Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.1, a unicorn and a flatfish on this cold Cumbrian day. Not bad after a day of travelling and service stations.

Made good timing yesterday, left Crackington Haven at 7.30am and it was wet and windy but extremely mild. Temp 17c. Before 9am it was 21c and still wet and windy. Got to Bristol and the rain started in earnest. Temp down to 15c. By the time we got to Manchester it was 11c! And still raining. A miracle happened in Lancashire and the sun peeked out and by the time we crossed the border to Cumbria it was glorious sunshine and the fells just looked resplendent. It was still only 12c though. Home for 3pm. Within an hour daughter and Zara had arrived, she was miffed as she’s had to look after our granddaughter all week, her in laws are on a cruise, our hols clashed! She was only kidding of course, by all accounts they’ve had a great week, done loads and been to lots of exciting places. Daughter is blooming and seemed in good spirits, feeling positive about the pregnancy. Next scan 31st October. All fingers and toes crossed “issue” is resolved, and if not we’ll deal with it. It was nice to actually see and speak to her, put my mind at rest.

Today will be washing and shopping. We are really busy right up to the end of the month ( half term beckons for the two youngest farmers’ children, and Zara’s other grandparents still on their cruise so extra childcare required) so it’s all hands on deck this weekend. I need to bake two loaves of bread too, only a few slices were left in the freezer. Well, it can’t all be about cream teas and walking coastal paths! 😉

Have a super Saturday all. Cold, but sunny and breezy for us. I’ll be putting the washing on the line.
It was 5.3 I found myself walking up a bit earlier then I would like sometimes recently. I did wake up at 2 o'clock with alarm going off at 4.5 and arrow heading down but popped a couple of jelly babies in at went fall back alsleep
So no Metformin for two weeks and it seems to have made no difference. (Only in 500mg)
7.4 today.
Got a sensor change in an hour, dunno why but I thought it was tonight and not this morning. I haven't even applied new one to bed in, was too tired to get a shower before bed last night.
I got to do this changeover on time so dashing off for a shower now, the next change I'll be away for. Why don't sensors fail when you want them to, could have been doing without needing to swap when away for just a few short days - less to pack :rofl:

Hope you all have a great day/weekend x
Morning good peeps. 🙂 7.0 here.

Saturday, yippee! We’re off to Aberteifi to do the shops (I need Welsh classroom resources, and there’s a great shop for all things yn Gymraeg), galleries and coffee shops. And it isn’t raining (yet). 😎

another oh so near oh so far 5.3, think my meter is missing 5.2. Todays plans are light house work, knit and natter and shopping, then sitting down to watch Strictly. Work was stressful again yesterday, but decided I also needed to apply a little perspective, yes it is unpleasant, but I am safe and in my living room.

@Robin and @harbottle - congratulations on your HS.

@khskel - congratulations on yesterday’s HS.

@ColinUK - I am so pleased that you were listened to and your concern’s acknowledged, i hope that this really does lead to real change in the way victims of traumatic assaults are treated By the police.

@eggyg - glad to hear you had a good journey home, and even better to hear how positive your daughter is with her pregnancy.

As well as missing @rebrascora , I don’t think I have seen @Lanny for a couple of days either.
Morning all,

Another 6.3 this morning. Ive forgotten to take my meds for a couple of days, don't know if that makes a difference (Nurse still hasn't called me back to discuss stopping them since my HbA1c of 36...) Haven't had many below 6.0 in over a month, but very few over 7 either, it seems to correspond with my weight levelling off and staying the same. Quite interesting and frustrating at the same time.

As for today I have the DESMOND seminar for the day, over teams, as I couldn't fit in around work over since diagnosed. Will be interested to hear what they say.

@ColinUK maybe dancing in the moonlight before bed would help?
@Grannylorraine that sounds like quite a relaxing day.
@eggyg its the downside of being home after a holiday, washing! Also feeling like you have to catch up on what you've missed. Hope it goes alright.

At least I can see sunshine and blue sky out of my window. Lets hope for a super Saturday! Enjoy.
Close to joining @harbottle and @Robin on the HS step with a 5.3 on this bright and sunny Berkshire morning. Congrats both. Yesterday turned into a day of three thirds - filthy morning, sunny afternoon (as a Kinks fan that song's going to earworm me all day now) and a wet & stormy evening.

Rugby World Cup QFs this weekend, so a real Rugby Fest in store. Wales up first against Argentina, which on paper we'd be expected to win, but it would be unwise to write off the Pumas. Fingers crossed that Wales are at their best. Don't know how the organisers managed to produce such a lop-sided draw, though. Two of the four best teams in the world will be heading home this weekend after meeting up at the QF stage. Either of those matches would have made a cracking final.

Another Billy No Mates day in store with my wife off to meet up with her sister and a cousin in Milton Keynes, where they'll be seeing a show at the MK Theatre. She'll then stay overnight at her sister's in Bedford. Our youngest has a 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's and our eldest will head off to London to see his girlfriend.

Our bathroom fitter was round yesterday trying to trace the leak that's causing a damp patch on our lounge ceiling. Nothing obvious but he's taken off the bath side panel and asked us to start using the shower and bath again. With the panel off we'll be able to see if there's a leak anywhere.

@eggyg pleased to hear you're safely home and that you had a good journey despite the weather.

Whatever your plans have a good Saturday.
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7.4 today.
Got a sensor change in an hour, dunno why but I thought it was tonight and not this morning. I haven't even applied new one to bed in, was too tired to get a shower before bed last night.
I got to do this changeover on time so dashing off for a shower now, the next change I'll be away for. Why don't sensors fail when you want them to, could have been doing without needing to swap when away for just a few short days - less to pack :rofl:

Hope you all have a great day/weekend x

I have a sensor change late afternoon but will do it after lunch as friend picking me up mid-afternoon and don't want that messing especially as not T-shirt weather. It's brightening now and overnight rain has dispersed.
Well done to @Robin & @harbottle on those 5.2s. A low 4.2 for me today. 🙂
Have a great weekend everyone.

Morning all. 5.4 for me.

Congrats to @harbottle and @Robin on your HS. @eggyg glad you had a safe journey home and your daughter is feeling positive. @Grannylorraine have a relaxing day. @ColinUK that will be my ear worm for the day!!

Nothing planned for today apart from housework and ironing. Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Good morning. 6.6 - knew I shouldn't have had pasta for dinner. I must stop backsliding or I'll never join with @harbottle and @Robin in the special house: well done you 2. @ColinUK Good work in prompting police on improving their victim care - hope your emotional stress is lowering after therapy - you are a brave man.

I see others from Wales are claiming sunshine. Well it isn't raining at the moment but it was 10 minutes ago and, judging by the big black cloud overhead, it will be again soon. Puddles everywhere but at least not flowing in from the road so, for the moment at least, my defences are holding.

An exciting day ahead wheedling a yearling into its first trailer ride. Hopefully greed will help - so no tasty breakfast served this morning.

Wishing everyone a lovely Saturday.