind to try to catch up so hope you will excuse me for not being up to date with everything that has been going on. I hope it is all good news that I am missing

Anyway, I am posting a nice 5.6 this morning and to be honest numbers recently (the last week) have all been really good, but saying that has probably now jinxed me. 🙄
Hi guys. Sorry to be away so long. Just been feeling a bit antisocial, as I am want to be from time to time, particularly at this time of year as the seasons change and I feel like I want to hibernate. Really kind of you all to miss me and send good wishes and I really hope you have all been doing well in my absence. I am afraid I am too far behind to try to catch up so hope you will excuse me for not being up to date with everything that has been going on. I hope it is all good news that I am missing

Anyway, I am posting a nice 5.6 this morning and to be honest numbers recently (the last week) have all been really good, but saying that has probably now jinxed me. 🙄
Lovely to see you back with us.
Good moaning! Woke to a 12.4 that was rising so jabbed a 10u correction. Still rose to just over 14 and turning. Now taken regular amount and waiting a while before breakfast.

Confession time! :( Yesterday I had my first evening meal out since March 2020. Since I escaped the care home I have only had lunch out; a couple of times at the local garden centre twice, the local Simmons twice and to an independent burger bar. I was taken to Nandos. Compared to the lunch venues it felt somewhat cramped and noisy. Anyway a good time was had and with a the wherlchairing I thought I was OK finishing with a Portuguese custard tart. Sadly it was not! :(